Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)


    Congrats Docket!  Another one in the books!  You're a machine.


    Okay...someone may need to talk me off the ledge here...but maybe not.


    DH and I were talking about me BQing for 2014.  He told me to check out available races late summer and if there was something that looked doable to just go for it.  He said I'm recovered and I need to move forward.  So happy I married him.  He has a knack for kick starting me when I'm being overly cautious.  Anyway, Lehigh Valley on September 8th would work for me.  It involves travel, but that would be the case for any summer race since I'm in Atlanta.  Didn't someone mention that race or is someone running it?  Training would start in 2 weeks so I really need the donuts feedback.  Should I give Hansons beginner plan another go or should I opt for a lower mileage plan?  Help!


    The only concern I'd have with the Lehigh Valley Marathon is that I feel like in the first week of September, you could run into some really warm temperatures still.  That's only a week after Labor Day, and I used to spend every Labor Day sitting in the beach in NJ.


    Though, coming from Atlanta, it might not feel so terrible.


    I'm impressed though that they managed to make it a downhill course.  That area is hilly as heck.

    My wildly inconsistent PRs:

    5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

    10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

    HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

    Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 

      Forgot to mention that the calves, surprisingly, weren't very soar after my first run in the PureConnect. But during that run my left foot fell asleep, not this again. Then I realized I didnt change the lacing to the parallel lacing. Did so and ran 6.5 in them again tonight. Great run. I managed my shoe rotation as follows 5MM, 10MM, 12MM, 10MM and back to the 5MM. Tomorrow will be 10MM again and so on for the first month. Then I plan on doing away with the 12MMs all together.


      Enough about that. Sorry to bore you all.


      Docket - What's up lady? How was the ultra?


      Onemile - how are those legs?

      PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




      Former Bad Ass

        Hi, guys!  Sorry for not tracking Jenny, but I was kind of busy, doh.  Thanks for the shouts!


        Great job, Jenny!  I never doubted you could run that time.  How do you feel now?


        I finished my 50K.  It was such a tough course, 20 miles of sand, 10 of which were rolling sand dunes.  Yikes.  Loved every minute of it.  OK, I didn't love the sand dunes.  There.  Finished at the cutoff, 8 hours and some seconds.  And I was not last.



          Congrats onemile!  I randomly remembered that you were racing like 5 minutes ago and just had to check in!  So


          Docket, you're a machine.  Congrats on the 50k!

          Rusk Runner

            Way to go Docket!  You truly are a machine!  Better personality though Big grin!


            Sooo busy with Household chores this weekend, and next weekend looks to be just as busy.  Planning on 10 easy miles a couple of hours from now.  Happy to open the mail today and see  that my refferal letter for physical therapy was approved.

            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

            Just Run!!!


              Hey all,

              Feeling better today, but still have a sore back. But I'm gonna run anyways. I may live to regret it later, but I just really want to run. Something about having two failed races in a row now has got me motivated.


              Docket, great job, congrats!


              Indi, good news about your PT. when does MRT start for you again, and what's your plan for the in between time?

              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

              Rusk Runner

                Cbus - MRT will start out in the first week of July best I can tell, and that is only if I feel a complete recovery. Not sure yet of what plan I will utilize.  I have not yet taken a close look at Hansons advanced again that I can get a feel for how I could rearrange the days to work with my schedule.  Hansons beginner is not an option for me as far as I can tell.  Pfitz is always doable, and I know it will have me ready for the course I want to run.  I think I have a 3:25 to 3:30 in me.  I just have to be healthy and confident at the start line.

                Two failed races?  I am not inclined to say that you have failed at anything.  You are one of the reasons I am a donut and you have not failed in anyway that I can see.  You have missed a couple of goals but, who among us has not, myself included.  I remember you once saying there is really no phsycological training, only running past  your fitness.  I strongly disagree with you on this, and I will tell you that my mental game killed me in my last race.  I hope not to let that happen again and I hope that you dont either.  You are a runner, and a good one at that. Now go run a 5K and feel the glorious pain.


                Amik - Do not overlook Pfitz 18/55 as a possible option for you and DH.   Remember, it is you who sets the paces and rearrages as needs dictate.  The one I have online is a little jumbled.  Do you have a recent edition of Advanced Marathoning?


                I gotta throw on some shorts and get out the door.

                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                Just Run!!!


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  2-5 miles tonight.


                  Cbus, hope your back feels better.


                  Enjoy your runs, guys.


                    I am not inclined to say that you have failed at anything.  You are one of the reasons I am a donut and you have not failed in anyway that I can see.  You have missed a couple of goals but, who among us has not, myself included.  I remember you once saying there is really no phsycological training, only running past  your fitness.  I strongly disagree with you on this, and I will tell you that my mental game killed me in my last race.  I hope not to let that happen again and I hope that you dont either.  You are a runner, and a good one at that. Now go run a 5K and feel the glorious pain.




                    X2....well said.

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                      Indi and Roll,

                      Thanks for the sentiment, but I have no problem considering my last two races failed efforts. I'm not moping or anything. Just calling a spade a spade. It just makes me want to train smarter (because harder will probably just reproduce the same results). I'm determined to have a great race this fall in Columbus.

                      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                        Docket - congrats on the finished 50k!, 8 hours through sand dunes, and you are looking forward to running 5 miles today? Talk about a running machine. So, when are you upping the ante to a 50 miler?


                        Cbus- I guess if you want to be technical and say you, "failed at achieving the goal time for a particular race," then fine, but other than that, quit that failure talk.

                        PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


                          Geez, guys, thanks for the support, but seriously. Nick, I didn't say I was a "failure," I said I "failed" in my last two races. Personally, I'm beyond the "Yea for me because I'm doing something not many choose to do." I don't get any moral victory from just participating. I want to meet personal goals, and surpass past versions of myself. So, seriously, I see nothing wrong with calling a failure a failure. To say otherwise is to be self-deluding. If I'm willing to say I had a successful race, then I have to be willing to say the opposite too. In fact, the successes would not be as satisfying to me if failures were not possible. So, seriously, don't worry about my self-esteem.

                          PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                            Good morning!  Thanks for all the feedback yesterday.  I'm strongly considering Lehigh as it fits really well into DH and my schedule.  10 miles at an easy average 9:38 pace this morning.  Actually timed my miles for the first time ever on a long run?  Yeah...I know I need to take more advantage of the technology at my disposal.  Anyway, my splits were as follows.  Bear in mind I run on rolling hills.  Not much else in Atlanta.  Flats are hard to come by.  That's one reason I go to the I can do some flat runs.


                            So, my question is how bad is my pacing?  If I do Hansons, I'm going to have to be more disciplined for sure, correct?


                            10:27 (warm up mile)











                            Onemile:  How are you feeling today Ms. Rockstar?  Can't wait for the RR and your analysis of Hansons.


                            Docket:  Sand dunes?  Oh my, that's hardcore.


                            cbus:  I have to agree with the others.  I just don't see those two race performances as failures.  You persevered through some big curve balls thrown your way.  That's not failure.

                            PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                              Morning guys!


                              I am pretty sore and stiff today. Walking like I'm 100 years old.  But it was definitely worth it Smile  Will probably write up a RR later.


                              mdawg - I think you've been doing well rebuilding and I think any marathon training program is going to be a leap of faith. We can always get injured and you just have to jump in, try to be smart about it and hope for the best.


                              Cbus- I get it. I'm the same way. I have high expectations of myself and it's okay to not be happy about your recent races. You can do better and you will.  Sometimes training doesn't go as we'd like and then other times it goes better than expected. All part of the game.


                              Damaris - congrats again on your first ultra!  Glad you had fun and enjoyed it despite the sand!


                              Everyone else enjoy your runs. I think I might take a rest day today.  Big grin


                                Mdawg, great pacing question. I don't think there is one answer in your case. I run on pretty flat terrain, so I try to stay as close to my desired pace as I can. But if you are on hills, thats just not possible. I think the Hansons just want you to be as close to race day pace as possible. So if you are going to be racing a hilly course, and you know you'll be say :20 slower going up hill and :20 faster down hill (these are just hypothetical), then do that in training. But if you plan on staying on time, which means you plan on putting more effort on the uphills and easing off on the downhills, then do that. I guess the real tricky part is if you plan on racing a flat course but training on hills. I think in that case, I'd go on effort, and hope that effort translates into your desired pace on race day. Just some thoughts.

                                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)