Sub-4 Marathon Group

December Donuts (Read 569 times)


    Cmb - Sorry to hear about the ITBS. 


    Zoe - Nice week of running.


    Finally ordered Internet service for my home (it's been 2 years where my only access is at work or on my phone) so I'll finally be able to keep up on the weekends here.  Ran 5 miles @8:24/mi on Saturday to finish with 16.5 miles for the week.  Ran four days this week.  Most I've run since the beginning of October.  Yay!

    White Lightning

      Since there seem to be a lot of ITB issues going around, I'll reiterate the advice that a PT gave me years ago when my ITB swelled up like a marble right near my knee:  shorten your stride, even just a little.  There's no reason to have a really long stretch of a stride to do endurance running.  Its that big full stretch that can rub your ITB raw.  Of course, some persistent ITB issues can be resolved with foam rolling.  But its nice to have options.  Worked for me.  Just passing it along.


      Bago you may have hit something here, at least for me.  I just went through 15 months of training logs to see if there is any patterns with my ITBS and my stride count.  Sure enough, when my ITB issues were really bad, my stride was around 78-82, even when I was running fast.  This last training cycle I switched my stride to 90-92 and ITB was non-exsistant.  As some recall, I had some ITB issues the week before my marathon, and sure enough, it dropped to 84-85.  Ran the race average 92, zero issues.  This week, my stride dropped to around 86 because I wasn't focussing on it and it comes back.  Yesterday, my first two miles were 86 and I had issues.  Then upped to 90-91 after my mini massage and ITB went away.  I'm sure there's more to it than that but it may be part of it.

      Play the Game Hard!

        nachos, nice to have you back regularly around here. I was a little confused when you mentioned that you were blocked at work. I thought, "He surely has Internet at home, right?" Now I see that was not the case. (FYI, sometimes I miss your nachos avatar, reading this thread always made me hungry)

        PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


          Think of it this way, what if half way through your marathon you were allowed a 30 minute rest--would it improve your time? 


          I wonder how much improvement I'd see.  That would be interesting, scientifically.  


          There were bad and good parts about stopping.  I felt like death when I first started running again - everything tightened up on the car ride home.  My first mile out of my house, which is usually one of the fastest of all of my runs since it is mostly downhill, was a 10:45 mile, lol.  My legs felt like bricks.  I followed that up with a blazing 10:39 before my normal pace range felt easy again.  I had a LOT of trouble getting warm again out in the cold weather, too - I was really comfy when I stopped, but absolutely miserable for the first hour when I went back out.  I'm sure that stopping was part of the reason I had so much energy at the end of the run, though.


          Bago and Joshlynn - that is interesting about stride rate.  I know mine tends to be a bit slow unless I focus on it.  There definitely could be correlation there.  It does make sense - less chance of overstriding and therefore overstressing the IT band if you are focusing on moving your feet faster.  

          My wildly inconsistent PRs:

          5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

          10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

          HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

          Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


            Bago you may have hit something here, at least for me.  I just went through 15 months of training logs to see if there is any patterns with my ITBS and my stride count.  Sure enough, when my ITB issues were really bad, my stride was around 78-82, even when I was running fast.  This last training cycle I switched my stride to 90-92 and ITB was non-exsistant.  As some recall, I had some ITB issues the week before my marathon, and sure enough, it dropped to 84-85.  Ran the race average 92, zero issues.  This week, my stride dropped to around 86 because I wasn't focussing on it and it comes back.  Yesterday, my first two miles were 86 and I had issues.  Then upped to 90-91 after my mini massage and ITB went away.  I'm sure there's more to it than that but it may be part of it.

              Wow, that's a pretty interesting correlation.  I had never thought much of that stride count statistic.  Guess I underestimated its value, eh?  That was really clever of you to look up that information.  Hope it helps you with your issues.  Please continue to report.

            White Lightning

              Nick, good mileage last week


              Docket - Great Week


              Cbus - Every doc and PT says they want me to do see a chiropractor but i'm afraid.  I hear once you start you can't stop.


              Sprinkles - Yikes!! Ice that sucker


              Simon - I blame my injuries on myself for getting so far out of shape and i'm paying for it now.  I'm hoping in 5 years I'll be able to look back and say the same thing.  I'm still carrying the equivalent of 2 bowling balls around when I run.  But that's better than the 6 I was carrying around when I started.


              Zoe - Nice mileage, looks like your going to have a great base to start your upcoming cycle


              Cmb - I have fat legs and skinny ankles so haven't had that problem.  


              Nachos - Good to have you back, nice pace on that 5 miler


              Me - Still can't bring myself to go running outside, really need to get off the TM, maybe tomorrow.  4 Easy TM Miles @ 10:17.  Forgot to turn the heat off before I jumped on and there is a vent right above my head so I had a blow dryer blowing in my face half way through, joy.  Focused on my stride and all was good, then started to get some pain in the ITB and looked down and stride fell to 86 spm.  bumped it back to 90 and it went away.  Ankle flared up, my posterior tibial tendonitis that's been chronic since I was a kid.  time to start Kt taping the ankle before runs again.  Thought I was over it but at least this one i can easily manage it.  Broke that ankle three times in high school and it never healed properly.

              Play the Game Hard!

              Slymoon Runs

              race obsessed

                I forget to check this thread. Back on the horse, 10 slow last night and 8 slightly faster this morning. Ill have to catch up and comment soon!

                Former Bad Ass

                  Hey, guys.  Been out of the loop for hours.  Got home early to find one of my cats was MIA.  They are indoor cats so the fact that one escaped while the cleaning ladies were here is worrisome.  I've been looking for hours without success.


                  Trail Monster

                    Hey all! I read everyone's posts but don't have enough battery left to hit all two pages! 


                    Damaris, hope kitty comes back soon! Pets really are furry kids!


                    Ami, $270 a month for CF? Ouch! I pay $40 and if I don't pay one month the owner really doesn't care. I got lucky with a small box that isn't really for profit.


                    todays workouts got all screwed up. I went to CF in the pouring rain and opened the door to an empty gym. Lights on, door unlocked and no trainers or people working out. I sat on a box for about 15-20 minutes thinking the trainer had run out for something but no one ever came. I didn't want to workout without any other people so I drove home and made the best of the WOD with my home gym. Replaced rowing with walking and then did some strength stuff. Oh well!

                    2013 races:

                    3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                    4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                    7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                    8/24 Baker 50M

                    10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                    My Blog


                    Brands I Heart:



                    Altra Zero Drop



                      Cbus - Oh yes, that is not fun the first few times- it gets better though, as the adhesions break up.  I was complimented on my loose IT bands today by the massage therapist i occasionally see Smile  Graston works!  Feel're gonna be nice and bruised.  I iced a lot.


                      Docket- yeah its a nice big fat welt right on my left knee.  I'll run tomorrow, its just the kind of bruise that is in a spot where if you bend it the bruise hurts.  ETA: hope you find your cat!!! That's heartbreaking to be missing a pet.


                      Bago- you're totally right about shortening your stride- I stopped overstriding completely and really haven't had any issues since.


                      Banshee/Ami- that's about what Spin runs me a month because I buy classes instead of a membership - memberships just end up costing more over time..but yeah, i think it depends on geographic location.  CF costs like $30-40 a session here.


                      Massage tonight for me- she found a spot behind my tibia that is the source of my fake stress fracture from the summer, pushed on it and released a knot that made me see stars.  Guess we know what that was.  Of course, doctor is making me go for an MRI to deal with the post-marathon elevated AST levels.  Good times.

                      13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Woohoo!  Hours looking and then while leaving water and food outside, one of my other cats escaped (the stray I recently put indoors).  He went straight to where Sammy was hiding and we got her home.  Rubio is a hero!


                        I walked 2-3 miles today looking for her.  At least I did some exercise.


                        Rusk Runner

                          Docket - Glad you found your cat.


                          Banshee - Glad you got a workout in despite the confusion.


                          Sprinkles - I wish I could go see a massage therapist.  Paying for chiro will have to suffice.  The foam roller is great but it just isnt the same.


                          0300 AM on the wet streets puddle dodging.  10 miles @ 9:03 avg pace.  Gotta get ready for work.  I will catch up with you all later!  Happy Running!

                          PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                          Just Run!!!


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  5-8 miles tonight.


                            indiana, that is way to early for me.  Nice run, though.


                            Ball of Fury

                              Just time for a quick hi this morning but will catch up later!  Did 5 miles @ 9:05/mile this morning....felt really good this morning.  No pain in my hip/leg, but just a general tightness on that side.  


                              Banshee/Sprinkles:  The reason it is so expensive is that our gym charges $75/month per person for Crossfit so with DH and I that is $150 and then our monthly membership is $120/month for family.  There are definitely cheaper Crossfit boxes here, but none of them have childcare and we need that right now.  Plus, our gym is great for families...there is a huge outdoor waterpark that is unlimited visits in the summer, plus a really nice indoor pool/play area for the kiddos.  Our kids also go to summer camp there for a few weeks every summer, so we are just gonna suck it up and pay I guess.

                              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                              Slymoon Runs

                              race obsessed

                                indiana 3 am, crapola I could do it but man I would be crappy for the rest of the day. Good job and nice run.

                                DR good to have the cat taken care of


                                AmiK no pain! thats always a good feeling.


                                Bago & josh I have to agree with the stride length correlation. Before my first 5k I incurred hammy, tendon and ass pains (slight PF). I was reaching and had long strides on my speed work.  Because of those pains, I was forced to take shorter strides and increase my turnover to around 92. It is like magic and like josh when I dropped in the 80s the pain returned.  *unless* I dropped into the 80s because I was running ultra slow.


                                crossfitters I have taken a few classes and really like the aspects of the work outs. Very dynamic and active, but around Dallas the prices are also quite costly. Hell one of the large reasons I got into running was being sick of spending cash on gym memberships, classes etc and the hassle involved with going there.  I much prefer shoe purchases and being able to exercise right out of my door, no fuss.


                                All thank you for the support and encouragement. I usually try to write a RR asap, but that one was particularly difficult to just want to do.  I imagine in a few years I will dig back thru these things and appreciate the progression. 

                                I am scoping out 2013's schedule to see what I can aim for (aside from 5 and 10ks).  2 Runners in the household means nearly everything costs x2 and that adds up quick.