Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)



    Morning Donuts! MIA yesterday as I was traveling for work. Ran for first time since Frederick. Easy 6.3m and it was kinda rough on the legs with the few days off. To be expected I guess. Overslept this am but squeezed in 4m and legs bouncing back a bit better today, Should get some decent mileage in next 2 days. No quality for another week for me and just easy running.


    I really started looking at Hanson plan yesterday just to lock in what my paces should be. 3;15 is my BQ time, but a 3:14:59 won't get me in I know, so targeting a 3:12-3:13 and 7:20 as my MP is right where that falls and what I'll use in training. For those of you who have done Hanson how did you do your easy runs? A mid-point between easy 1 & 2 or some days 1 and some days 2? Figured my easy paces to be 8:19 (Easy #1) and 8:55 (Easy#2). Easy pace is 8:15-8:25 most days right now for me so I am in ballpark right now. LR pace will be 8:00. So stoked to get this going and once I get going again here probably run these paces pre-plan.


    AmiK - my 5 cents worth here. i would have taken a week off about a week ago when you ran that 5k to rest that hip. Sounds liek rest is right way to go right now. You'll get thru it. Not end of the world when your body needs it.


    Sprinkles - I am BIG on the dog photos too. Post pics of my 2 girls all the time. I have a Weim and a pit mix.


    mdawg - hooray for 5 days running! You'll need to go 6 for Hanson though.


    bagopux - they still play hockey?Smile


    akalei - where is that in PA?

    PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


    Up Next:


      Mdawg - the Sharks preferably. Not the kings


      jedi - #workon


      Nick - one of my boys is a Nick as well


      bago - redwings are a surprisingly stoick team this year IMO


      sprinkles - looks Rilke te dog owns that comforter


      cmb - baby steps. Not sure I can watch you suffer another set back.


      Indi- where are you my brother


      Simon - are you ready


      Rollcast did 6 easy on the TM last night - barf

      PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




      Former Bad Ass

        I don't know.  I have always been interested in running a lot of miles and was able to increase my miles very quickly.  Maybe it's my body?  I would also venture the fact that I run mostly slow (very slow) as a reason why I can increase to the level I do. Not sure.


        Good morning!  Strength training, 3 easy TM miles, and stretching at the gym.  First week of 5 days running since my December injury.  Yay!  Looking forward to the warmer runs outside this weekend in the ATL!


        AmiK:  I think full rest may be the thing that tips you over the edge to recovery.  Just stay active and busy (not hard given your schedule!) and you'll be fine.  It's a mental game at this point.  You can do it!


        Roll:  So...who do you want to play in the second round?


        cbus:  Good luck tonight!  Go Kings go!


        Sprinkles:  Precious pup!


        Docket:  What do you think is the key to you being able to run so many miles?  I'd love to run/race more than I do, but I'm just not sure my body can handle it.



        Former Bad Ass

          Great news!




          Those are some beautiful photos - I can't say I have much interest in fishing, but the nature aspect of it, I love


          Sprinkles - I love the picture of your dog Smile  Dogs are the best.


          Out of the boot for good now, and I have clearance from the PT now to do biking.  Running, not yet.  I accidentally jogged a few steps when trying to walk quickly in the rain yesterday, and holy moly the foot is not strong enough or flexible enough for that yet.   I also didn't realize how little the sole of my foot was being stretched while walking in the boot - now that I'm in a shoe, I am feeling a lot of strain in my plantar fascia and on the outer edge of my foot, so I'm trying to take it easy on my feet until that stretches out more.  But I am most definitely going to work up a good sweat on the bike today.



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have an SRD today with a chiro appointment tonight.


            Hope everybody is having a great day!  I am stoked that it's Friday.



              bagopux - they still play hockey?Smile



              Easy there big fella.... are we gonna get the NASCAR and Mayberry jokes next?  Yaaaaaaawn.....




                Thank but that's Josh's folks place


                So many quotes and pages back - then Josh has a rockin' view.

                13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55



                  Damaris and CMB - Thanks! Dog (Harry) is as sweet as he looks...not a mean bone in his body.


                  Akalei- I don't really want to get out of bed, pretty sure my legs are lead bricks, and all i wanna do is eat garbage - yep, just about feeling exactly like my dog.


                  Jedi- Dogs are amazing- I'm trying to get better with the SLR to get actual good photos of this guy


                  Rollcast- My dog owns the entire house.


                  5 easy miles today around 8:55 avg pace.  Gorgeous weather out - i still feel overtired though.

                  13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                  White Lightning


                    And how this season is the same as so many in Raleigh:  Its May and we've been discussing the draft for a month already.Roll eyes



                    Same up here in Calgary Sad

                    Play the Game Hard!


                      Hey all,

                      Ran 8 easy yesterday, and I've got 4ish SLOW miles on tap today.


                      Ami, I agree with your husband. The hotel is wasteful for you guys, if you only live 15 minutes away. That's even shorter than my drive into Cbus, and I would never, NEVER stay in a hotel for the marathon, no matter how many Donuts were showing up. It will be awesome enough meeting up at the expo and running the race. But like I said in previous posts, I will have to see if I can get that hotel first before I can commit to the Pig.


                      Mdawg, that's right: Go Kings Go! I seriously think they need to wrap it up tonight in LA. Anything can happen during a game 7 on the road. I think we've proven we are the better team because of our superior goalie, so hopefully the Kings bring their A game and finish business.


                      Cmb, that's awesome news!


                      Jedi, the paces you are talking about sound absolutely insane to me! #dowork#

                      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                      Ball of Fury

                        Hi all!  Thanks for the encouragement and I know you are right....I just feel blech, ya know?


                        Jedi:  When doing my easy runs, I just ran them by feel and my paces were almost always in the correct range.  He says in the book to sometimes run them on the faster end if your legs feel good, and I would usually do that on Saturdays because Fri and Sat are both easy days.

                        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15



                          cbus - me too buddy, me too!Smile


                          Jedi, the paces you are talking about sound absolutely insane to me! #dowork#

                          PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                          Up Next:




                            All the farmboys up here love NASCAR too. That and the Steelers. I'm a New Yawker and love my GInats and my Metsies.Smile



                            Easy there big fella.... are we gonna get the NASCAR and Mayberry jokes next?  Yaaaaaaawn.....

                            PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                            Up Next:



                              All the farmboys up here love NASCAR too. That and the Steelers. I'm a New Yawker and love my GInats and my Metsies.Smile



                              For some reasons, when I initially read your post, I thought you said that as a New Yorker you love your "gonads."

                              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                                Jedi: Up in Harrisburg.  The park I'm talking about is Wildwood--remember the hills from the marathon?  That's my park.  I guess about 2000 gallons of diesel from the truck exploding got into the creek and lake, but DEP and some other groups were quick to respond so cleanup is going well.  It's closed through at least the weekend, though.  And if you have any intention of heading north this weekend, 81 is shut down in both directions and part of 22/322 as well.  What a headache.

                                My PR's! 5K: 21:54 | 10M: 1:16:55 | HM: 1:43:40 | Full: 3:51:56

                                2013: BQ or bust!