Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)

Ball of Fury

    One:  I'm all set up to stalk you!!

    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15



      Jedi who?Smile lol Afternoon Donuts! Life has just kinda been crazy the past 3-4 weeks and reason for my absence. Work has just been crazy and more calm now. Worked at home many nites last few weeks so that tells it all. Running has been solid. I've had a few days where I have had trouble getting up due to working late lot of nites, but running in a real good place right now. 18 days till Frederick and getting excited for race based off of some some recent tempo runs. 11+ miles this morning w/3x2m w/2min rests at a 6:55-7:00 pace.


      On another note after the events in Boston this week I have been giving lot of thought to my goal for Philly. Decided I am going to attempt a BQ in Philly. Just feels right to me after what happened and i feel i am rdy for it. I need a 3:15 so it's a daunting task, but Iam up for the challenge.


      I should be more regular now that things getting back to normal.


      Jenny - you rdy for your race? can we track? Go get it!

      PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


      Up Next:



        Glad to see we are setting up stalking for onemile!  Looking forward to it.  My legs always feel off the week before the race, due to the taper.


        indy - hope you're first experience with Graston is a good one and your leg feels better.  I didn't take any IB, just iced a lot.  It was really only the first session that hurt for a few days afterwards, the others just hurt at the time, but then felt fine later after some ice.  I'm going in on Monday for my first session in a while.  I think I need him to work on my right IT band as it has been sore, and I'm not really looking forward to that - have only had calves and hamstrings done in the past.


        cbus - ouch on the shoulder Graston!  My personal trainer used to be a hockey player so he has some shoulder issues and gets Graston for it.  Sounds awful!


        No run for me today, I'm not ready for consecutive days yet. I should probably update my log with my cycling, but I can't be bothered.

        PRs: 47:54 (10K); 1:46:36 (HM); 3:50:52 (FM)

        Recovering from injured knee (PCL/Lateral Meniscus)


          Well, look who the cat dragged in.  Joking


          Nice 11 there.


          Jedi who?Smile lol Afternoon Donuts! Life has just kinda been crazy the past 3-4 weeks and reason for my absence. Work has just been crazy and more calm now. Worked at home many nites last few weeks so that tells it all. Running has been solid. I've had a few days where I have had trouble getting up due to working late lot of nites, but running in a real good place right now. 18 days till Frederick and getting excited for race based off of some some recent tempo runs. 11+ miles this morning w/3x2m w/2min rests at a 6:55-7:00 pace.


          On another note after the events in Boston this week I have been giving lot of thought to my goal for Philly. Decided I am going to attempt a BQ in Philly. Just feels right to me after what happened and i feel i am rdy for it. I need a 3:15 so it's a daunting task, but Iam up for the challenge.


          I should be more regular now that things getting back to normal.


          Jenny - you rdy for your race? can we track? Go get it!


          I am as ready as I'll ever be, I guess.  Pretty nervous, actually.  I gave Amik the tracking info and she'll update you guys Smile


          Former Bad Ass

            Hi!  We were evacuated this morning in the middle of my court hearing.  It was not a bomb threat like in Boston right now (or rumored to be), but there was a small fire.  Fortunately, we were back in within 30 minutes.  Unfortunately, I was done but I had to wait because my car was under the building.



            Former Bad Ass

              Billy, don't mention the race.  Jenny is freaking out and freaking me with her.



              Three Martini Lunch

                Hi all.  Nothing much to add to the Boston discussion that hasn't already been said.  For me, qualifying has always been a goal, but given that I'll probably need a sub-3 to get there (and to get in) for at least the next three to five years, it isn't an immediate one. ( I am shooting for the women's qualifying time for my race in May, though Joking).


                For said race, over Memorial Day weekend, I think a 3:35 is a do-able time; I'm running a 10M this Sunday, so I'll have a better idea of my fitness...I'd like to try to shoot for 3:30, but don't know if that is quite in reach just yet. Having a chaotic schedule for the last couple of months where my plan was simply to run as much as I could, when I could, hasn't helped my confidence, either.


                Last couple of days have been messy, work and life-wise, so I wasn't able to get in my lifesaver lunch runs.  I was able to do 10.78 easy @ 8:44 this evening; I felt stale most of the run.


                onemile: You'll smash it!  Trust your training, and don't freak out.


                Roll:  I tried the Connects this time last year; ran about 16 miles in them and threw them into the back of the closet.  I also tried a pair of Kinvaras; those lasted 50 miles before they became gym shoes.  I don't think I like low-drop for running. But my inner cheapskate is calling me to resurrect the Connects to try them again to get more of my money's worth out of them.


                Cbus: Glad you feel better.  I hadn't thought about Graston-ing your upper body, but I guess swimmers, etc., get adhesions, too.


                cmb: Good to hear you are making progress!


                RV: You've mentioned it before, but I'm continually astounded by the miles you get out of your shoes (see my inner cheapskate comment above).


                indy:  I agree with Cbus about no ibuprofen before or after Graston.  NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory drugs and the point of Graston (and other tissue flossing type treatments) is to cause inflammation to promote healing.


                akalei, Ami, sprinkles, docket and everyone else:  Hi!

                M: 3:31:56

                HM: 1:37:33



                  I completely understand and I hope you don't think I was saying anything negative about you not wanting to run NYC!  I can't imagine what it must have been like to be so close to ground zero.  And to be honest, I am a bit nervous about the Indy Mini Marathon next month, because it's the largest HM in the country and has 35,000 runners.  I am still going, but not sure if I will have the kids come down to the finish line or not this year, which is just sad and pathetic!


                  ETA:  I also hear you on the comments.  I have heard 3 times today, "See, I told you running was dangerous!"


                  Oh Ami- def not! I just realized I didn't reply to this Smile

                  13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55



                    Docket- that's creepy - security has been insanely tight in NYC and its hard to get around because of all the subway delays.   I guess everyone is on edge now Sad


                    5 easy this morning for me - realized I never even reported on my run.  Allergies / asthma season has begun, so it was a bit rough.  I went for a sports massage later today that was awesome. My new mint green mizunos came in for the marathon! Woo!  I'll be running in them starting tomorrow- my old shoes are basically shot after 350 ish miles - I know how to destroy a pair - I always have been really tough on my footwear.  I got the new version because they are lighter and I don't want to run in the Pureflows for the marathon just yet- I'm afraid my calves will get too fatigued.


                    Booked flights and hotel for Cleveland since that's the race I ultimately chose when Poconos called for deferral.  

                    13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                      Monday - 3 miles pre dawn and 5 miles post dusk easy pace

                      Tuesday - 5 miles in new PureConnect 8:30 pace

                      Wednesday - 6.5 miles 8:33 pace


                      still have a lingering cough but I feel fine

                      PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                        Onemile - don't listen to the taper voices. Have faith in yourself and the training you've completed. Stay the course!


                        Docket - how are you feeling? what's the verdict (see what I did there). You've got this. You're many marathons have you further than you might know

                        PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                        Former Bad Ass

                          Awww, thanks.  I just want to finish but the race is a trail race and I need to finish within 8 hours.  Hope I can.


                          Onemile - don't listen to the taper voices. Have faith in yourself and the training you've completed. Stay the course!


                          Docket - how are you feeling? what's the verdict (see what I did there). You've got this. You're many marathons have you further than you might know


                            Good running everyone


                            Onemile, Docket/Flinders, good luck with your races this weekend


                            Wasn't lazy this morning, running by 5:00. Got my first June half focused tempo done, 8 miles at 7:41 plus warmup/cooldown. It was my flat route, so hopefully I can keep the same pace on my hilly route next week.

                            PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)

                            Ball of Fury

                              Not even sure how to describe my run this!!  It was supposed to be around 9-10 total, with 7 @ GHMP (8:00/mile), but yeah, that didn't work out too well.  I did a 1.5 mile warm-up, then started the "tempo" portion.  It was really windy for the first 2 miles, and I struggled to get 8:30/mile and 8:17/mile, and I thought, I should just bag this.  But, I decided it was maybe just the wind so I stuck it out for one more, and managed a 7:58/mile, but man, was I sucking wind!  So, just when I decided I was going to hurt myself if I kept it up, I tripped on a curb and fell Angry.  I tweaked my ankle a bit and it hurt, but once I started walking, it felt better, so really it's just road rash and annoyance at this point.  Anyway, I did manage another slow 3.6 miles for a total of 8.1.  Pretty disappointed with the entire thing, especially since this was likely the last tempo run that would "improve" my fitness before the race....ugh!


                              Nick:  Very nice tempo run...wish mine had been that good!


                              Docket:  I have zero doubt you will finish this ultra!


                              Roll:  That's some nice running.  I still have a bit of cough, too...damn thing just lingers!


                              Sprinkles:  Lol...I was actually thinking about that last night.  "Sprinkles never answered me, I hope she isn't mad!"


                              Flinders:  Nice pace for the 10, especially if your legs felt stale.  Good luck this weekend!


                              Zoe:  Nice to see you back around here!


                              Jedi:  Nice to see you, too, stranger!  That is a very nice tempo run!

                              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                              Rusk Runner

                                Amik - Funny how we have those types of days.  Remember I sprained my ankle week 2 of taper before my Fall race?  Still had a wonderful race.


                                Jedi - Good to see you again!


                                Not sure how my goal of a BQ will go this year.  If I can get the left leg healed and then get in a solid training cycle I thought I might go into a Fall race targeting 8:00 pace.  I would need to run 7:45 for a BQ.

                                Either way, all of my focus is on getting this damned leg healthy.  I cancelled last nights run to get some rest and will have to do 5 on the dreadmill tonight (bad weather enroute).

                                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                                Just Run!!!