Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)



    Thanks for believing in me. To answer your question, I'd say that the Strength/Tempos were the hardest to recover from. But also those are the workouts I enjoyed the most. But keep in mind, I was doing them at much faster paces because I was on the Half plan.


    Also, taking a close look at my log, I probably wasn't running the easy days easy enough, which might have led to the overtraining.



    I think this is most of what is fueling your indecision. You have the knowledge, experience and, most of all, ability to handle any of these plans. The question in risk mitigation. I believe that certain body types flourish with different stimuli (workouts). Which workouts felt like positive progress and which ones felt like they took longer to re-build afterward?


    From the outside looking in, I would steer toward the modified Pfitz. Good luck, the next race you crush is gonna be that much more worth it!

    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

      Bago, nice blind half. Never have had a dead GPS at the start of a race, but it has happened unexpectedly before a training run, and always is a shot in the gut so much that I don't know how I an actually go run without it. Of course then I realize how dumb that thought is and am able to make it through Smile


      Cbus, yeah, after Indi's response, it made me think that if you take the Hanson's plan easy, well then maybe your 16 milers that are supposed to mimic the last 16 miles of the marathon, aren't really like the last 16 miles any more. And then, maybe running a plan with 20 milers would be better (even if against the Hanson's recommendation). And as for marathon pace, I don't think I would go slower than 9:04 pace even if you want to just break 4:00 to account for not running exactly 26.2.


      DTF: Excited about the warmup this week! Last time I looked at the extended forecast it didn't seem that different this week than last. Now i see it might hit 70 today, and the highs are at least in the 50's every day this week.

      PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)

      Ball of Fury

        Thanks for the vote of confidence One and Roll!


        CBus:  I think Hanson may work for you with the marathon plan...think about how much slower the strength runs would be!  Hear great, great things about PFitz though!


        I am watching Boston live right now and have everyone in the OR watching cool!

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

        Rusk Runner

          cbus - Pfitz mileage with the tempo and MP runs would get you there easily.  That is essentially what I did prior to last Fall's marathon.


          Hopefully Graston will help me be ready for another cycle.  If not I may have to defer to HMs until next year.  I would rather run another marathon this year, but my overall health and well being would be more important.

          PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

          Just Run!!!


            I'm not asking about how to get ready for training. I'm asking what people think are the relative values of quantity and quality, give that my speed is sufficient to meet my goal, but my endurance isn't.


            CBus, I think you are looking at this the wrong way.  Speed and endurance are two sides of the same coin (unless you are talking about speeds at very very short distances or endurance over very very long distances, much longer than a marathon).  Increasing your endurance is just increasing your ability to hold a speed over that distance.  The faster you run, the lower your endurance.  The longer you run, the lower your pace.  Two sides of the same coin.


            Don't overthink this.  Someone developed a list once of the most important types of training for marathoning.  I can't find it now, but I know for certain that total weekly miles was number 1.  After that, I'm pretty sure LT training and long runs were the next 2, but I'm not sure of the order, and then came stuff like hills and speed intervals (5k pace or so).   But the point is, if you do the miles per week, your ability to hold a pace over a distance will improve, as will your ability to increase distance at a specific speed.  You throw in some variety so your body doesn't get used to one thing and stop adapting.  That's all I got.



              Bago - The person you're thinking of is Lydiard - lots and lots of easy miles = lots and lots of successful marathons.


              Cbus - You're thinking way too hard.  Overtraining isn't only related to a could be lots of other stuff going on in your life, not limited to the amount of pressure you put on yourself after your last marathon when it didn't go the way you planned.


              Me - REST DAY.  Recovered nicely from my 20 miler yesterday after sleepign on the couch in the afternoon and spending the PM going gaga over houses.  Just watched the Kenyans win the Boston marathon and so pissed.  I was rooting for a change of pace. Damn.  I mean, fair and square and what not, but the same winners constantly is getting stale, like when no one could beat the Russians at figure skating.

              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                I'm not really thinking of them as two different things. My question is more about the fact that I have a certain amount of time and energy I can devote to training, and so how is that time and energy best used.  But on the other hand, though closely related, speed and endurance are different. For example, yesterday, though I could not sustain it, I had no problem running in the 7:50s. It felt very easy. I just ran out of gas. Contrast that to my PR race, where I could go faster than 8:00s, except for the odd mile, which is why right from the start I threw 1:45 out as a goal. But I easily held my pace through 13 miles. In my view, that tells me that whatever gains were made during my 12 weeks of training, it went to increase my speed-endurance, and not as much to my overall endurance. All that considered, my question is about which plan helps me devote the time and energy I have at my disposal to the area I need work, i.e. overall endurance.



                CBus, I think you are looking at this the wrong way.  Speed and endurance are two sides of the same coin (unless you are talking about speeds at very very short distances or endurance over very very long distances, much longer than a marathon).  Increasing your endurance is just increasing your ability to hold a speed over that distance.  The faster you run, the lower your endurance.  The longer you run, the lower your pace.  Two sides of the same coin.


                Don't overthink this.  Someone developed a list once of the most important types of training for marathoning.  I can't find it now, but I know for certain that total weekly miles was number 1.  After that, I'm pretty sure LT training and long runs were the next 2, but I'm not sure of the order, and then came stuff like hills and speed intervals (5k pace or so).   But the point is, if you do the miles per week, your ability to hold a pace over a distance will improve, as will your ability to increase distance at a specific speed.  You throw in some variety so your body doesn't get used to one thing and stop adapting.  That's all I got.

                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                  Bago - The person you're thinking of is Lydiard - lots and lots of easy miles = lots and lots of successful marathons.


                  Cbus - You're thinking way too hard.  Overtraining isn't only related to a could be lots of other stuff going on in your life, not limited to the amount of pressure you put on yourself after your last marathon when it didn't go the way you planned.


                  Me - REST DAY.  Recovered nicely from my 20 miler yesterday after sleepign on the couch in the afternoon and spending the PM going gaga over houses.  Just watched the Kenyans win the Boston marathon and so pissed.  I was rooting for a change of pace. Damn.  I mean, fair and square and what not, but the same winners constantly is getting stale, like when no one could beat the Russians at figure skating.


                  Yeah, but if I didn't think too hard, I'd be someone else!

                  But I think you did hit the nail on the head about other pressures. I'm normally exhausted by this time in the semester, so that probably played a huge part.

                  PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I would stir this time to Pfitz and modify the speedwork as needed.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Onemile, freak out together!


                      Following Boston online.



                        Oh, so here's a story from yesterday's race.

                        The course is an out and back. And on the way back, one female decided to cut a corner. Basically, the course on the way out had a right turn, so instead of going to the appropriate point and turning left, she cut across a baseball diamond. Now, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she had to use the restroom or was planning on not finishing, so I'm willing to entertain the idea that she wasn't straight out cheating. But the problem for her was that the race did not end at the same place that it started. So, the course did not actually turn left on the way back at the same place that it turned right on the way out--got that? We passed the original bend, and after quite a bit later, a left turn, which then took us to the track where the race ended. Long story short, I'm not sure what happened to that woman. But if she was cheating, then defeated her own effort because instead of making the course shorter, she ended up farther away from the end--in fact, she ended up totally off the course (which is probably no course marshals were stationed there).

                        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                        Former Bad Ass

                          That would be some awesome karma (Ending up running more).



                            Well, I'm getting nothing done today.  Boston is taking up all my attention.  My fast birds are all finished.  All were under 3:10 with one sub 3!  Still have other friends on the course.  I can't concentrate on anything else!


                            Sprinkles:  Yeah, I was hoping someone else would win too just to break the monotony. 

                            PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

                            Rusk Runner

                              I was hoping against hope that desi would have been able to run and now I just cant wait till she starts running again.

                              PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                              Just Run!!!


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Most of my friends but one have finished.  So exciting.
