Circle North

Group runs (Read 975 times)

    Putting this out here early. For those not running Boston, I'm planning on doing a MCM preview run covering the final 16-18 miles of the course, which happens to be the more challenging portion. The weekend of Boston Marathon, Saturday, April 19th. This is the day before Easter Sunday. A car or two (or a minivan) at UNE and the same near Dock Square in KPort. Who's interested?

    L Train

      Who's interested?


      This is a fantastic idea.  Barring schedule issues of which I am unaware, I am in.



        Putting this out here early. For those not running Boston, I'm Planning on doing a MCM preview run covering the final 16-18 miles of the course, which happens to be the more challenging portion. The weekend of April 19th, Boston weekend. I'm thinking Saturday at this point but if it doesn't work for the majority then we can move it to Sunday. A car or two (or a minivan) at UNE and the same near Dock Square in KPort. Who's interested?

        I am in for this

          Putting this out here early. For those not running Boston, I'm Planning on doing a MCM preview run covering the final 16-18 miles of the course, which happens to be the more challenging portion. The weekend of April 19th, Boston weekend. I'm thinking Saturday at this point but if it doesn't work for the majority then we can move it to Sunday. A car or two (or a minivan) at UNE and the same near Dock Square in KPort. Who's interested?

          if there is a spot on the bus for a none participant and if things work out i'd like to go. there can't possibly be snow in april....but fuck there might be dirt.

          In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.









          L Train

            Regarding the SIS lunchtime snoodle, I may not be there.  I'm meeting cuch at the Y at 11:00 for what was supposed to be a prerun but if it is just gross I will be cutting it short.  So if I'm not there by 12:05 at the absolute latest, proceed without me.


              mrs train was right...the sunday before boston is easter. i won't make it if the seacoast fun run is that day if i am free.

              In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.










                Well, that is a great observation.  Thank you for pointing that out.  Even further supports my assertion that the run should take place on Saturday.  I will modify the invitation now.  Hope you can make it.

                mrs train was right...the sunday before boston is easter. i won't make it if the seacoast fun run is that day if i am free.

                  In for the Saturday run in kennebunkport...i apologize in advance if I get "lost" at federal jack's (hehehe)


                  Well, that is a great observation.  Thank you for pointing that out.  Even further supports my assertion that the run should take place on Saturday.  I will modify the invitation now.  Hope you can make it.

                    There seems to be an easy 5 happening from my house in about 30 minutes. YOU could drop whatever sad little thing is going on in your miserable little life right now and be there if you so chose, you pathetic worm of a human being!!! Whoever you are. Or, you know, not. Up to you.


                    Anyway, yeah, my house, 11:15, easy 5. It's Scorepio's fault.

                    A list of my PRs in a misguided attempt to impress people that do not care.

                    L Train

                      Weird.  Just got back from an easy 5.


                        Weird.  Just got back from an easy 5.


                        No, you just got back from an easy 4.9.

                        L Train

                          I never finish the last .1.


                            At least the cab fare is cheap for .1 miles.

                            What was I chasing again?

                            L Train

                              In for the SIS noontime snoodle if it's happening this week.  Cuch and I prerunning at 11, arriving at sis at 12.  Unless of course the snoodlemaster has different plans.


                                me too.