Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)


    Morning guys.  6 easy on my schedule for tonight.  The weather for race day is looking pretty perfect.  54/partly cloudy/8-10mph wind.  Only 2 days away!  (did you hear that Damaris?)


    Flinders - Thanks.  8:44 pace feeling stale huh? Not bad.


    Roll - I'm trying to stay confident!  Glad you're feeling a little better.


    Amik - sorry your tempo didn't go well. Try not to let it get in your head.  The wind has been awful here too the past week and it definitely slows you down.  Hope your ankle is okay!


    Indi - It's hard to predict how much you'll improve throughout the training cycle.  That's why I try not to get focused on a particular goal time too far out (although with Hansons that's hard to avoid because of all the MP runs you do).

      AmiK - don't worry about today, one run isn't going to make a difference, and maybe that lingering cough is what slowed you down today. Just get that ankle better. (And my run today was the first attempt at any thing fast for about 2 weeks, so I feel like I almost cheated)


      Indi - If the BQ doesn't work out his year, I have no doubt that you will make that goal next year.


      onemile - quit making Docket freak out Smile

      PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)

        RV: You've mentioned it before, but I'm continually astounded by the miles you get out of your shoes (see my inner cheapskate comment above).


        Well, as a fore/midfoot runner I never have to worry about heel cushioning wearing out.  These are all zero drop (heel/toe) or practically so.  I used my Mizuno Wave Universe 3 pair this morning for my long intervals and they now have 1202 miles.  (By the way, out of curiosity I weighed them this morning and they were 8.5 oz total, so 4.25 oz individually.)


          Good morning!  7 TM miles at an easy 9:40 pace and stretching at the gym this morning.  I'm with some of you in that I'd really like to be at Boston 2014.  I actually pulled out the Hansons book last night and re-read some of it.  Just don't know if I'm ready for a 50-55 mile peak week plan yet.  Am I just being gun shy coming off injury?  What do you guys think?  Also, any recommendations on a late summer...aka pre Boston registration race?


          onemile:  You're almost there!  Can we track you?  I don't remember if that was ever answered.


          docket:  Relax!  You're going to do great.  You always persevere no matter what.  You'll get through this one too.


          Indi:  I've heard from experienced Boston runners that to ensure getting in next year you'll probably need a BQ-5.  That's just an opinion, but with the extra interest given this year's events, I'd say it's pretty logical.


          AmiK:  Bummer on the fall.  At least there were no lasting effects from it.  One run won't make or break your race.

          PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


            Good morning all!

            Will get some miles in today sometime. Probably 4ish.


            Ami, ouch! I probably wouldn't think too much about one failed run. But the Hansons Half plan is no joke, so be cautious. Modify it as necessary.


            Onemile, I didn't realize you were the freak out type. Wimp. Joking


            Indi, how did Graston go?


            Mdawg, I'm gonna give you the generic: you know best answer. But here are some things to think about. You been in the 50s before. This time, you won't be putting all your miles into one 20 mile run, so your chance of injury is a lot lower. The paces are moderate, so that shouldn't be an issue. If you go with the Beginner plan (which is the one that goes into the 50s), then you wont be doing as much speed work in the beginning. And now that you've been through the injury and recovery, you know the warning signs, and you know how to treat it. Personally, I think you can do it.


            Zoe, special shout out to you! We've missed you around here.

            PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

              Indi:  I've heard from experienced Boston runners that to ensure getting in next year you'll probably need a BQ-5.  That's just an opinion, but with the extra interest given this year's events, I'd say it's pretty logical.


              I wonder if that BQ-5 holds across age groups.  I expect to BQ in Chicago this year, but if I remember right Chicago (Oct 13) is too late to qualify for Boston 2014, so it would apply to 2015.


                Nick - sorry, couldn't resist! Joking


                RVD - I barely get 300 on mine but I am a) paranoid and b) a heel striker.


                mdawg - I'm not sure what your mileage has been but I was averaging around 50mpw with one speedwork/week before I started Hansons Advanced and I was surprised at how hard it was.  It doesn't look that hard on paper but I could barely run the days after the SOS workouts for the first half of the plan. The MP / faster long runs took more out of me than I expected.  After the first 7-8 weeks, then I kind of got used to it and it became more manageable and I could enjoy my easy days again.  I'm not saying don't do it! Just a warning that it was a little harder than I expected it to be.


                cbus - Unfortunately I am the type to freak out.  I know Chuck Norris wouldn't worry but I do.  A lot.  Undecided  Enjoy your 4 miler.

                Ball of Fury

                  Good morning!  7 TM miles at an easy 9:40 pace and stretching at the gym this morning.  I'm with some of you in that I'd really like to be at Boston 2014.  I actually pulled out the Hansons book last night and re-read some of it.  Just don't know if I'm ready for a 50-55 mile peak week plan yet.  Am I just being gun shy coming off injury?  What do you guys think?  Also, any recommendations on a late summer...aka pre Boston registration race?


                  onemile:  You're almost there!  Can we track you?  I don't remember if that was ever answered.


                  docket:  Relax!  You're going to do great.  You always persevere no matter what.  You'll get through this one too.


                  Indi:  I've heard from experienced Boston runners that to ensure getting in next year you'll probably need a BQ-5.  That's just an opinion, but with the extra interest given this year's events, I'd say it's pretty logical.


                  AmiK:  Bummer on the fall.  At least there were no lasting effects from it.  One run won't make or break your race.


                  I agree with CBus! I think the Hanson plan is actually a pretty good one for injury issues because the runs aren't as long and the mileage is a bit more spread out.  I have Onemile's tracking info and I will be updating everyone Saturday Smile

                  PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                    Onemile, but seriously, what is there to freak out about? You completed rigorous training with flying colors. You smashed a 10 miler that supports your goal time. And even under heaving training and very tired legs, you went 1:43 in a HM, which again supports your goal time. Now, all you gotta do is keep pace discipline during the actual race, which you already know you do very well. And we all know you are a Grastonite, so you can deal with intense pain. To top it all off, you just beat Chuck Norris in arm wrestling!!! So, there's absolutely no reason to freak out. There is, on the other hand, good reason to get hyped up! Because you're gonna smash this race. I predict you are going to negative split, and that the last 6 miles will be your strongest. I think you'll go below your goal. I think you'll complain that you left time on the course (at which point I'll scold you). So, why are you freaking out again? Others might encourage you to continue freaking out, but I'm not gonna put up with that shizzlit. I'm not an enabler. I'm sorry, but freaking out, at this point, is just silly--and I don't put up with silly. Just run the 6 miles EASY goddammit! And when I say easy, I mean E-A-S-Y. And while you're taking it easy, just think and revel about the glory you will experience as you sprint, that's right, SPRINT, across the finish line!!! You will SMASH IT. Okay? Got that? This is the last time I'm gonna acknowledge any talk of freaking out. Just put that negative stuff away and focus on smashing it, on smashing it, got that?


                    Nick - sorry, couldn't resist! Joking


                    RVD - I barely get 300 on mine but I am a) paranoid and b) a heel striker.


                    mdawg - I'm not sure what your mileage has been but I was averaging around 50mpw with one speedwork/week before I started Hansons Advanced and I was surprised at how hard it was.  It doesn't look that hard on paper but I could barely run the days after the SOS workouts for the first half of the plan. The MP / faster long runs took more out of me than I expected.  After the first 7-8 weeks, then I kind of got used to it and it became more manageable and I could enjoy my easy days again.  I'm not saying don't do it! Just a warning that it was a little harder than I expected it to be.


                    cbus - Unfortunately I am the type to freak out.  I know Chuck Norris wouldn't worry but I do.  A lot.  Undecided  Enjoy your 4 miler.

                    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                      Onemile, I just stalked your log, and you ran 8:50s as your EASY pace? Just more evidence that you're gonna smash it. Just sayin'.

                      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                        Thanks for the pep talk. You make it sound so easy!  I hope you're right and I appreciate the vote of confidence!


                        And yeah, lately my easy runs have gotten a little faster lately.  Some days 8:50 is where I end up and I just go with it because it feels like easy pace.  But some days it's more like 9-9:30.  On the days when I'm running 8:50's and it feels easy I think yeah, maybe I can do this.  But then I have a run that feels hard and I think, how am I possibly going to run 8:30's for 26 miles!?   So we'll see.



                        Onemile, but seriously, what is there to freak out about? You completed rigorous training with flying colors. You smashed a 10 miler that supports your goal time. And even under heaving training and very tired legs, you went 1:43 in a HM, which again supports your goal time. Now, all you gotta do is keep pace discipline during the actual race, which you already know you do very well. And we all know you are a Grastonite, so you can deal with intense pain. To top it all off, you just beat Chuck Norris in arm wrestling!!! So, there's absolutely no reason to freak out. There is, on the other hand, good reason to get hyped up! Because you're gonna smash this race. I predict you are going to negative split, and that the last 6 miles will be your strongest. I think you'll go below your goal. I think you'll complain that you left time on the course (at which point I'll scold you). So, why are you freaking out again? Others might encourage you to continue freaking out, but I'm not gonna put up with that shizzlit. I'm not an enabler. I'm sorry, but freaking out, at this point, is just silly--and I don't put up with silly. Just run the 6 miles EASY goddammit! And when I say easy, I mean E-A-S-Y. And while you're taking it easy, just think and revel about the glory you will experience as you sprint, that's right, SPRINT, across the finish line!!! You will SMASH IT. Okay? Got that? This is the last time I'm gonna acknowledge any talk of freaking out. Just put that negative stuff away and focus on smashing it, on smashing it, got that?


                        Ball of Fury

                          Onemile, but seriously, what is there to freak out about? You completed rigorous training with flying colors. You smashed a 10 miler that supports your goal time. And even under heaving training and very tired legs, you went 1:43 in a HM, which again supports your goal time. Now, all you gotta do is keep pace discipline during the actual race, which you already know you do very well. And we all know you are a Grastonite, so you can deal with intense pain. To top it all off, you just beat Chuck Norris in arm wrestling!!! So, there's absolutely no reason to freak out. There is, on the other hand, good reason to get hyped up! Because you're gonna smash this race. I predict you are going to negative split, and that the last 6 miles will be your strongest. I think you'll go below your goal. I think you'll complain that you left time on the course (at which point I'll scold you). So, why are you freaking out again? Others might encourage you to continue freaking out, but I'm not gonna put up with that shizzlit. I'm not an enabler. I'm sorry, but freaking out, at this point, is just silly--and I don't put up with silly. Just run the 6 miles EASY goddammit! And when I say easy, I mean E-A-S-Y. And while you're taking it easy, just think and revel about the glory you will experience as you sprint, that's right, SPRINT, across the finish line!!! You will SMASH IT. Okay? Got that? This is the last time I'm gonna acknowledge any talk of freaking out. Just put that negative stuff away and focus on smashing it, on smashing it, got that?


                          + 1,000,000!!  My favorite post ever!

                          PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                            Thanks for the pep talk. You make it sound so easy!  I hope you're right and I appreciate the vote of confidence!


                            And yeah, lately my easy runs have gotten a little faster lately.  Some days 8:50 is where I end up and I just go with it because it feels like easy pace.  But some days it's more like 9-9:30.  On the days when I'm running 8:50's and it feels easy I think yeah, maybe I can do this.  But then I have a run that feels hard and I think, how am I possibly going to run 8:30's for 26 miles!?   So we'll see.




                            You got this.  FWIW, I had a lot of trouble running 9:20-9:30's the week prior to my race, screwed with my head a little bit.  Come race morning, had a hard time ratcheting it down to 8:40-8:50 the first half of the race.  In other words, it'll come a lot more easily than you think.  Run smart, pace well, you've done all the work, and just have fun!



                              Ami - the forums got so busy I was like - whoa oh no I missed that I hope she doesn't think I'm mad!  I literally never get mad about stuff like that.  I'm the least mad person ever.  Temperamental perhaps, but that's only towards road bikers Big grin


                              Onemile: Good luck! Can't believe the race is coming up so soon.  Like Cbus said you are really going to rock this.


                              RV- You are lucky you get so much out of your shoes- 300 miles max for me.  I twist the entire midsection of the shoe, like, my shoes look spiraled!  After 250-300 miles.  Dead serious, and I'm 120 lbs soaking wet.  I am rough on all my footwear, but I land on the very outside of my midfoot (you can see it because its always bruised after a marathon) and then toe-off.  I never use my heel or much of the sole at all.  It just WRECKS the middle of the shoe.


                              MDawg: I had issues at 50mpw with my calf, so I would consider maybe something peaking at 45, seems to have kept the issues at bay  - you can always go for it and cut back a little bit.  Lehigh Valley Marathon is early September and pretty easy (but has some trail sections that people say are tough).  I don't know about August though.  Where are you located ?


                              Cbus- enjoy your run.


                              Mdawg/RV- Re: the sub-5.  I won't get a 3:30 this year- I'm hoping to smash 3:35 for 2015 Boston.  I'm ok with that.  I doubt Wineglass will be early enough in the season to get me in at 3:35, and if its not, that's fine, i won't be ready to break 3:35 before then.  Best of luck to you both in qualification though!  I hope you guys get it.


                              Just ordered a Boston Strong necklace this morning from Erica Sara Designs.  A friend of mine worked her booth at the half expo and the company is doing 100% profits to the Boston One fund, so I got one.  It's pretty!  I can't wait to get it.  On the back I had engraved: 8:10 (goal marathon pace) x 26.2.


                              I wrote this blog entry the other day-  it was fairly cathartic.

                              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                                But then I have a run that feels hard and I think, how am I possibly going to run 8:30's for 26 miles!?   So we'll see.






                                Its a state of mind (hence the success of visualization). So, start the run and set cruise control mentally, macro manage your pace (meaning don't obsess) and go to that place. Faith is knowing it will happen.


                                #didworkgotfast. Right Jedi?

                                PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27