Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)


    RVD: I have a forerunner 10.  No HRM with it Sad

    My PR's! 5K: 21:54 | 10M: 1:16:55 | HM: 1:43:40 | Full: 3:51:56

    2013: BQ or bust!

      RVD: I have a forerunner 10.  No HRM with it Sad



      Ball of Fury

        If you just want a HRM, I have a Polar F7, which is around $80 and it works well.  However, then you would have 2 watch like devices to wear at the same time.  It might just be easier to buy a new Garmin?  I have the 410 and like it alot.  It is being phased out so is often on sale.  I think I paid $150.

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


          Of course that was a year ago, and maybe things have changed since then.


          I updated Nick's thorough and thought-provoking research a few months ago and reached the same conclusion.  I am still using my original strap from May 2010, and the quality of the data is slowly deteriorating.  Twice I've gotten so annoyed with it I promised myself I'd get a new one, and then it miraculously rallies and I go on.


            Thanks everyone so much for your hill thoughts.  A few general comments - the hill at mile 9 of 13 looks like Striders Pittsburgh graph but it's not only tough due to the narrow dirt trail and slope, but its 1) deep in the course when you're already tired and 2) there are 3 miles of blacktop we have to run on after it. It's kind of like a 1-2 punch - you crest at the hill and are tired and then have to deal with running in totally open sunny conditions to the finish line (not that that is bad, but the heat off the pavement can be intense on a sunny day)


            Simon - the hill at mile 2 is actually smaller - it's mostly a few tight mountain bike trails.  I can get through it better since its at the start of the race, but the one at mile 9 is the trouble point


            Strider - that's an amazing graph - that hill is huge. I like your approach on time management


            Indy and Nick - re: training on hills - I've run this entire HM course as a long run for the last 5 weeks or so. I've intentionally done it to replicate what it will feel like at mile 9. My only issue, is that I did it like a long run so I ran it once and not as a loop repeat hill.  When you say train on hills do you just go up and reverse course and keep doing that? This hill has a 4 mile loop, otherwise i'd have to just go back and forth. Nick - I've heard about that road west of Kensington too. I'm sure Ann Arbor will be awesome.


            Ami - great point on running on effort - I've tried to do that during my training on those hills, but I still get tired near the top Smile


            Bago - thanks for the point on the breathing


            Follow up question - I'm in taper now for my HM. This weekend I have a 8 mile run, before things wind down next week. What type of run should I do for my final 8 miler ?  12x400 interval, tempo (what I was planning), hill training on the trouble hill at mile 9 (2 - 4 mile loops) or (back/forth hill for 8 miles), traditional long run



            PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

            Running Blog


            Former Bad Ass

              What does the plan say, DTF?  If it's a speed workout, I would do less than 12 X 400, maybe 10 or 8 intervals?  I wouldn't do hills the week prior.


              5 miles, no weights.  Allergy shot today, so weights are a no.


              Interesting discussion about hills.  I have 4 weeks to get as much hill workout as I can before SF.  Any tips?  I can only do hills during the weekend because hills (bridges) are 30 minutes away from my house.  Maybe incorprate 5-6 bridges the days of my LR?



              Former Bad Ass

                Guys, somebody is asking input from runners that have done the Hanson method in RWOL:




                  What does the plan say, DTF?  If it's a speed workout, I would do less than 12 X 400, maybe 10 or 8 intervals?  I wouldn't do hills the week prior.



                  Thanks docket - yeah this plan was my own mini plan that I made up based on past years. I usually just do a tempo run. I plan to do one more speed session early next week with less intervals as you note - maybe 6. I was just asking since so many folks are talking about hill training methods. I agree - I may be too close to do any more but wanted to throw it out there


                  I'm not sure what I would do for your SF run. Is there enough room on the bridge for safe running? maybe there are some treadmill options too?

                  PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

                  Running Blog


                  Former Bad Ass

                    For HM to Marathons, I think the tempo run might be of most benefit than 400s.  Having said that, choose the one with the less chance of injury (again, that would be the tempo) this late in the game.  HIlls to me present a different risk of injury and I would hate to see you getting injured all of a sudden.


                    I won't do TM running so it's the bridge, which is safe enough for me to do whatever mileage I want.  The uphill is 1/2 mile long (100ft) and 1/2 mile down.



                    Thanks docket - yeah this plan was my own mini plan that I made up based on past years. I usually just do a tempo run. I plan to do one more speed session early next week with less intervals as you note - maybe 6. I was just asking since so many folks are talking about hill training methods. I agree - I may be too close to do any more but wanted to throw it out there


                    I'm not sure what I would do for your SF run. Is there enough room on the bridge for safe running? maybe there are some treadmill options too?


                      I would like to remind the donut shop that CBus and Ami were recently deciding on 3 way vs 4 way and are now discussing hotel options....... Big grin I have nothing constructive to add today beyond this. That is all, carry on.


                      DTF - good luck next weekend

                      PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                        Ami, okay, so here's the deal. Of all the hotel options in the downtown Cincy area, there is only one that we could reasonably afford. The Residence Inn. That would be the limiting factor. Unfortunately, they do not take reservations this far out. Right now it goes as far as April. I think next month, they will be taking May reservations. Once they start taking May reservations, I will try to book a room. If I can, then I'll most likely be a go for the Pig. I'm not sure what your finances are like, but if the price difference is like $100-150. So if that's an issue for you guys, I'd suggest also looking at the Residence Inn.

                        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)



                          Nick - my computer seems to refuse to acknowledge spacing- also, nice run!


                          Cbus/Indi- Thanks for the props on the pacing – it was so much fun. I’m really thinking of volunteering for a few more opportunities if I get the chance.


                          Docket- I still can’t believe how you handled that heat


                          AmiK- I’m joining the world of the short distance in a few short days!


                          Ami/Jedi- MMMM cheat meals. One of my favorites is my own nutella pb cookies. I need to get on that, but they’re a Christmas special.


                          Onemile/Ami and Sly- I’ve had luck losing weight while running, but I’ve had to be very cautious about what I eat, and I can only have fun around long runs. This cycle I maintained in order to get more quality runs in. The Racing Weight plan worked for me as well – I got the last 3-4 lbs off that I had put on over Christmas.


                          Akalei- Hmmm craft beer places – Brooklyn Brewery is a good place to go – I don’t know how “craft” oriented it is but it is a huge brewery. Ice cream – Cones, Big Gay Ice Cream; and Sundaes and Cones are all pretty famous and good. Magnolia has awesome cupcakes, hands down. I also LOVED the Philly marathon. The expo was really nice and manageable and the race was pretty well organized. I would corrall myself a bit faster than you expect to go for the half, as it can be a bit congested. I would definitely do it again.


                          Onemile- If you’re talking about Racing Weight I have the kindle edition and its fine.

                          I had a seriously ghetto running week so far of zero miles. I’m doubling tomorrow because I have time finally to get runs in – boss stayed super late today and I was still exhausted from a long day yesterday.

                          I figure I’ll turn the 4/5/4/Rest/8/3 into 7/7/Rest/3/8 (Monday)
                          And then continue with the taper the last few days since I think I’ll be missing the 2 mile shakeout since our flight is at 6am the day before the marathon.

                          Gratuitous pacer photo: Image Hosted by

                          13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                            6 miles at 8:03/mile.


                            Sprinkles - you look like you are really enjoying being a pacer. Great pic


                            CBus - Kings are making it stressful

                            PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                              6 miles at 8:03/mile.


                              Sprinkles - you look like you are really enjoying being a pacer. Great pic


                              CBus - Kings are making it stressful


                              Go Kings Go!

                              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                              Run Strider Run!


                                Interesting discussion about hills.  I have 4 weeks to get as much hill workout as I can before SF.  Any tips?  I can only do hills during the weekend because hills (bridges) are 30 minutes away from my house.  Maybe incorprate 5-6 bridges the days of my LR?


                                From what I understand hill training can create new stress for the feet/legs/hips so be sure to get rest; RW plan suggested only 1 hill day a week for the first half of the plan (to build strength).  For the marathon last fall I would climb up and down a hill for 4-8 total miles according to the plan.  It was a good, but short hill; this year I plan to find long hills that don't ever seem to end (not hard to find here).  You may not have the time or location for this, but it would be good to run for extended distances rather than short ones (bridges).


                                Earlier this year I did hill simulations on the dreadmill from this routine:  


                                Workout: Six/Sevens

                                1 Set: 90 seconds @ 6 percent grade and marathon pace
                                1-minute recovery @ flat jog
                                1 minute @ 7 percent grade and marathon pace
                                2-minute recovery @ flat jog

                                Do 6-10 sets.


                                PR:  47:52 (10K), 1:48:17 (HM), 4:01:42 (FM)