Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Except NY, me either, ha!  But I think I convinced DH in case NYCM is a no.


    Mdawg : Go for it!

    Docket: I loved Philly - I definitely think its a bucket-list worthy marathon - then again, I haven't run NY or Big Sur or Boston or anything yet.

    Rollcast: Watch out with those donuts or you wont' fit in your lululemon shorts.

    Cbus: glad to hear you are feeling better and the LR paces are going well


    Me: Ran 4 this morning, 9:30 w/u; 8:35; 8:35; 9:30 c/d...DONE until my shakeout before the race.


    Morning!  SRD for me today.  Try to contain your excitement at this impossibility from me!


    Rusk Runner

      Lots of good conversation and running going on with the donuts as usual!  PT went well last night, but they cant touch my calf without a referral.  I will probably call the doc and see if she can see me to get the calf scheduled in with my existing referral.  Kicker is, I have been doing short jogs to test the calf through the day with no problems.  I can jump up and down on my left leg using my forefoot with no problem.  Its a little tight when I wake up and then  non existent after walking around a bit.  I think I will start some easy running next week (I fully intend to stay off of running for the week as promised) to see how everything is.

      My B2R level 1 exercise kit and transitioning plan should be here on Friday and I will start exercising the feet and legs as a unit.

      I am still basically sticking with the plan of; If I feel good in July, I train for a November Marathon.  If not, I will run easy and work on health and base with limited speed until October, and then train for an April 50 miler.

      That doesnt count me out as a donut if I go into ultra training does it? Surprised

      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

      Just Run!!!


        onemile:  I'm hoping 3:45 is enough!  That's a BQ-10 for me.  My BQ time is 3:55.  I just forgot to tell cbus to put the race goal as a BQ when I first put it on the Big Board at 3:50.  I'm 47 and will be close to 48 when I run Lehigh.  Yes, I'm old, I know!


        Indy:  Based on my recent calf injury, if you're doing the one legged hop on the forefoot test and have no pain, I think you're good to start some easy running.  When I could do that, it was really close to being fully recovered.


        roll:  LOL!  The TM doesn't bother me as much as some people...especially if I have ESPN to distract me!

        PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

          Docket: I loved Philly - I definitely think its a bucket-list worthy marathon - then again, I haven't run NY or Big Sur or Boston or anything yet.


          I ran Philly a couple of times.  I really liked the out and back to Manayunk, but the first half not so much.  There were a couple of hills for which I needed grappling hooks.







            So Sprinkles, do we get to track you?


            I set up runner tracking on my facebook page.  Cleveland allows tracking here

            Anyone who i'm friends w/ on Fb knows my last name so should be easy to put in.  My bib number is 2794.

            13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


              onemile:  I'm hoping 3:45 is enough!  That's a BQ-10 for me.  My BQ time is 3:55.  I just forgot to tell cbus to put the race goal as a BQ when I first put it on the Big Board at 3:50.  I'm 47 and will be close to 48 when I run Lehigh.  Yes, I'm old, I know!


              Ohh, I was thinking 3:45 was your time.  BQ-10 should be good.


              Sprinkles - Thanks, I will stalk you on fb! Smile

              Rusk Runner

                cmon mdawg!  Im gonna be 50 next year (hence the 50 miler) and there aint know way I am calling you or I old.   Simon either!

                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                Just Run!!!

                  cmon mdawg!  Im gonna be 50 next year (hence the 50 miler) and there aint know way I am calling you or I old.   Simon either!






                    I am turning 37 in Jan and feel like I am still 20 until i have more than 2 beers. Then i feel like I am reaching the hill.

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                      I turned 37 this last January and still think of myself as 20 even after I have had more than 2 beers. The next morning I just rationalize that I feel worse than when I was 20 because my reduced beer intake has caused me to lose some beer drinking fitness.

                      PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)

                        I turned 37 this last January and still think of myself as 20 even after I have had more than 2 beers. The next morning I just rationalize that I feel worse than when I was 20 because my reduced beer intake has caused me to lose some beer drinking fitness.


                        Mine is Jan 14th

                        PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                        Ball of Fury

                          Afternoon Donuts!  Went to chiro yesterday for ART and he did Graston also.  I am feeling a bit better but just had to run down the hall to help a patient and I could feel my hip was really tight....argh!!  Anyway, did P90X Legs and Back and Insanity Cardio Abs this morning.  Not much else to report.


                          Sprinkles:  Yay...all set to track you!


                          Cmb:  Glad your PT is going well!  How long til you are allowed to run...a while still?


                          MDawg:  Good for you!!  I totally think you can do it!


                          CBus:  Hope you have a good trip to CA!


                          Onemile:  Nice 12...glad to see you are recovering very well from Carmel.  When does fall marathon training start?


                          Indy:  Glad to hear your calf is better!  I am really hoping you can start IMM training.  Are you registered or no?


                          Roll:  I hear you on the eating bad!  I need to stop, too, because I am doing ZERO cardio!

                          PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                            Mine is Jan 14th


                            Jan 7th here

                            PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


                            Former Bad Ass

                              I hope not or I am screwed.


                              Lots of good conversation and running going on with the donuts as usual!  PT went well last night, but they cant touch my calf without a referral.  I will probably call the doc and see if she can see me to get the calf scheduled in with my existing referral.  Kicker is, I have been doing short jogs to test the calf through the day with no problems.  I can jump up and down on my left leg using my forefoot with no problem.  Its a little tight when I wake up and then  non existent after walking around a bit.  I think I will start some easy running next week (I fully intend to stay off of running for the week as promised) to see how everything is.

                              My B2R level 1 exercise kit and transitioning plan should be here on Friday and I will start exercising the feet and legs as a unit.

                              I am still basically sticking with the plan of; If I feel good in July, I train for a November Marathon.  If not, I will run easy and work on health and base with limited speed until October, and then train for an April 50 miler.

                              That doesnt count me out as a donut if I go into ultra training does it? Surprised



                              Former Bad Ass

                                I turn 38 this year, sniff.
