Sub-4 Marathon Group

December Donuts (Read 569 times)


    With all the talk recently about the Pure Flows, I finally went to the store yesterday and tried them on.  I have to admit that they felt great.  They can be had for pretty cheap right now so I'm thinking of picking up a pair.  I've been getting injured in my stability shoes, so I figure things can't get any worse in a neutral pair.  I used to run in neutral shoes anyway and never really had any problems until the guys at Roadrunner stuck me in the Adrenalines (granted that was lower mileage - 20 mpw). 


    Sick again, so no exercise since Saturday. 

     I hate when this happens. For me, the proof is in the pudding. If you are running injury and pain-free in neutral shoes, then I feel you should stick to neutral shoes, the slow mo replays of your gait be damned. And golly, the Adrenalines? Those are nearly motion control shoes! If you were gonna leave the neutral category, there are much more moderate options available. In any case, I hope the Flows workout for you. And get well Bruin!!! 

    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


    Former Bad Ass

      Ami, when I go running early in the morning on garbage day I always see people going house to house looking through the garbage. Based on what I have seen them take, it looks like most of them are looking for scrap metal that they can sell. But, with the lights off, that would make me a little nervous. We have had some small things stolen out of unlocked cars in the neighborhood. Mostly change not a big deal, and the police response is, "Lock your doors." But, it is still a little uncomfortable thinking that people might be in my backyard checking to see if my car is unlocked in the driveway.


      I ran my 8x600 intervals yesterday as a part of 11 miles. I decreased the 400m rest time in between to about 2 minutes instead (intervals were about 2:36 in length), and it made it a little harder than last week. Not sure if that was the right thing to do or not, but I thought I would experiment. 


      I am travelling tomorrow and won't have time to run, so instead rearranging my schedule to run 7 miles easy today and take today's SRD tomorrow. I am not sure what I am going to be doing Friday, as I just talked to my dad (who we are going to visit tomorrow, 3 hours north) and although it will be in the low 40's here with rain, they are supposed to get 14 inches of snow tomorrow. It might be difficult Friday morning if the roads aren't plowed. Tempo run in boots?


      You can try yelling "FREEZE" and see whether they would just run away from the cars.



         I hate when this happens. For me, the proof is in the pudding. If you are running injury and pain-free in neutral shoes, then I feel you should stick to neutral shoes, the slow mo replays of your gait be damned. And golly, the Adrenalines? Those are nearly motion control shoes! If you were gonna leave the neutral category, there are much more moderate options available. In any case, I hope the Flows workout for you. And get well Bruin!!! 



        Thanks, Cbus.  Regarding our Bruins, I went to the Wooden Classic against SDSU a couple of weeks ago and it was a depressing experience.  Not only did we lose, but in a game that was supposed to be a celebration of John Wooden and UCLA basketball, the crowd was 85% SDSU fans (and let me tell you, these were not the most cordial folks).  At least we've gotten back on track over the past couple of weeks (last night's win was a beauty).  Going to try to catch the footballers in the Holiday Bowl if I can score a cheap ticket on Stubhub.  I live 10 minutes from the stadium, so I don't have any excuses.


          Hey all.  Well, had quite an adventure getting to work today - it is snowing pretty heavily here, which in Vancouver means traffic chaos.  Had to wait 45 mins for a bus and in total it took me 90 mins to get to work.  Probably will just walk home if this keeps up, I can walk home in about an hour or so as it is just over 4 miles.  Anyway, not sure about a run tonight given the state of the sidewalks and roads.  The main issue in Vancouver is we don't have a lot of snowplows and salting trucks, so when it snows, the side streets are a mess for days unless it warms up enough to rain.


          Cbus - glad the Graston went well.


          Nice running everybody. 

          PRs: 47:54 (10K); 1:46:36 (HM); 3:50:52 (FM)

          Recovering from injured knee (PCL/Lateral Meniscus)


          Former Bad Ass

             I hate when this happens. For me, the proof is in the pudding. If you are running injury and pain-free in neutral shoes, then I feel you should stick to neutral shoes, the slow mo replays of your gait be damned. And golly, the Adrenalines? Those are nearly motion control shoes! If you were gonna leave the neutral category, there are much more moderate options available. In any case, I hope the Flows workout for you. And get well Bruin!!! 


            I agree with this.


            I run with both neutrals and support.  However, if all of a sudden you start getting injuries, strange soreness, and other issues, it is likely the shoes.  And if something is working, don't change it.



               And if something is working, don't change it.


              Amen.  I run in stability shoes.  Adrenalines, to be exact, so very stable stability shoes.  I have messed with it some, and I *can* run in slightly less stable shoes, but I keep coming back to Adrenalines.  They keep me healthy and pain free, so why mess with it?  Maybe I don't need that much stability for every single run, but it's not hurting anything either.  


              Some woman at the start of my last 5k was going on and on to me and the women near me about how our shoes were "training shoes" and we needed some "racing shoes" to be fast.  She had some glow in the dark yellow pair of Nike racing flats on.  I promptly went out in my Adrenalines and smoked her.  I'm pretty sure that at just under an 8 minute mile, the weight of my shoes is not what is holding my 5k PR back Joking

              My wildly inconsistent PRs:

              5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

              10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

              HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

              Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


                Amen.  I run in stability shoes.  Adrenalines, to be exact, so very stable stability shoes.  I have messed with it some, and I *can* run in slightly less stable shoes, but I keep coming back to Adrenalines.  They keep me healthy and pain free, so why mess with it?  Maybe I don't need that much stability for every single run, but it's not hurting anything either.  


                Some woman at the start of my last 5k was going on and on to me and the women near me about how our shoes were "training shoes" and we needed some "racing shoes" to be fast.  She had some glow in the dark yellow pair of Nike racing flats on.  I promptly went out in my Adrenalines and smoked her.  I'm pretty sure that at just under an 8 minute mile, the weight of my shoes is not what is holding my 5k PR back Joking

                 Well played. And for that you deserve a DO-NUT. 

                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                Ball of Fury

                  Amen.  I run in stability shoes.  Adrenalines, to be exact, so very stable stability shoes.  I have messed with it some, and I *can* run in slightly less stable shoes, but I keep coming back to Adrenalines.  They keep me healthy and pain free, so why mess with it?  Maybe I don't need that much stability for every single run, but it's not hurting anything either.  


                  Some woman at the start of my last 5k was going on and on to me and the women near me about how our shoes were "training shoes" and we needed some "racing shoes" to be fast.  She had some glow in the dark yellow pair of Nike racing flats on.  I promptly went out in my Adrenalines and smoked her.  I'm pretty sure that at just under an 8 minute mile, the weight of my shoes is not what is holding my 5k PR back Joking


                  That's awesome!

                  PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                  White Lightning

                    I don't run injury free in my adrenaline's, but I can at least get my mileage up.  I've tried so many different pairs, i'm more content right now.  I have a pair of 13's on order.  Actually as I type this, runningwarehouse just sent me confirmation of my return of the ghost 5 and pure cadence and is sending me the 13's and a pair of ASR 9's to get ready for the trails this spring.


                    SRD for me.  Playing taxi service back and forth from the airport picking up family for the holidays.  Deep freeze starting Friday with high's of 5F, joy

                    Play the Game Hard!

                      Oops, you are right cbus, that's 6 miles, not minutes!


                      Today I did a hot yoga class, then 4+ miles with 6x400 intervals (ladder?).  1st one at 10k, each one faster, last one at about 3k pace.  Just because I felt like it.


                      It's not a crime to go through other people's trash- is it?  Everyone needs to be careful and shred any documents with personal info.  I have seen my neighbors over the years throw out perfectly good stuff.  Why not donate it and keep it out of the landfills?  Or... let the trash pickers come by and get it I guess.


                      5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Funny you should say you smoked her on the Adrenalines, cmb.  During the 5 miler this weekend, I used training shoes, that are almost twice as heavy as my normal racing flats.  I ran faster than ever at that distance on them.  I was surprised.  Some shoes are just perfect no matter the weight and can help you in your run or race just by the way they fit your foot.


                          I am really missing my runs - insert sad face. CMB-Congrats on the smokin'! NachoCheese- same thing happened to me but the guy put me in the Ravenna. It was no bueno. I feel like an apple fritter instead of a running donut.

                          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                            I vote neutral, Glycerin 9! I am tempted to try the ASICS Nimbus, also neutral. A voice is telling me to try them, and another voice is telling me why the heck change.


                            7 miles this morning with 3.5m at tempo (8:22 pace and 154/55 AHR) Actually ran slower than my previous tempo, reason for this being that generally, the difference between actual pace and GArmin displayed pace when I run around the local track is 10 seconds, so if I want to run 8:15, I run 8:05 pace according to watch. But for some reason, today, the difference was 20 seconds, so I thought I was doing 8:12 pace and not 8:22. Anyway, not the end of the world, only ten seconds, heart rate was where it should be, and no tightness afterwards

                            Personal bests (bold = this year): 5K - 23:27 / 5M - 38:42 / 10K - 49:31 (track) / 10M - 1:24:26 / HM - 1:51:17 / M - 3:58:58

                            Next races: NYC Marathon, Nov 2014 


                            Former Bad Ass

                              URD again.  Not really worried and not really itching to run either.  Work has been busy and I just come back home wishing to just sit and enjoy a glass of wine and a movie.  I think I'm taking a mental week off.



                              Three Martini Lunch

                                Hi all.


                                cmb:  Way to go on smoking the lady in fancy flats.  I agree with cbus on shoes:  if it works for you, then run in them. 


                                On shoes, I think that as one progresses as a runner and gets stronger, one can do with less cushioning in a shoe because your muscles are stronger and can absorb more of the force of the footfall (i.e. you rely less on the foam in the shoe to do that for you).  But I think that for most people, the need for pronation control is more set. I could be completely wrong about this, though.


                                I don't have much else.  I sat in meetings all day and my brain is pretty fried still.


                                Hi to everyone.  Stay warm for all of you who actually have real winter.


                                I doubled today.  3.7 @ 8:52 at lunch; 6.7 @ 9:27 this evening.  This reversed my typical double, and it is easier to run the longer run first.  The second run felt much harder than the pace indicates.

                                M: 3:31:56

                                HM: 1:37:33