Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)

Ball of Fury

    Wow! Too much to catch up on in here!

    Strider - missed your race results, Congrats!

    Amik - Missed your not supposed to be a race results! And how did you do exactly?

    Roll - I dont know about everybody else, but hell yeah I have had those days. Alot fewer since I have been a runner.


    Just gonna try to fit in 3 to 5 recovery tonight. Tomorrow morning will probably be the same. Still not feeling any speed work yet.

    Indy:  Meh...that's how I feel about it.  First 2 miles were great and I hit the 2 mile mark at around 7:15/mile and was the 7th female.  About 0.2  miles into the last mile, I had to stop and stretch my hip a bit.  But, truthfully, to look back on it, I really think my legs were just tired and I used the hip as an excuse to stop and take a breather....not really sure.  Anyway, ended up at 23:39, which was 15th female and 3rd in AG.  Not a bad time given my injury, I just think I gave up mentally when it got hard, ya know?  And that makes me mad!

    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


      akalei - nice job on the Broad St!  And pain free is always good.


      Amik - I have the stick but don't use it that much. I prefer the foam roller.


      Rollcast - What, me? Never.  (Okay maybe)


      Billy - enjoy the rest now because your Hansons plan's gonna be a killer.


      Indi - enjoy the short run.


      Dream - I think it depends on where you're at mileage-wise currently.  If you want to focus more on base building or already have a strong base.

        Dreamn and Akalei- great 10 milers!

        You must have been somewhere close to each other in the crowd.


        A 10 miler in about 77 minutes is close to 22 minutes for a 5k, and it seems many of us are somewhere near those two marks.

        Perhaps we should have a little internal 22 minute 5k challenge- maybe even Cbus will join in when he gets better!

        PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                            10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.


          I think Cbus has been quoted as saying something to the effect of, "5K's?  Yuck!"


          Although maybe with enough peer pressure...

          PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


            Thanks Ami, Jedi, and Simon!


            Jedi - I think I'll do the same.  I'm definitely keeping the long runs and medium long runs and throw in some quality every now and then just to mix it up.  It feels a little weird not to have anything on the schedule for such a long time.


            Simon - I'm so scared to race a 5k.  I'm a long slow, ease into my pace type of girl, but I'm searching for a 5k just so I can record one and to see how I do  Smile.


              Hey all,

              Ran 6 easy tonight. 10:28 pace. Was the best run in a long time.


              Looking at my log, I've been sick from March 21.


              Lesson learned: go to the doctor sooner.

              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

              White Lightning

                Crummy 5 mile easy run this afternoon.  I was sunburned from yesterday and the sun beating down on me today was plain miserable.  10:19 and I felt like junk.  Time to switch to morning running it looks


                Really great racing from everyone this weekend, very motivating.

                Play the Game Hard!

                Rusk Runner

                  4 recovery on the dreadmill tonight.


                  At least you are getting better cbus.  That matters alot.


                  Josh - I actually havent been doing alot of morning running the past few weeks.  I miss it.  Its time to get it going again.


                  Nah Ami - Dont underestimate what an injury, especially one that you can run with, does to your fitness.  Since going to PT My avg HR has dropped up to 6 bpm.  What do you think that would have equated to over the 26.2 miles of my race.  What do you think it would have meant for your HR to be 6bpm lower over your 5K?

                  PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                  Just Run!!!



                    CMB - its not that stressful - you fall into the pace after awhile. I was worried because the other pacer was more veteran than me, but we finished very close to each other. Dreamn- Between my last marathon and this one I built my base from 30-40, it helped a lot. I ran a lot of easy miles. Akalei- I contacted the race director of the NJ half because I'd run it last year and a teammate of mine had paced it last year- its definitely a good deal, and a free long training run! I'm browsing the Kinvaras and the Virratas on RW. I'm thinking I may try them. Mdawg- Thanks! Onemile- I second Mdawg, I think you can throw down a sub-1:40! Being a lazy fart today - total rest day. I tried to restrict my junk food intake to 1/2 cup of coconut milk based ice cream. Easier said than done. I think I'm still rungry. Taper is 4 miles tomorrow, then 5 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday. I signed up for the Mothers' Day 5K in the park I train in in my parents' neighborhood. I'm kind of hoping to place *gulp*. Last year's top 10 times were rounded out by people running around 22-23, which theoretically I should be able to run. That'll be a nice tempo before the marathon. I also signed up for a redemption take at the Fourth of July 8 mile race I started my racing career with in 2011. I ran it at a 10:20 pace and finished in 1:20. I'd like to run it at about an hour. Based on my time from the NYC Half, my fastest race effort to date, I should be able to do the race in about that time - too bad its ALL UPHILL. This taper makes me look fat!

                    13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55



                      CMB - its not that stressful - you fall into the pace after awhile. I was worried because the other pacer was more veteran than me, but we finished very close to each other. Dreamn- Between my last marathon and this one I built my base from 30-40, it helped a lot. I ran a lot of easy miles. Akalei- I contacted the race director of the NJ half because I'd run it last year and a teammate of mine had paced it last year- its definitely a good deal, and a free long training run! I'm browsing the Kinvaras and the Virratas on RW. I'm thinking I may try them. Mdawg- Thanks! Onemile- I second Mdawg, I think you can throw down a sub-1:40! Being a lazy fart today - total rest day. I tried to restrict my junk food intake to 1/2 cup of coconut milk based ice cream. Easier said than done. I think I'm still rungry. Taper is 4 miles tomorrow, then 5 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday. I signed up for the Mothers' Day 5K in the park I train in in my parents' neighborhood. I'm kind of hoping to place *gulp*. Last year's top 10 times were rounded out by people running around 22-23, which theoretically I should be able to run. That'll be a nice tempo before the marathon. I also signed up for a redemption take at the Fourth of July 8 mile race I started my racing career with in 2011. I ran it at a 10:20 pace and finished in 1:20. I'd like to run it at about an hour. Based on my time from the NYC Half, my fastest race effort to date, I should be able to do the race in about that time - too bad its ALL UPHILL. This taper makes me look fat!



                      The formatting of this is a trainwreck.

                      13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55



                        Jenny - I can't wait.Smile Ready to kick it up a notch.


                        Billy - enjoy the rest now because your Hansons plan's gonna be a killer. 

                        Sprinkles - NJM on my short list for next spring. Glad to hear you had a good pacing effort


                        Nick - I say 5k's are fun.Smile lol


                        cbus - sounds like my summer last year. i waiuted too long too and got pneunomia.


                        josh - crummy 5m better than no miles


                        indi - nice recovery run


                        me - another SRD, but did hop on the spin bike for an easy 20min just to get the legs moving and some rolling too. I ate like a fatass yesterday.Smile Think it's all out of my system now as I had my normal oatmeal this morning. Legs feel good and think i will run tomorrow.

                        PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                        Up Next:




                          Looks like I'm running at 9:30 PM after my charity event.  i got summoned to work early...only to be the first one here...again.

                          13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                            Morning all!

                            8 easy on tap today.


                            Ami, I'm looking at hotel prices for Flying Pig, and I have to say, Cincy is surprisingly pricey. I'm now thinking of doing the half there. If you ran it, would you be staying in a hotel? Or is it driving distance for you? If a hotel, I'm thinking we might be able to save costs if we split a double room suite.

                            PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                              Good morning! 7 TM miles at 9:40 pace and stretching at the gym this morning.  Strength training tonight. The hockey playoffs have sucked me in.  I've started staying up a little too late for a 4:30ish alarm.  Gotta get to bed earlier tonight.  Finally warming up a little here in the ATL today.  Looking forward to my 80 degree days again!


                              Jedi/onemile:  I second that!  I'm excited to be starting the Hansons plan this week...albeit a few weeks until the quality work begins.  I may feel differently then!


                              cbus:  Glad you are feeling better!

                              PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                                Big Board is all updated, but I know there are more updates out there that haven't been posted. So post em, if you want your glory.


                                Mdawg, thanks! It's funny. I've been sick for so long, I forgot how great normal feels.


                                Add me to the excited regarding Hansons training! (Although I don't start for a few weeks.) I'm determined to smash Cbus in the face!!!

                                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)