Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)

    just bought Brooks Pure Connect for $50 on RW.


    Pure project donuts. Do these Pure project shoes run big, small, or true to size?

    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




      "The PT analyzed my gait, etc...and couldn't find anything that might be contributing other than overuse and maybe some hip weakness." <-- this sounds familiar.  Graston and slowly working my way back  was what ended up helping the most.


      Carmel apparently will have tracking but they have not yet provided the details for it.   Should know more early next week.


      Morning Donuts!  Thank you all so much for the advice and encouragement regarding the ITBS.  I am going to stick with Graston at least twice a week and do my stretching/strengthening, while getting in as many miles as I can comfortably tolerate.  I think that's about the best I can do right now.  The PT analyzed my gait, etc...and couldn't find anything that might be contributing other than overuse and maybe some hip weakness.  I ended up taking an URD today, just because it's still pretty sore, even to walk.  I have the 5k tomorrow, which I will do if my warm-up feels oks, otherwise, I guess I will DNS.  I am actually really looking forward to racing it except that the winds are supposed to be 20 mph or so and that's just yucky!!


      Onemile:  Enjoy your easy 8!  Does Carmel have runner tracking?


      Ball of Fury

        True to size for me!

        just bought Brooks Pure Connect for $50 on RW.


        Pure project donuts. Do these Pure project shoes run big, small, or true to size?

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


          This was also my experience. Just good ole fashion overuse. Actually, my chiro explained it to me in a way that I thought was helpful. As we run, we are tearing down the muscles in our legs. When they are repaired, they are stronger, which contributes to our endurance. But what also happens when they repair is that they get knotted up (adhesions and restrictions), and sometimes they knot up around a nerve. Then as we run, we are lengthening these knotted up fibers, and as they stretch they constrict the nerves, which causes pain. The Graston is a way to invade those knots and break them up. Foam rolling does the same thing, just not as intensely as medal tools. It just takes consistency and time. Hang in there Ami!

          "The PT analyzed my gait, etc...and couldn't find anything that might be contributing other than overuse and maybe some hip weakness." <-- this sounds familiar.  Graston and slowly working my way back  was what ended up helping the most.


          Carmel apparently will have tracking but they have not yet provided the details for it.   Should know more early next week.


          PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

          Ball of Fury

            Thank you Onemile and CBus!!


            Roll:  Not looking good for sub 22...20-30 mph winds now!!

            PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

              Thank you Onemile and CBus!!


              Roll:  Not looking good for sub 22...20-30 mph winds now!!


              you've got this! What time is the start of the race v. start of the wind?

              PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



              Ball of Fury

                Race is at 8 AM.  Unfortunately, it looks like winds are around 15-18 now, and picking up into the 20s this afternoon, overnight, and increasing tomorrow.  I will try my best, but for whatever reason, wind really gets in my head!

                PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15



                  Shorter runs???  I'm going to use Hanson's 20 week, 60 - 80 mpw plan for Chicago and it has five 20 milers and six 18 milers.


                  Well...obviously I didn't mean THAT Hansons plan.  I was thinking of the beginner plan in the book.

                  PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

                    Race is at 8 AM.  Unfortunately, it looks like winds are around 15-18 now, and picking up into the 20s this afternoon, overnight, and increasing tomorrow.  I will try my best, but for whatever reason, wind really gets in my head!


                    be one with the wind, we will call you the wind runner

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                    Ball of Fury


                      be one with the wind, we will call you the wind runner

                      Be one with the it!!

                      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                        Wind sucks.  Try not to let it get to you.  Good luck!

                        Race is at 8 AM.  Unfortunately, it looks like winds are around 15-18 now, and picking up into the 20s this afternoon, overnight, and increasing tomorrow.  I will try my best, but for whatever reason, wind really gets in my head!

                          Be one with the it!!


                          not to be stalker-like but, why does your profile say you're a male?

                          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                            Hey, I bought a pair for DH too!!



                            PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                            Rusk Runner

                              Amik - Dont worry about the PR if its not there.  Just have fun running if you are able to start.


                              Roll - True to size for me also.


                              Mdawg - I would need to do the advanced plan.  I still have time to think about it, and there will be plenty of debating between the voices in my head.


                              Got to see my doc today.  She took x-rays which I have no word on yet, and got me scheduled for graston at the PT office on the 22nd.  Had I known it was gonna be that easy, I would havve gone months ago and probably saved my race.  Anyway, I will start running Monday which will give me a week of easy running before the pain of graston.


                              I have been wanting to try a pair of sketcher go runs.  I still have a new pair of flows, and flows that need to get to max mileage, but I am thinking of looking into the go runs sometime this summer.

                              PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                              Just Run!!!

                              Ball of Fury


                                not to be stalker-like but, why does your profile say you're a male?


                                Lol...I have no idea!!  Or, maybe I am a cross-dressing homosexual?

                                PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15