Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)



    I wonder if that BQ-5 holds across age groups.  I expect to BQ in Chicago this year, but if I remember right Chicago (Oct 13) is too late to qualify for Boston 2014, so it would apply to 2015.


    That's what they intimated...BQ-5 across age groups as a general rule of ensuring acceptance.

    PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


      MDawg: I had issues at 50mpw with my calf, so I would consider maybe something peaking at 45, seems to have kept the issues at bay  - you can always go for it and cut back a little bit.  Lehigh Valley Marathon is early September and pretty easy (but has some trail sections that people say are tough).  I don't know about August though.  Where are you located ?


      Mdawg/RV- Re: the sub-5.  I won't get a 3:30 this year- I'm hoping to smash 3:35 for 2015 Boston.  I'm ok with that.  I doubt Wineglass will be early enough in the season to get me in at 3:35, and if its not, that's fine, i won't be ready to break 3:35 before then.  Best of luck to you both in qualification though!  I hope you guys get it.


      Just ordered a Boston Strong necklace this morning from Erica Sara Designs.  A friend of mine worked her booth at the half expo and the company is doing 100% profits to the Boston One fund, so I got one.  It's pretty!  I can't wait to get it.  On the back I had engraved: 8:10 (goal marathon pace) x 26.2.


      I wrote this blog entry the other day-  it was fairly cathartic.

      Yeah, I'm concerned (maybe overly) about effing up my calf again.


      I'm in Atlanta so there's nothing anywhere near me until well into the fall.  Which means Boston registration will surely be closed.  I realize I'd have to travel, but I have no idea what's out there since I've never considered a race at that time of year.  Guess I need to get on!

      PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


      Former Bad Ass

        onemile, this!  Follow it, read it, stop freaking out.


        Onemile, but seriously, what is there to freak out about? You completed rigorous training with flying colors. You smashed a 10 miler that supports your goal time. And even under heaving training and very tired legs, you went 1:43 in a HM, which again supports your goal time. Now, all you gotta do is keep pace discipline during the actual race, which you already know you do very well. And we all know you are a Grastonite, so you can deal with intense pain. To top it all off, you just beat Chuck Norris in arm wrestling!!! So, there's absolutely no reason to freak out. There is, on the other hand, good reason to get hyped up! Because you're gonna smash this race. I predict you are going to negative split, and that the last 6 miles will be your strongest. I think you'll go below your goal. I think you'll complain that you left time on the course (at which point I'll scold you). So, why are you freaking out again? Others might encourage you to continue freaking out, but I'm not gonna put up with that shizzlit. I'm not an enabler. I'm sorry, but freaking out, at this point, is just silly--and I don't put up with silly. Just run the 6 miles EASY goddammit! And when I say easy, I mean E-A-S-Y. And while you're taking it easy, just think and revel about the glory you will experience as you sprint, that's right, SPRINT, across the finish line!!! You will SMASH IT. Okay? Got that? This is the last time I'm gonna acknowledge any talk of freaking out. Just put that negative stuff away and focus on smashing it, on smashing it, got that?




        Former Bad Ass

          I swear I posted this morning, sheesh!  Hello!  Did 7.15 recovery miles this morning and now I am working from home.


          Good luck to our racers this week.


          Back to work, bah!


          Rusk Runner

            Definately GOOD LUCK and Happy Running to all racers this weekend!


            5 easy 9:01 pace.  HR elevated which I would attribute to injury, heat, still recovering from race, etc...


            Cbus - first appointment is this coming Monday.  I am running through the soreness for now.

            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

            Just Run!!!


              Hope everyone is doing well despite the crazy week and good luck to all racers this weekend !


              Have a question - have many of you ever had to cancel a 20 mile long run due to a schedule conflict ?


              I'm fine tuning my summer plan and one weekend I will not be able to run at all or very very little (max 6 miles per night) . It's the week #10 of 18, the 20 miler for Pfitz.  I can't rotate weekends since the previous weekend already has an 18 miler and the following weekend is a 16 w/ 12 at MP. Any thoughts? have you ever had to plainly cancel a run like this mid-plan? is it not a big deal since it's in week 10 ?


              thanks for any pointers !

              PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

              Running Blog

                DTF  I think Pfitz mentions that the plan is flexible enough to allow for things like this- he realizes we are not professionals and have other commitments. Any single run is a very small part of the plan.


                RVD that is remarkable, you must have outstanding mechanics to allow your shoes to last so long. Amazingly light shoes!


                I have no problem with a small heel drop but like more cushioning than I get with my New Balance Minimus, so use a Spenco insert. This solves the problem without adding too much weight.


                Cbus, great motivational post! I agree completely.

                One and Docket, stop freaking....


                Nick and Jedi, nice tempo runs, guys!

                PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                    10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


                  DTF, looking at my log for last year and I see that I did my first 20 miler during week 8. But, as to your question about if you couldn't run a weekend what would you do, I had to move a 20 miler last year from Sun to Saturday in one instance, and in another instance I had to move an 18 miler. In the 18 miler case I wanted to do it Monday (and would have made a Tuesday workout easy running or taken the day off) but my wife had to work late and 18 miles with 2 in a jogging stroller wouldn't have been ideal. So in that case I actually did 19 on Tuesday and 11 easy miles on Wednesday. Since I moved the 18 miles from the seek before to the week after, that week ended up being my highest mileage week ever.


                  So in any case, I wouldn't skip the 20 miler if I were you. I would move it until Monday and and take Tues off, or run easy.

                  PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)

                    Zoekat and joshlyn, please check in .


                    Great 6 mile run tonight under a gorgeous Texas sunset. Lots of hurt in the USA right now. Hug your loved ones tonight just because you still can.

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                    Three Martini Lunch

                      DTF: I'd see if you can get it in during the week, or run one of the days during the week longer (16+), but if you can't fit it in, then scrap it, unless you think you need the confidence from it.

                      M: 3:31:56

                      HM: 1:37:33

                      Ball of Fury

                        Morning all!  Crazy stuff going on in Boston right now...praying for no more lives lost!  It is storming here, with torrential rains and winds up to the 40 mpw range at times...yuck!  I had everything ready to go to the gym this morning, knowing I could only get around 4 miles in between gym opening and having to be at work by 6:30, but my ankle was a bit sore last night and this morning, it hurt a bit with every step, and especially with lateral motion, so I decided to be cautious and take an URD.  Not happy about it but I suppose getting to the starting line is the most important thing.  I have a rough 13 hour work day in OB today, made especially rough by the fact that one of the sweetest little 22 year-old techs that works up there, had a personal tragedy this week when her 2 year-old son drown.  Just so much sadness all around this week....any prayers for her would be appreciated.


                        I hope you all have a good day!


                        Onemile:  Have a safe trip to Carmel and good luck in the morning!


                        Docket:  Good luck tomorrow!

                        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                        Rusk Runner

                          Onemile - You should have wonderful temps for your race.  Excellent!


                          Mdawg - Is it bad?  I do not want to run Boston, I just want the BQ time to set a standard for myself.


                          Roll - Good thoughts.  I hug my kids everynight, and kiss DW while she is still sleeping everyday before I leave to work (doesnt matter if there was an argument or anything).


                          DTF - I do not think it will hurt you at week 10 but, were it me, I would try to squeeze in a 16 to 20 when I got back. Sounds like you are going on a cruise?  I had to go on vacation at Opryland during christmas one year and I actually put 10 miles in on a treadmill.  If I had woken earlier, I would have run over 13.  These thoughts are coming from a guy who loses confidence when start futsing around with schedule, even when it comes to injury, so take my thoughts lightly.


                          Amik - You are in the same boat as when I sprained my ankle before marathon #2.  You are going to be fine.  Let it heal, ice it at every moment you can.  Wrap it while you are at work if possible.

                          PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                          Just Run!!!


                            Morning all,

                            Got in 6 easy miles yesterday. Will do something today, probably 4.


                            Ami, +1 to the Boston situation. Hopefully, no more lives are lost. Sorry to hear about your coworker's tragic loss.


                            Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! You're all amazing. And you'll all smash it, I know it.

                            PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                              Hey all,

                              Big Board is updated. As always, if you've got times and races, please post em up there.


                              Sprinkles, I'll be interested in what you have to say about Cleveland. I might want to run that one in the future.

                              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                                There seems to be a broken link here.  If I click on the page 35 link I'm taken to the page of all forums.