Sub-4 Marathon Group

December Donuts (Read 569 times)

    Hey guys, I've been reading through the posts but haven't posted anything in a while.  Just busy, and with no upcoming races on the schedule (yet), I'm just kind of doing my own thing.


    i got 6 min on the treadmill this morning.


    Sorry to hear about all the ITB issues.  I dealt with that last year after my first marathon, and felt much better after doing some ART sessions.  I had to do hip strengthening and stretching.


    Here is a tip regarding cadence.  For those of you who run on the TM, even occasionally, you can think to take 3 steps for every second.  It's not tough to get in a rhythm while watching the clock tick away.  I do find that it takes more focus to maintain higher cadence, but it minimizes the leg pounding.


    5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)

    Rusk Runner

      Sly - I dont think I have seen the roller you speak of.


      Banshee - Good Run!


      Cbus - Good Runs, and good to see that  you are running.


      Paula - Hi!  Glad you didnt forget us all.


      Was supposed to do a recovery run tonight and a tempo tomorrow early morning but the weather is making me do a swap.  So 8 miles w/4 tempo tonight and 5 miles recovery on the mill in the morning it is.

      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

      Just Run!!!


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I am hoping to run today but really not pushing it.  Work has been busy, the house has been busy, cats went missing.  If I run tonight, it will be of unknown duration and distance.


        And will try to calibrate my footpod again.


        Ball of Fury

          Indy:  Don't blame  you for switching  your runs....I will run in a lot of things but if the winds are really 30 mph with gusts to 50 tomorrow, I will be hitting the dreadmill for sure!


          Paula:  Nice TM run.  Thanks for the ITB/cadence tips.


          Damaris:  So glad you found your cat!  Hope you enjoy your run's nice sometimes to just run without a plan or schedule.


          I got in 10 miles before work this morning!  It was a pretty good run, average 9:40/mile.  I did have quite a bit of pain in my right hip/knee at times, but I stopped to stretch and it was better.  I was  happy I was able to finish the run.  As far as stride/cadence, I have a pretty short stride and I don't think I am striding out but I did notice today it hurt a bit more on the uphills, so maybe I am changing my stride there.  I don't have a footpod but I did  manually count my footfalls today and all 3 times, I was within 86-90 so I guess that is about right.  A couple interesting things did happen this morning:


          1)  I was almost attacked by a ferocious canine...which would have been scary except it was a tiny Dachshund!

          2)  I was creeped out by a small truck that was driving through our subdivision at 4:45 with it's headlights off and stopping at driveways...until I realized they were going through people's trash and then I just got sad.

          3)  I ran 10 miles in the cold (coldish...felt like 35) and then had to take a freezing cold shower because the pilot light went out on the hot water heater!  I tried to pretend it was an ice bath and was good for me but it didn't work very well!


          Hope everyone has a great day!

          PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


            Oops, took the wrong pair gloves this morning.  37F. My hands were popsicles for the last 3 miles.  Painfully, burning cold.  Other than that, everything went swimmingly.  7 mi w/ 3 @ LT (8:35).


            Did some of Hudson's 10 second hill sprints at the end.  Weird workout.  10 seconds is not very long.



            until I realized they were going through people's trash and then I just got sad.

             Not to get into this too much, but my concern would be that they were looking for credit card and social security numbers and the like.  You might want to let your neighbors know what's going on.


            Former Bad Ass

              AmiK, I thought your post was hilarious but I agree with bagopux.  That worries me.  Maybe they were looking for personal information.  Did you manage to see the tag in case?


              Ball of Fury

                I did not see the tag....too busy thinking about what I would do if they tried to nab!  But, they weren't actually going through the large trash cans..they were looking at the bigger items people had discarded like toys, etc...there was lots of that bigger stuff to dodge this morning so I guess people are cleaning out before Christmas?

                PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                  Morning Donuts!  Abs and biking at the gym this morning.  Continuing to monitor the calf.  It seems to be a little better each day.


                  AmiK:  I agree with the others.  That's kind of scary.  I'd go one step further and let the police know.


                  cbus:  It's a similar injury, but in the opposite leg vs. the Chicago training injury.  Remember, I tweaked the right calf slightly when compensating for the injured left calf during the race.  I think I never really allowed the right one to get 100% after Chicago.  Thus my debacle on Saturday.  I've been working on strengthening and stretching them, and the left is now fine.   But since the right one was still compromised, it wasn't ready for normal training.

                  PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

                  Rusk Runner

                    mdawg-meant to tell u what a bummer it was to hear about your calf.  Hope it is on the mend and you get out on the road soon.

                    PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                    Just Run!!!




                      14 miles on tap for me tonight after work.  I just got a headlamp that came in the mail last week, so this will be my first venture out with it, since it will be pretty much entirely dark when I can start running at 4:30.


                      Bago, I feel your pain on the popsicle hands.  I have the worst trouble with my hands - for Christmas I'm getting just about the warmest looking pair of running mittens I could find.  If it's windy, even with windproof gloves sometimes, my hands do that horrible burning thing too.  I think I have poor circulation - my hands are always freezing in the house too.

                      My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                      5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                      10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                      HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                      Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 



                        Akalei- I'm locked in here most of the day, no worries...sometimes I can escape, but its like 1-2x per year. 


                        Me: I need to do 7 tonight after work - not excited about it.  Tomorrow will probably be 5 in the morning- back to back runs, yay good times.  I'm trying to work around the holiday parties going on at work - I try to get excited about these things but can't really.  

                        13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                          Ami, when I go running early in the morning on garbage day I always see people going house to house looking through the garbage. Based on what I have seen them take, it looks like most of them are looking for scrap metal that they can sell. But, with the lights off, that would make me a little nervous. We have had some small things stolen out of unlocked cars in the neighborhood. Mostly change not a big deal, and the police response is, "Lock your doors." But, it is still a little uncomfortable thinking that people might be in my backyard checking to see if my car is unlocked in the driveway.


                          I ran my 8x600 intervals yesterday as a part of 11 miles. I decreased the 400m rest time in between to about 2 minutes instead (intervals were about 2:36 in length), and it made it a little harder than last week. Not sure if that was the right thing to do or not, but I thought I would experiment. 


                          I am travelling tomorrow and won't have time to run, so instead rearranging my schedule to run 7 miles easy today and take today's SRD tomorrow. I am not sure what I am going to be doing Friday, as I just talked to my dad (who we are going to visit tomorrow, 3 hours north) and although it will be in the low 40's here with rain, they are supposed to get 14 inches of snow tomorrow. It might be difficult Friday morning if the roads aren't plowed. Tempo run in boots?

                          PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


                            Hey all, 

                            Just got back from the chiro. The Graston wasn't that bad. It just felt like someone was taking stainless steel tools and rubbing over bone and soft tissue until redness and bruising occurred. Okay just kidding, there was no bruising--at least not yet (I'm wearing pants right now, so I can check. If there is interest, I can check to see). On the upside, he wants me to continue my normal routine of running, but not increase my miles, to see if I'm responding at all to the treatment. I'll still take my SRD today, since I ran yesterday, but I'll come back with 8 tomorrow, and see if there is any improvement. 


                            Paula, great to see you posting again! Don't disappear. Did you mean 6 miles or 6 minutes on the TM?


                            Ami, that makes me sad too. We see a lot of people scavanging in our neighborhood too. And I can totally understand not turning on the headlights. I mean, who wants to announce to the world that they are reduced to scavaging through people's trash? And yes, wind sucks.


                            Mdawg, well, take care of that calf. I hate to see you get derailed by an injury. Be smart. But I know you'll bounce back.

                            PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                            Ball of Fury

                              Hey all, 

                              Just got back from the chiro. The Graston wasn't that bad. It just felt like someone was taking stainless steel tools and rubbing over bone and soft tissue until redness and bruising occurred. Okay just kidding, there was no bruising--at least not yet (I'm wearing pants right now, so I can check. If there is interest, I can check to see). On the upside, he wants me to continue my normal routine of running, but not increase my miles, to see if I'm responding at all to the treatment. I'll still take my SRD today, since I ran yesterday, but I'll come back with 8 tomorrow, and see if there is any improvement. 


                              Paula, great to see you posting again! Don't disappear. Did you mean 6 miles or 6 minutes on the TM?


                              Ami, that makes me sad too. We see a lot of people scavanging in our neighborhood too. And I can totally understand not turning on the headlights. I mean, who wants to announce to the world that they are reduced to scavaging through people's trash? And yes, wind sucks.


                              Mdawg, well, take care of that calf. I hate to see you get derailed by an injury. Be smart. But I know you'll bounce back.


                              I am interested to see how the Graston works!  I have been thinking of visiting DHs chiro since the race is so close!

                              PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                                mdawg - sorry to hear about the calf.  hopefully, all the injury issues will clear up soon enough.


                                Regarding the cadence discussion, I found that when I run at or just below LT pace my cadence naturally falls right above the 180/min benchmark, but when I just run at an easy pace I'm somewhere in the 160-170 range.  I don't really focus on it at all.  I just try to make sure I run with good posture and avoid overstriding - "foot falls below my center of gravity, not in front of it."


                                With all the talk recently about the Pure Flows, I finally went to the store yesterday and tried them on.  I have to admit that they felt great.  They can be had for pretty cheap right now so I'm thinking of picking up a pair.  I've been getting injured in my stability shoes, so I figure things can't get any worse in a neutral pair.  I used to run in neutral shoes anyway and never really had any problems until the guys at Roadrunner stuck me in the Adrenalines (granted that was lower mileage - 20 mpw). 


                                Sick again, so no exercise since Saturday.