Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)


    Onemile, I knew you'd get it because you're like my running twin (except faster!). Congrats again on smashing that race. But seriously, I wasnt at all surprised.


    Morning guys!


    I am pretty sore and stiff today. Walking like I'm 100 years old.  But it was definitely worth it Smile  Will probably write up a RR later.


    mdawg - I think you've been doing well rebuilding and I think any marathon training program is going to be a leap of faith. We can always get injured and you just have to jump in, try to be smart about it and hope for the best.


    Cbus- I get it. I'm the same way. I have high expectations of myself and it's okay to not be happy about your recent races. You can do better and you will.  Sometimes training doesn't go as we'd like and then other times it goes better than expected. All part of the game.


    Damaris - congrats again on your first ultra!  Glad you had fun and enjoyed it despite the sand!


    Everyone else enjoy your runs. I think I might take a rest day today.  Big grin

    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

    Rusk Runner

      Mdawg - Thats pretty good pacing for running the hills.  I ran about 2500 ft of elevation and identical decline today for an easy run.  I wouldnt worry about that pacing all that much for training unless its those SOS or speed days.


      Onemile - Again, Congrats!  You take that rest day x 5.  Seriously, I always take a 5 to a week off after.  It does the body good.


      Got my run in, now to cool down with some lawn mowing.

      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

      Just Run!!!


        Cool down? Lawn mowing is more of a workout for me than a long run!

        Mdawg - Thats pretty good pacing for running the hills.  I ran about 2500 ft of elevation and identical decline today for an easy run.  I wouldnt worry about that pacing all that much for training unless its those SOS or speed days.


        Onemile - Again, Congrats!  You take that rest day x 5.  Seriously, I always take a 5 to a week off after.  It does the body good.


        Got my run in, now to cool down with some lawn mowing.

        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


          Yeah I plan to take some days off. I might go in for a little graston tune up before I start running again.  I was really feeling my left calf / right hamstring in the last few miles.  Today I just hurt all over.


          I posted a little RR in the group if you are interested.

          Ball of Fury

            Happy Sunday everyone!  I was inspired by all the racers yesterday and had a great run this morning!  Might have gotten a bit carried away, but I needed a good run mentally, if not physically.  Anyway, I did a 1.5 mile warm-up and then was supposed to do 10 miles at my Hanson LR pace, which is 8:50-9:10.   Here are my splits:


            1:   8:45

            2:   8:52

            3:   8:58 (hilliest mile)

            4:   8:47

            5:   8:51

            6:   8:37

            7:   8:41

            8:   8:30

            9:   7:59

            10: 7:18


            Then did a 1.5 mile cool-down.  So, as I said, I might have gotten a bit carried away, but I ran a 2:56 negative split for the 10 miles and truthfully, it all felt pretty easy, except maybe the last 0.5 miles.  I have not had a great last couple of weeks, so as I said, I really needed this run.  Plus, since I really didn't get to run my tempo Thursday, I figured it might be ok to push it a bit.  Hanson and CBus will probably frown at me!  However, I really loved this run and I "felt like a runner" if that makes any sense at all. It was nice and sunny, if a bit cool and windy.  Oh, and I ran with my flip belt for the first time and I really, really like that thing!  On a sad note, I made the stupid, stupid mistake of looking at crap-u-weather extended forecast for the Mini....ugh!


            MDawg:  Nice 10!  And as usual, CBus's pacing advice is spot-on.  How come he is always right?


            CBus:  Sorry about the back!  I completely understand what you mean by saying your races were failures.  I mean, look at my marathon...that was a complete and utter failure on many levels.  About the best I can say is I finished and I learned a lot.  As I was running today, I literally told myself at least 20 times, "You are going to have a successful race at the Mini!"  Now, that  doesn't  necessarily mean I will hit 1:45, but damned if I won't try!  And truthfully, for me a successful race will be one that I execute well and don't blow up!


            Damaris:  I read your RR on the other board and seriously, you are a rock-star!  For you to push yourself those last 2 miles when you realized you could make 8 hours, despite the heat, mud, sand, and flies (those would have done me in, BTW), is just amazing!!


            Indy:  I do have Advanced Marathoning, and I have read it.  I think PFitz plans are great, but I have pretty much committed to Hanson's advanced for this cycle, mostly because I like running 6 days per week and I actually like the fact that you don't go past 16 or so miles and that you don't have to run the long runs really slowly.  I may do PFitz in the future, though.  I made our training schedule out yesterday and we also start July 1!  I hope you are enjoying your's a beautiful day!


            Roll:  Interesting that with your new shoes, the lacing helped again!  So weird!

            PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


            Three Martini Lunch

              Hi all.  I raced a 10 miler this morning.  10.06 miles in 1:13:53, per my watch.  (7:21 pace).  It is also about a 3-4 minute PR. Despite that,  I feel I ran a pretty mediocre race. I lost 30-45 seconds in a portapotty on the course because there was a really long line at the start, and I didn't want to miss the gun and have to spend the first five miles fighting through crowds.  This was the wrong decision, and the one thing that is still eating at me.  My pace bounced around a lot, and not all of that was caused by the mental distraction of having to pee really badly from about mile 3 to mile 6.  I also had an upset stomach for a couple miles at the beginning, which was odd because I didn't eat or drink anything that I don't normally consume before a race.


              I was trying to hit a 1:12, or 7:12 pace; I went out a bit fast, but only at about my 10k pace, so nothing that I shouldn't have been able to hold for a good chunk of the race (first two miles were 6:55 and 7:01, then I settled into my target pace range for the next mile, then I faded hard for two miles (up around 7:30s), was back at target pace for a mile, then couldn't hold it (back to around 7:25-7:30).  But I was still able to drop a 6:55 final mile, so I think some of this is just mental.  The course has some gentle rolls at the beginning, but nothing that should even be thought of as hills, so that wasn't a culprit.  But otherwise, the course was beautiful, as was the weather.  So I'll just chalk it up to a bad day for Flinders.

              M: 3:31:56

              HM: 1:37:33


              Former Bad Ass

                Hehe.  Yes, I'm not even sore.  Well, some soreness but mainly the sunburn is what is making me feel tired.  Not sure when will I up the ante with a 50 miler because my husband is plenty scared about me doing anything above a marathon.  Little by little, he'll be convinced.

                After all, if a normal 50K should take me 6 hours and a trail one took me 8, then I'm halfway trained for a 50 miler anyway, no?


                Docket - congrats on the finished 50k!, 8 hours through sand dunes, and you are looking forward to running 5 miles today? Talk about a running machine. So, when are you upping the ante to a 50 miler?


                Cbus- I guess if you want to be technical and say you, "failed at achieving the goal time for a particular race," then fine, but other than that, quit that failure talk.


                Jenny, read your RR.  Awesome pacing!



                Former Bad Ass

                  About pacing, I guess it depends on the person.  I for one race better when I negative split (for health reasons, obviously), some like to run even pacing but some never achieve it.  As to Hanson's I am not sure.  Wouldn't running the average he wants the same whether you do it with a negative split or evenly paced?


                  Good morning!  Thanks for all the feedback yesterday.  I'm strongly considering Lehigh as it fits really well into DH and my schedule.  10 miles at an easy average 9:38 pace this morning.  Actually timed my miles for the first time ever on a long run?  Yeah...I know I need to take more advantage of the technology at my disposal.  Anyway, my splits were as follows.  Bear in mind I run on rolling hills.  Not much else in Atlanta.  Flats are hard to come by.  That's one reason I go to the I can do some flat runs.


                  So, my question is how bad is my pacing?  If I do Hansons, I'm going to have to be more disciplined for sure, correct?


                  10:27 (warm up mile)











                  Onemile:  How are you feeling today Ms. Rockstar?  Can't wait for the RR and your analysis of Hansons.


                  Docket:  Sand dunes?  Oh my, that's hardcore.


                  cbus:  I have to agree with the others.  I just don't see those two race performances as failures.  You persevered through some big curve balls thrown your way.  That's not failure.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    I am going to use my coach again this time around but I wonder when to try Hanson.  Most likely for next Fall's attempt at a PR.  If I only do 3-4 marathons in the Spring, I have all the time in the world.





                      Hey all,

                      Ran 12 today @ 10:04. I still definitely have a cold or something because I was in a lot of pain toward the end. My friends and I, in college, used to call this feeling "tasting it," as in, it's so messed up that you can taste it. So right now I'm tasting it. Any way, that gives me 25 for the week.


                      Flinders, great race! Sure things didn't gO as planned, but you can't gainsay a PR.


                      Ami, great run!

                      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                        Onemile, I just finished reading your RR. Did I detect you lamenting that you left time on the course? Tsk, tsk.

                        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                          Are you Tsking me for leaving time on the course or for feeling bad about it?

                          Onemile, I just finished reading your RR. Did I detect you lamenting that you left time on the course? Tsk, tsk.


                          and hope you feel better.  Is this the same cold as before because if so, maybe you should see a doctor!

                          Rusk Runner

                            Amik - Looking good Girl!  And you are a runner.  You should feel that way all the time.


                            Flinders - Great race no matter how you look at it.  Good job and get the goal next time minus a few.


                            I have had some time to quickly scan through Hansons again.  If I am healed I may well give it a try with the following modifications:


                            - Speedwork has to be done on Wenesday, leaving Thursday as the day off.

                            - Tempo and strenth will have to be on Friday, so I will only get one easy day before the long run.

                            - I know myself well enough to say that some of the long runs are going to run from 18 to 20.


                            All opinions are encouraged.


                            If I decide that Hansons is not doable, I may modify Pfitz ala Hudson, and come up with my own plan shifting VO2 stuff tp the front end and tempo stuff to the back half.

                            PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                            Just Run!!!


                              I have had some time to quickly scan through Hansons again.  If I am healed I may well give it a try with the following modifications:


                              - Speedwork has to be done on Wenesday, leaving Thursday as the day off.

                              - Tempo and strenth will have to be on Friday, so I will only get one easy day before the long run.

                              - I know myself well enough to say that some of the long runs are going to run from 18 to 20.


                              All opinions are encouraged.


                              If I decide that Hansons is not doable, I may modify Pfitz ala Hudson, and come up with my own plan shifting VO2 stuff tp the front end and tempo stuff to the back half.


                              My thoughts - the tempo runs beat me up more than I thought and I don't know if I could have hit the faster LR paces with only one day recovery after the tempo.


                              Also, I did two 18 milers but at no point during the race did I wish I had done a 20.  I felt so strong the whole way. I definitely didn't need the long runs.  Trust the plan. There's a reason you aren't doing 20. And it's so you're ready to hit the Tuesday Speed/Strength run hard.

                                Wow! Congrats onemile and Docket.  You ladies are running machines!


                                Docket, did you know you'd have the sand dunes so you could prepare for it?  That would just trash my legs.


                                Onemile, worrying that you left a little out there - but hitting a sweet goal - is exactly where you want to be.  Great job!


                                I'm in the middle of my 2nd training cycle.  Pfitz 12/55.  I would be better off with a higher mileage plan, but sometimes its hard to fit in these miles as it is.  Got 17 mile LR on the schedule tonight.