Half Marathon Trainers


February! (Read 36 times)


    I finished the week up ok with an 8 mile tempo run Friday, then a 12.38 mile LR on Saturday, 34 and change for the week. I followed the 12 mile LR with a 3.5 mile bike ride. Then today(Sunday), did a short 2.1 mile recovery run with my pup, and followed that with a 6.5 mile bike ride.

    A bunch of my running friends want to do a half together on March 8. It's called the Tuscaloosa Half, I'll add it to the calendar once I sign up.

      Ugh....when will February end.  Last week was one thing after another.......first an emergency root canal and new crown for me ($$$) - then a blizzard on Thursday, projectile vomiting for one kids, strep for another.....my garmin totally lost it's mind and of course by my Sunday long run I was feeling absolutely flu-like.  I ran 10 slushy-icy-cold-windy miles and spent the rest of the day in bed.  Goodbye last week hope to never see your likes until next mid-Feb.


      Whew =- now that I have stopped whining!  Great job on the 24 miles hog - March 8th sounds like a great half and it it fits with your plan sounds good to me.


      Damaris - hope you are healing quickly!!!


      Barb - good luck @ New Bedford - I may try it next year....don't hate me but I'll be returning from florida the day before and don't want to race after traveling


      MT - when you run the back to back halfs - will you aim to race one fast and then run one not so fast?  will the first one be the one you target to run faster?  I am impressed - -


      I am trying to rest and get plenty of fluids to feel better quickly - I am running the Hyannis Marathon relay on Sunday with 3 of my best running friends...so I don't want to let them down.

      Ready, go.



        Tara, wow that sounds tough with the kids being sick. All of our kids are grown, so don't get to have this anymore.


        Had another good run today, 9.04 miles total, with 2 miles at 8:30, then 2x1 miles at 8:00, then 2x800's at 7:30. I put 800's in between as the recoveries.


          Sorry - much babbling follows:

          Finished week 2 of the training plan yesterday. I had a rough rough night Tuesday to Wednesday. I did my Tuesday run on the treadmill after Q went to bed; then dealt with a toilet overflow; went upstairs showered and stuff and couldn't get to sleep until after midnight. Then Q got up at 3 a.m. with a nightmare. I was up till 4 so no way was I getting up at 5 to run 10km. And no way was I gonna manage to do it after work. I realised that what my body needed was rest anyway so I stopped feeling guilty about it (kinda).


          I got off work early on Friday so I ran 10k, instead of the planed 5k - so basically did Wednesday's run Friday and am only 5k short for the week.


          Yesterday was a 16k (10 m) long run. It was flipping cold and windy. I was hoping to do it in 2-2:05 based on snow and ice and forcing myself to stick to the "easy and comfortable". I was kinda disappointed to get to 8k at 1:03. But I managed to finish the 16 in 2:02! I know it was supposed to be a slow and easy run but I really didn't want it to take 2:10 even with the horrible wind.


          Today was a day off of work so I switched tomorrow's longer run (11k) for today's 8km run. The plan says: 5k of easy, 5k getting progressively faster, then 1k easy to finish. I'm not good enough with the garmin to swap between 10:1s (for the 1st 5k) and then 2k running 1 minute walking but that's basically what I did. Now that I've fiddled with the watch a bit more I know how to do it quickly next time. AND I did it really well I think - I did the 1st 5k where I usually do my slow/easy runs. It got even slower as the last half of the first 5k was pretty much uphill.


          For the second 5k I sped up every km from 1 to 5. I did the 1st k really really slow - even for me Wink bouncing between 7:45/8:00 min/km (12:30 min/mile)


          I did the last km at 6:22 min/km (just shy of 10 min/mile) but I know there's no way in heck I could have even managed to keep it up for a mile. I guess that'll come with time. (That 6:22 though is my second fastest km ever)


          Okey dokes; my best chocolate chip cookies to anyone who read it all. Actually shortbread travel better if you'd actually like to take me up on the offer.



          Damaris - hope the healing is going well and the not running isn't driving you nuts


          hog4life - sounds like a good week. How are you liking the bike?


          MT: how have your last couple of runs been?


          Tara - hope you and the little ones get better soon. VERY impressed that you still managed 10 miles feeling like you did!


          Z - also impressed with the really long treadmill runs. I don't mind it as much as other people seem to (as long as hockey/the olympics/any other sport really is on TV). Hope the weather breaks for everyone soon. We're supposed to get dumped on overnight tonight!


          Hope everyone is running well, or resting well, or at least resting if required to!

          First or last...it's the same finish line

          HF #4362


            milktruck- Looking forward to hearing about how the back to back HMs go for you!


            Mitch- Hope that the HM is a blast!  Will you have a time goal, or is it more of a social run?


            Tara- Hopefully the rest works its magic and you are feeling more like yourself soon!


            Redleaf- I read it all, but we have too many sweets around here already!  I bagged a run last week, too, but I was able to move the run to Friday instead.  Sometimes we do just need extra rest.  On the other hand, my brain was coming up with all kinds of excuses on why not to run tonight, and really it was just fine once I was out there.  Nice job on that 16K!


            me- I swear running long on a TM isn't really that hard.  It's just like running outside in that it's tough in the beginning, maybe for longer than outside, but once you can kind of get into the zone at that point it doesn't really matter how long it is, you just keep going.  I mentally note each 15 minutes that go by, and of course at the 1 hour mark is when I have to reset the TM.  Then I count up to the next reset in 15 minute chunks again.  And every one seems to come faster than the last.


              Zel, the March 8 Half, if I decide to, I want to "try" to run it as my planned workout for the day. So, no time goal per se, but that's liable to go out the window when I start running. The workout is supposed to be Friday, so I'll have to swap the day to Saturday. It calls for 6 miles easy(9:30), then 5 at pace plus 15 seconds(8:45). I still use my current half PR pace of 8:31 as my guideline for these type runs.

                DM miles Satruday before work and then more snow - no run Sunday - just digging out and then wanted a long run outside yesterday - Managed 5.62 before I just gave up.  the ice and wind were just making it miserable.  Wanted 8 and will do that this coming weekend barring another blizzard.  Just happens to be snowing again here..


                Tara - I hope you get better.  I was going to do the Hyannis half until I got sick and lost 2 weeks of training, so it will be NB instead.  Good luck and I hope the weather holds up.


                Hog - that sounds fun.  I like to sign up for races with friends..gives you something to look forward to and have fun.


                Damaris - I hope you are on the mend and feeling better.


                Zel - I just find the TM boring, I would rather be outside, but since the snow and ice are over taking that, I have to do more on the TM..I think my longest ever was 13 miles and thank goodness a few people popped on the side of me during it to talk so I didn't constantly watch the time.


                MT - how is it going?  Hoping you are getting some running in.


                Lisa - Great running and way to stick with the plan.   I can attest to the greatness of the shortbread....These people have no idea what they are missing...teehee.

                Run, Walk, Crawl, just Finish.

                HF # 1189


                  5 miles this moring with hopes of running the middle 3 at 8:00......Bonk! 8:03, 8:59, 8:29. Then rode 5 miles on the bike.

                    Ugh - taking longer to shake this ick than I had hoped.  Only got in 9 miles so far this week - and all VERY VERY easy.  May or my not get to the relay this weekend - but even if I do it will be slow....


                    Winter just needs to end!

                    Ready, go.


                      This weekend will be sunny and in the 40's in New England - Woohoo-can't wait to get out for a long run..hoping for 8-10 miles tomorrow.


                      Tara I hope you feel better and are able to make the race...slow can be good

                      Run, Walk, Crawl, just Finish.

                      HF # 1189


                        sick and moping Sad

                        First or last...it's the same finish line

                        HF #4362


                          You folks need to heel up and get well . Hope your winter will end soon.


                          I got in a good 8 mile run today, then hopped on the bike for 3.5. Tomorrow's long run should put me a little over 40 for the week.


                            Ran an easy paced 19k this morning. Nice and sunny. +1 Celcius, just above the freezing point. Sounds like heaven doesn't it? NOT!


                            We've had 1 1/2 to 2 inches of rain yesterday. Then it froze last night. So this morning most sidewalks were very very dangerous. Lots of runners were running in the streets, angering the car drivers (I don't usually see as many runners. We usually run in parks, in the botanical garden, etc. Today we were all out in the streets and sidewalks). I lost my footing a few times, and almost fell two times that I remember.


                            But, I'm back home, healthy and happy that I did go out and run. Today made me remember that I found last spring (early spring) to be worse than winter for running. All that snow melting, then freezing...


                            I'm thinking too much. One day at a time, and all will be fine  Smile


                              Cyber, and others up north, please be careful and use extreme caution while trying to run in those type conditions.


                              I had a really good day today! Started out by helping my running club do the timing for a 5k. I'm trying to learn all the ins and outs so I can help more. Got to do a bunch of the computer stuff like participant entry, doing the AG printouts, had to correct one runners age. Came home and lunch, then one of my grandsons and I took off on the bikes, had a mechanical issue that caused a little delay, then finished the ride of 11 miles. Got home and fueled up and hydrated, took Bella out for the first easy 6.4, dropped her off, did 5 at 8:40, then 1.25 cool down for a grand total of 12.65 miles. This puts me just over 40 on the week.

                                Haven't checked in for awhile....nothing exciting, just hanging out on the gym treadmill while Mother Nature pounded us. Finally the cold/ snow/ ice / thunderstorms?! are over (for the moment) and I was able to get outside for 9 miles yesterday - much slower pace than the 10 I ran on the treadmill last week. I've forgotten that Halifax is hilly - also lots of puddle jumping cross training. But I was so excited for a sunny +6C day -I found myself actually singing out loud.


                                I'm working through the Hall half marathon training again aiming towards racing in May. I like the interval runs and fluctuation of long runs week to week.  I always add extra rest weeks and I have a vacation in March. Building towards a 30 mile week.


                                I'm really hoping all of you who are not feeling well get better, the husband and I went through that in January and I'm so happy we are on the other side.


                                Damaris - I hope the surgery recovery is coming along nicely.


                                Off for a short run, knees and ankles are a bit wobbly from yesterday - then unfortunately to the office. 27 miles running and 50+ working planned for next week, prepping the husband for making the dinners....


                                Have a happy Sunday, A


