Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)

Ball of Fury

    Hi all!  Just a quick minute to hi!  It's been a long day with the overnight shift and then a chiro visit...still haven't been to bed.  At the chiro, I expressed my frustration that my hip feels worse, not better.  He encouraged me to take a week completely off from "exercise," except core work and upper body so no Insanity, no bike, no elliptical.  It's going to drive me nuts but I am going try follow instructions!


    CBus: I talked to DH again and we are definitely in the for the Pig HM, but when I brought up hotel, he seemed to think it was wasteful.  I will keep working on him, but we may just drive down.


    Others:  I will catch up tomorrow....sorry!  I need sleep!

    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

      Ami - that's frustrating. A week isn't so bad though


      josh -  it's a Griffin with rotation. Nice wolly. I couldn't Imagine having river access like yours.

      PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




      Former Bad Ass

        I did LA in 5:21 mainly because my foot hurt so I was not even racing fast but LA felt hilly and SF is worse.  PR was worse than LA but it was 100F.  This all means I have no idea what time I will do but I don't except to even break 5.  Knowing I have been doing 1-2 marathons per month since September indicates my legs are tired, ha!


        Docket -


        Hey if that bridge is the best you got, so be it.  I would try to work it in several time over the course of medium and longer runs since there will be hills throughout the SF course.  It will let you practice not letting your legs get trashed from the early hills and see what it's like to push through some later hills.


        I'm signed up for SF as well.  I just took a closer look at the course.  I knew we had to go up and over the Golden Gate and back, but never looked at the cruel joke on the other side.  Just when you cross over and go down the ramp on the far side, they make you run up a damn cliff to get to the water stop!


        Wish I knew how many minutes to add to my goal time for the hills.




        Former Bad Ass

          AmiK, if it makes you feel better, it's worth it.


          Oh, and nice pics!



            Oh, and nice pics!


            Yeah, Indi and being stopped on the freeway for 20-30 minutes resulted in my rapid pic posting. Sorry donuts.

            PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27





              Mdawg- The key to great race pics is apparently running slower than race pace!


              Rollcast - Great photos! Your family's place looks like it has quite the view.


              Now I want to add a taper photo (aka a not running-related photo):



              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                Rollcast - Great photos! Your family's place looks like it has quite the view.




                Thank but that's Josh's folks place

                PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                  Docket - 1 or 2 marathons a month. Just wow...


                  Josh - Awesome pictures and location. Moose running in front of your house yesterday? Amazing. My in-laws live up in Michigan's upper peninsula and they have moose around, but I have never seen one. I know that you have complained a little about the cold up there, but things like that have to make up for the cold a little.


                  Roll - that picture gets me looking forward to the summer with my boys (1yo and 3yo)


                  Ami - As Roll said, its just a week, and hopefully you can start to put the injury thing behind you


                  Hockey - how this Red Wing's season is a change from the last 20 years. Just hoping to make the playoffs, not really expecting to make it out of the first round. Good luck to your teams


                  Ran 12 miles today with 4 at my hoped for HMP 7:37 on a pretty hilly route. I couldn't keep the pace after 4 miles though which makes me think that I might be biting off more than I can chew trying to knock off that much time. I haven't run hills like that in a month, so I will run the same course next week to see how it goes and then think about changing the goal.

                  PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


                    Gorgeous fishing pics, guys.


                    I think I purposely avoid hills when I can.  I know it's something I need to tackle eventually, but get stuck in my comfy ruts.


                    Ami- Hang in there, remember you're in it for the long haul.  Deferred gratification.


                    Nick-  I wouldn't be too hard on yourself with the tempo run.  FWIW, I went from a 1:42:48 on a faster course to a 1:39:40 over a year in goal HM's.  In my last cycle, I never was able to break 7:30 mm avg pace for my 10K time trials.  I definitely gained something during my 2 week taper.  I think it's close, but if the endurance is there, you may be able to eke it out come race day.

                    White Lightning

                      Nick - Those three moose come back every year about this time for a week or two and then vanish.  Neighbor called me today and warned me about a black bear and two cubs wandering around.  Our first leaves started coming in today, its our mad dash every year.  80F today makes you forget about winter real quick


                      Totally full day for me, spent 14 hours doing yard work and maintenance trying to get the grounds ready for the season and didn't realize its the third day in a row I haven't done any workout or running.  I did hand shovel 12 yards of mulch today so got some grunt work in for a workout, only 24 more yards to go

                      Play the Game Hard!


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Too cute!


                        Mdawg- The key to great race pics is apparently running slower than race pace!


                        Rollcast - Great photos! Your family's place looks like it has quite the view.


                        Now I want to add a taper photo (aka a not running-related photo):





                          Hockey - how this Red Wing's season is a change from the last 20 years. Just hoping to make the playoffs, not really expecting to make it out of the first round. Good luck to your teams.


                          And how this season is the same as so many in Raleigh:  Its May and we've been discussing the draft for a month already.Roll eyes


                          4 easy miles this morning.... still just noodling around and trying to find the right shoes...


                            Good morning!  Strength training, 3 easy TM miles, and stretching at the gym.  First week of 5 days running since my December injury.  Yay!  Looking forward to the warmer runs outside this weekend in the ATL!


                            AmiK:  I think full rest may be the thing that tips you over the edge to recovery.  Just stay active and busy (not hard given your schedule!) and you'll be fine.  It's a mental game at this point.  You can do it!


                            Roll:  So...who do you want to play in the second round?


                            cbus:  Good luck tonight!  Go Kings go!


                            Sprinkles:  Precious pup!


                            Docket:  What do you think is the key to you being able to run so many miles?  I'd love to run/race more than I do, but I'm just not sure my body can handle it.

                            PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                              Morning, all.  Did Insanity this morning because my park is shut down... they're afraid that accident I was talking about yesterday caused fuel to get into the waterway that runs into the lake.  And there were SO many geese running around the lake with their families yesterday morning.  I really hope everything is OK. Cry Hoping to get in 6 this afternoon/evening, but we'll see.


                              Sprinkles: pup is too cute!  I'm assuming that a week into taper, you feel about the same way as him? Smile


                              Josh: Moose?! How awesome!


                              Ami: Sorry to hear you have to take a break Sad Hopefully the week goes fast for you!


                              Nick: The hills likely had something to do with it, so don't get too down on yourself.  Plus, everyone is entitled to a not-so-hot day now and then.

                              My PR's! 5K: 21:54 | 10M: 1:16:55 | HM: 1:43:40 | Full: 3:51:56

                              2013: BQ or bust!





                                Those are some beautiful photos - I can't say I have much interest in fishing, but the nature aspect of it, I love


                                Sprinkles - I love the picture of your dog Smile  Dogs are the best.


                                Out of the boot for good now, and I have clearance from the PT now to do biking.  Running, not yet.  I accidentally jogged a few steps when trying to walk quickly in the rain yesterday, and holy moly the foot is not strong enough or flexible enough for that yet.   I also didn't realize how little the sole of my foot was being stretched while walking in the boot - now that I'm in a shoe, I am feeling a lot of strain in my plantar fascia and on the outer edge of my foot, so I'm trying to take it easy on my feet until that stretches out more.  But I am most definitely going to work up a good sweat on the bike today.

                                My wildly inconsistent PRs:

                                5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

                                10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

                                HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

                                Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011)