Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Morning!  I did 8 with 5 @ MP + 10% and the last 2 @ MP.  Very nice paces considering the heat and humidity.  More miles and heavy weights tonight.


    Cbus, smash that race!


    indi, lots of household work.  Basil?  Yum.



      Hey all,

      Finished in 1:47:28 (Garmin). So, not a PR. I felt good for 9 miles, and starting at mile 10, i just didnt have any legs. So last three miles were a train wreck--ill update my splits later, so you all can have a look if you want. But I'm not disappointed. With how bad training went the last six weeks, my time was about right.


      Curious what people think I should do about training for my fall race. I was thinking of aiming for 9:00 miles (3:55ish goal). Wonder if anyone thinks that's too aggressive. And obviously my endurance is not where it has to be. So training wise, I'm wondering if should lay off of quality and just focus on volume at easy paces, with maybe a MP run once a week.


      Oh yeah, as for the race itself. It's a beautiful course. And somehow they were able to design the course so you start AND finish on a downhill (the downhill at the end is slight, but I still appreciated it). It's a small race, so the amenities are minimal. Adequate food. But they offered free massages. The medal looked like those fake coins kids can buy at a toy store--seriously, it looks like I traded 1,000 tickets for it at Chuckie Cheese's. So it's a racer's race. Ami, I definitely would recommend it to you, if the drive is not crazy.

      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


        Sorry to hear it cbus. I was hoping your legs would cooperate!


        Training for your fall race... I guess what I would do is work on building back a solid base. Get your miles up consistently and run nice and easy for a couple months. Then start on whatever plan you want to use.  Or are you asking what plan to use?


        Hey all,

        Finished in 1:47:28 (Garmin). So, not a PR. I felt good for 9 miles, and starting at mile 10, i just didnt have any legs. So last three miles were a train wreck--ill update my splits later, so you all can have a look if you want. But I'm not disappointed. With how bad training went the last six weeks, my time was about right.


        Curious what people think I should do about training for my fall race. I was thinking of aiming for 9:00 miles (3:55ish goal). Wonder if anyone thinks that's too aggressive. And obviously my endurance is not where it has to be. So training wise, I'm wondering if should lay off of quality and just focus on volume at easy paces, with maybe a MP run once a week.


        Oh yeah, as for the race itself. It's a beautiful course. And somehow they were able to design the course so you start AND finish on a downhill (the downhill at the end is slight, but I still appreciated it). It's a small race, so the amenities are minimal. Adequate food. But they offered free massages. The medal looked like those fake coins kids can buy at a toy store--seriously, it looks like I traded 1,000 tickets for it at Chuckie Cheese's. So it's a racer's race. Ami, I definitely would recommend it to you, if the drive is not crazy.


          Docket - nice job in the heat and sun, especially the last 5 !


          Cbus - congrats on the race. It may have been under your expectations, but i think that's still a great time ! I would check the medal out though - maybe there's chocolate underneath - lol Smile


          All - did my 13 mile long run today and was pleased - did my practice long run on the actual HM course i'll be running in May - still flipping 40 degrees and overcast - had to wear sweatpants and a jacket - both which should be unnecessary since the weather is 20 degrees under where it should be this time of year. I'm not sure if someone has been praying for me - the weather outlook suddenly improved for this week !! 60 degrees on Monday and up to 70 on Thursday !! (it's 40 right now) so who knows - maybe I will be able to get an interval and tempo session in this week

          PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

          Running Blog



            Cbus- congrats on the race!


            I have so many posts to catch up on that I'll just do a general shoutout to all of you!  I know Roll mentioned I would like the South- we are actually looking at TX and Charlotte, NC as options for the next few years, so who knows Smile.


            Me: 20 miles with 13.1 of them as part of a half marathon.  The half was run with a 1:57 finish time, the 20 overall in 3:03, avg pace around 9:11.  Happy with that.  Last 20 miler of this cycle.  One more LR and then taper time!

            13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


            Former Bad Ass

              Sorry the legs didn't cooperate, Cbus.  As to training in the Fall, I agree with onemile.  It is too early to know if 9mm is too aggressive.  I would keep building your base and then maybe race or do a time trial to see where you are at prior to starting the training.



                I'm not asking about how to get ready for training. I'm asking what people think are the relative values of quantity and quality, give that my speed is sufficient to meet my goal, but my endurance isn't.


                Docket, I'm not going to run any tune up races because I've got a handle on what my last two HMs tell me. My question is about my lack of endurance in my marathon and this race, and how that should inform my training going forward.

                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                Three Martini Lunch

                  I'm a bit behind.


                  Ami:  Congrats on the race!


                  Sprinkles: Nice pace for the LR!


                  Cbus:  Congrats on the race!  Sorry the time isn't what you hoped, but these things happen.  As for your fall race, if you are asking whether primarily easy running will work, I think it will.  Or, alternatively, I'm an example of someone for whom that approach has worked. I've trained almost exclusively by running easy paced runs during the week with a LR on the weekend.  In lieu of speedwork, I've been able to race frequently at shorter distances but haven't regularly done tempos, intervals or other speedwork.  As for a goal time, I think you are far enough out that you won't be able to tell.  However, I think that given your running up to this point, a 3:55 is feasible, or not wildly unrealistic -- it is McMillan+8 off of your race time from today; it seems that many of us have been able to run McM+8 to 10 or thereabouts.


                  onemile, docket, DTF, Indy:  Hi!


                  Hi to everyone I missed!


                  Me:  Erratic week as usual, but salvaged by a fantastic run today. 58 at the start and 65 at the end, clear with a light breeze.  17 LR @ 8:45; I would have gone farther but was an idiot and didn't bring any water with me.  47.5 for the week.

                  M: 3:31:56

                  HM: 1:37:33


                  Three Martini Lunch

                    I'm not asking about how to get ready for training. I'm asking what people think are the relative values of quantity and quality, give that my speed is sufficient to meet my goal, but my endurance isn't.


                    Docket, I'm not going to run any tune up races because I've got a handle on what my last two HMs tell me. My question is about my lack of endurance in my marathon and this race, and how that should inform my training going forward.


                    Lapped while writing my other post.  More miles will help your endurance, which is what you lack.  Also, given your bout of overtraining this spring, it might be that it takes you longer to recover fully from the hard sessions.  So, yes, I think quantity is what you need more than quality.  You will still have quality, but I think you will benefit from less intense (i.e. less stressful) quality: A LR is a quality day, and if you add in a MLR with a MP segment (basically the Hansons "Tempo" workouts), that is a second quality day.  That is all you really need for a solid training week if you have three GA days, one complete rest day, and one day that is a recovery/XT day (or a second complete rest day if you need it) to fill in around them.

                    M: 3:31:56

                    HM: 1:37:33

                    Ball of Fury

                      CBus:  Great job today!!  I know it wasn't what you wanted but under the circumstances, that's a great time!!  I am clearly not an expert, but I agree with Flinders!


                      Other donuts:  Great running...Sprinkles, what am awesome time for your 20-miler!  Had another URD today to cap off a crappy 2 weeks of running...between the sickness and the ITB troubles, it's just been bad!  Hopefully, I can finish the next 3 weeks strong!  Sorry I dont have time to post personals, we are at my in-laws celebrating my birthday.

                      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15



                        Lapped while writing my other post.  More miles will help your endurance, which is what you lack.  Also, given your bout of overtraining this spring, it might be that it takes you longer to recover fully from the hard sessions.  So, yes, I think quantity is what you need more than quality.  You will still have quality, but I think you will benefit from less intense (i.e. less stressful) quality: A LR is a quality day, and if you add in a MLR with a MP segment (basically the Hansons "Tempo" workouts), that is a second quality day.  That is all you really need for a solid training week if you have three GA days, one complete rest day, and one day that is a recovery/XT day (or a second complete rest day if you need it) to fill in around them.


                        Run more miles and give your body time to adapt.  Too much speedwork and trying to work on your endurance at the same time sets you up for injury. My vote is to run more miles and let the speed come just from more easy miles. Good job on the race today. 1:47 is nothing to scoff at and I think 9:00 mpm is a realistic goal.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          I agree, build your base.  Leave the quality running for the training itself (except for some strides and MP runs).  It is now time to get more endurance.


                          I am all set for Saturday.  Outfit is ready except I have not decided which trail shoes to run in.  Until then, I cannot put the gaiters on the shoe.  I'm getting stressed about this, ha.


                          Rusk Runner

                            Good Job Cbus!  I agree with Flinders.  Throw in tempo runs and cut down on too much faster stuff.  9:00 should be more than doable if you start pushing your endurance training.


                            Realized this morning it was DW and my 12th anniversary.  We got out on the HOG today for a little ride and had some ice cream.  Cooking BBQ baby back ribs for the family tonight (not to brag, but mine are the best around).

                            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                            Just Run!!!


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Oh, boy... I hope she forgives you!


                              Good Job Cbus!  I agree with Flinders.  Throw in tempo runs and cut down on too much faster stuff.  9:00 should be more than doable if you start pushing your endurance training.


                              Realized this morning it was DW and my 12th anniversary.  We got out on the HOG today for a little ride and had some ice cream.  Cooking BBQ baby back ribs for the family tonight (not to brag, but mine are the best around).


                                CBus - great job. Especially all things comsidered.




                                 Had another URD today to cap off a crappy 2 weeks of running...between the sickness and the ...

                                Same here except my other issue wasn't ITBS.

                                PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27