Half Marathon Trainers

March (Read 43 times)


    Short, slow run. Smile

    First or last...it's the same finish line

    HF #4362


    Former Bad Ass

      Hi, guys.  I accidentally hit the back button and lost all I had typed.  14ish miles on the bike Sunday, 5 mile run yesterday.  Today, I will either do a short recovery run or a bike ride.


      Superbunny, mine was a hysterectomy but technology is so advanced, this was laparoscopic and robotic.  Recovery is way faster than it used to be.  I am sure my doctor would never believe anyone could run 2-3 weeks out of surgery but he's never had marathoners as patients either.  Exercise sure helps!  Nice 5K!


      Barbs, sorry about the failed LR.  We all have tough runs like that.  Just do the best you can!


      Mitch, nice workout.


      redleaf, nice run.



        Not feeling too smart about my sudden boost in mileage last week anymore. I thought that since I finished the week healthy, I'd just go back to my normal weekly regimen. Smart. Not so fast bud.

        Today I played my weekly tuesday floor hockey game and got shin splint on my left tibia, and groin incomfort majorly on the left side but a bit on the right too. I'll run through the groin incomfort no problem as it is mild, but the shin splint is scaring me. Last time I got that was like 20 years ago, and had it once before that, and both times I had to stop for around two weeks. Hope it's gone tomorrow.

        I've been playing floor hockey for many years so my body is used to it. It's either the mileage boost or the new shoes I ran in on sunday. Or doing both. Either way, if  I'm injured, I'll hate myself for a while


        MTA: Of course, no medical diagnosis here. I am using "shin splint" as a generic term to refer to a discomfort/ mild pain in the front of my tibia. I have no idea what it relly is, and hopefully never will Smile


          Hi Everyone,


          I'm new.

          I'm doing a loose rendition of a Galloway Beginner program, kinda my own "Couch to 5K to 10K to HM" and I still do a lot of walking but in a few months, things will progress.


          I'm building up to a HM this fall.

          My log is open, and I typed in my Training Plan


          Nice to meet you all   :-)


            Welcome Jo!


            You will get lots of tips in here, and some good advice.  Just keep going and listen to your body..most of all have fun and enjoy it!


            Here for encouragement when needed!


            I was lazy today..bad night of sleep(time change always messes with me for a week or two) so took the day off from running - decided with the race so close not worth risking injury due to tiredness..did get in 3.60 on the TM yesterday so I will take it.  Weekend forecast looking good so far.  Just hoping this cold blast snow/rain storm gets in and out tomorrow, and we get 3 or less inches as predicted.

            Run, Walk, Crawl, just Finish.

            HF # 1189


            Former Bad Ass

              Hi, guys.  I ran 2 TM miles yesterday.  Biking or resting tonight.


              Cyberic, listen to your body.  Take a rest day or run easy short runs until the shin splint pain goes away.


              Jo, welcome!


              Barbs, enjoy the rest day!



                Docket - Thanks. Glad you're recovering fast, and are back at running!


                Ran an easy 6.5 km indoors on a rubberized track with well broken in but still very good shoes. Went good. Didn't feel the tibias at all. Groin was a hurting a bit at first, had to run very slow. But as I was warming up, it was getting better. Could still feel it but was not painful so I could run at my normal easy pace. I'll do the same tomorrow.


                Jo - Welcome. I checked out your plan a little bit, and here's what I understand of it. At first increasing the length of the "long run" on a weekly basis by half a mile until you can run 7 miles, and then by a mile every 4 weeks until you reach a long run of 14 miles, and that is 4 weeks before you race the 13.1 miles half marathon.


                What I like about it is you're giving yourself 31 weeks before your first half. And since you already did the same couch to 21K in 2009-2010, you already know what to expect, so I think it all makes sense.


                I don't know what you know and don't, and am not very advanced myself, so I'm not going to give you general advice. Maybe I'll give my 2 cents or make suggestions based on my little experience when you ask questions.


                Lump Off

                  DR - Sounds like your surgery was a breeze; well, as much as one can be.  I see you are biking during recovery.  I really enjoy biking but have not been able to do much lately.


                  Hi Cyberic99 - I did a high mileage week last year for the 2013 team challenge.  It was fun but really wore me out.  Luckily, I did not have any injuries so I'm kind of thinking it would be cool to get up to that mileage at some point (I think I ran 70 miles - high for me).


                  Jo - I just joined this group as well; planning for a fall HM.  I liked your on/off note in your signature.  I do that all the time; mostly 6 months on and then sporadic runs for a bit and then right back at it.  My allergies hit me either in the spring or fall or sometimes both.


                  barbs - Is your race this weekend?  Let's hope the weather gets organized appropriately.


                  Hog - Running both at Cotton Row????  You are crazy; good luck with that.  I'll cheer you on for the 5k but I am only running the 10k.  I have not yet moved; I'll be moving in June right after my son graduates.  I'm just cranky about the whole thing.  For everyone else....my husband has been living in Chattanooga for the past 3 years in his new job while I stayed in Huntsville so that my oldest son could finish high school with his friends.  Thanks for the reminder about the 4 bridges half.  I may sign up for it; need to see how things go but definitely give me a holler if you are in Chattanooga after June.


                  me - Running has been good.  I have allergies and maybe a bit of asthma so I've been playing around with meds to find something that works well.  I seem to have spring figured out but fall is still a problem.


                  Everyone have great runs for the rest of the week!!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  7 miles done today.  The last mile was tough but looking at my log, the last time I did 7 was 01/28 and nothing above 5 since then.  I sure was in pain way before then so my running suffered.  While that last 7 was plagued with pain and issues, this one was just slow but awesome.  Glad to say that.


                    Cyberic, my groin has had some issues in the past and we've pinpointed the psoas major and the adductors as the issue.  The strongest these two are, the less the groin hurts.


                    superbunny, I did the All Stars as well last year and I went above 80, a personal best by 10 miles.  It's awesome breaking the mold of your expected endurance and limits, right?  Don't forget, this year's All Stars is Week 23.  Maybe you can redo (not against my team, please).  I think you're back in the 2014 game, no?



                    Lump Off

                      I did not do the 2014 game this year.  I felt so bad for wilting last fall that I decided to take a break this year and see if I could get a full year of nice running in, well, 11 months starting in February.  I have to figure out how to manage the fall allergy season; hits me every year.


                      But that high mileage week was cool.  I'm more willing to just up my miles this year if I'm having a good week.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I did not do the 2014 game this year.  I felt so bad for wilting last fall that I decided to take a break this year and see if I could get a full year of nice running in, well, 11 months starting in February.  I have to figure out how to manage the fall allergy season; hits me every year.


                        But that high mileage week was cool.  I'm more willing to just up my miles this year if I'm having a good week.


                        We are hoping to continue running the game but we'll need people to sign up.  I'll remind you next year to force entice you to join. 


                        an amazing likeness

                          Welcome to the group, Jo_.  I skimmed through your log, and realize that you're just starting back -- if there's one thing that stands out it's that you have a lot of off days. Have you considered walking on some of those days to get time on your feet?  Walking is a great exercise for building your legs and lungs and recovering from your run days.


                          Even short, slow runs are runs Redleaf. All the miles count and more are usually better.


                          Shin splints and shin pain are almost always an overuse injury Cyberic99, so very well could be from your big mileage boost.  Other common causes are: lots of downhill running and shoes that are too stiff.  Fortunately, shin pains are usually quick to heal with ice and heat treatments, along with running easy to avoid pounding those muscles in the front of your legs.


                          Big half marathon event this weekend down in MA as the New Bedford half brings out all the pale, treadmill-weary New England runners to test their speed and get in a long race heading into Boston Marathon. Looks like we need an intrepid racers for the week. I had a bib for this last year...but had to DNS and decided not to enter this year...it's about a 3hr drive each way and my hamstring and hip aren't improving yet.


                          I had an interesting run the other evening -- was on a sidewalk in a fairly dark section of road. Snowbanks on both the road and inside were about 3 feet tall...let's say mid-thigh, and I'm carefully watching my feet as the water from snow melting in the day was re-freezing...generally not paying much attention. Car goes by and then there's two quick "thud!" sounds -- thud! thud! and a deer is suddenly plunked out of the dark onto the sidewalk about 10 feet in front of me -- it's been hit by the car and is scrambling and flailing to get some footing. Well, he scrapes and scrambles himself upright and now we're in a stand-off, face to face. After a second or two, he turns and beats feet off into the woods. His partner in the road, the other "thud!"...not so much.  So I spent a few minutes to help the lady check out her minivan (just a busted bumper), and set off down the road...just another run (g).


                          Had a few bright days and even a run in shorts earlier in March, but deep winter returned yesterday with freezing rain, then snow, and temps back down into the teens and single-digits. Apparently, we're back to January.  I blame Canada.  Off to the treadmill for the second night in a row.

                          Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                            Welcome, Jo!  I look forward to hearing about your training!


                            Docket- Awesome run. Smile


                            Cyberic- Hope you're feeling better after some rest!  When I added more miles than were prudent in December, I tried to take a little extra recovery the following week, but honestly wasn't feeling myself for several weeks afterwards.  It did get better, though.


                            Barbs- Good luck this weekend!


                            Superbunny- Getting spring allergy season figured out is a great accomplishment!  I don't usually get seasonal allergies, but my DH does and it's miserable for him.


                            milktruck- Glad that at least you, the lady, and the minivan are OK.


                            me- Feeling cautiously optimistic about this weekend.  My 5K 2 weeks ago was pretty blah, but since then things have been going great.  I took yesterday off because I got home super late, but maybe that's because I'm wising up and not just running miles for miles' sake?  I'll run a short shakeout run tomorrow, and then it will be showtime!  Just supposed to be a tune-up race, but since it will be the same race and course as my 10 miler last year, and I've been following the same plan (same workouts, anyway, I've added miles and adjusted my pace), so it should be a fairly accurate assessment of this year's training compared to last.


                              Had a few bright days and even a run in shorts earlier in March, but deep winter returned yesterday with freezing rain, then snow, and temps back down into the teens and single-digits. Apparently, we're back to January.  I blame Canada.  Off to the treadmill for the second night in a row.

                              You're right about that. Ever since we won both Olympic hockeys golds, we proved our superiority and now feel like we can do whatever  we want, for example send you  January weather in March. It's actually a friendly gesture. You'll grow stronger from the experience.  Big grin

                                Zelanie - Hope you have a great race this weekend.  I think being wise with regard to running is so difficult :-)  Sometimes we set out the plan and feel as though if we don't hit it to the tee - we have failed - but an extra rest day during race week has only been a huge benefit on race day to me....so i know you are going to nail it!


                                Cyber - Sorry about this shinsplints - but please no more weather - It has broken me this year....truly I detest the cold and this year has been relentless.  hope you are feeling tiptop soon.


                                Barb - Have a great race tomorrow - weather looks decent - 38 - at least for this March :-)  I will be thinking of you - and hoping everything is going well!!


                                Jo - Welcome - I took a break from racing and long distances after i had my kiddos - it comes back - but patience and consistency is the key.  Hope to hear reports of good miles!


                                Redleaf - Have a great race!  Cannot wait to hear how it goes


                                MT - i grew up in the adirondacks of NY and deer sightings and unfortunately accidents were common.  I am so tired of the boston cold and snow.  we better get a kick ass spring (starting march 21st!!!!) as a payback for the awful winter.


                                Bunny - Running with asthma must just add another level of difficulty - I am so inspired when people have to overcome something and continue to pound out the miles.


                                D_R - 7 miles is super fantastic - you are one for the medical record books for sure - and 80 miles in a week - egad - you are a machine :-)



                                Me - I have been in Orlando with the fam this week -  in between the amusement and waterparks DH and I have managed a few great workouts - it is SO NICE to run in shorts - I love the heat - so 70 is perfect - we did a medium 10 miler on tues (8:19 pace) and then did an interval workout totally 10 miles - 1 warmup, 4 @ MP (7:50) , 3 @HMP (7:10) and 2 cool down.  It was a solid workout- and one that is a confidence builder for me.  We fly home to boston today - so back to the snow and cold :-(

                                Ready, go.