Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)


    Go Kings Go!


    Roll, Go Kings Go!


    Mdawg, Go Kings Go!


    Everyone, Go Kings Go!


    QOTD, Go Kings Go?

    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

    Ball of Fury

      Hey all!  Just time for a quick hi...I did P90X Chest and Back and Ab RipperX this morning...I really dislike Tony Horton.  In a bit of a funk right now but trying to be positive. Hope you all have a great weekend...I have 30ish hours to work tomorrow/Monday...definitely contributing to my funk!

      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

      Ball of Fury

        Forgot to say good luck today Damaris and Sprinkles (today or tomorrow?)

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


          Good morning.  Ran 7+ miles with 6 at "sorta" MP this morning.  Temp was 62 when I started and 68 when I finished.  Perfect!  Started with a 9:28 w/u mile followed by splits of 8:32, 8:24, 8:10 (oops), 8:29, 8:36, and 8:36.  I'm wondering about my 3:50 goal since I'm having a hard time keeping these runs around 8:45.  Should I train for a more aggressive goal?  Or maybe I'm just fresh since I've had rest from being injured?  Don't want to overextend myself, but I want to train/race to my best capability.  Thoughts?


          cbus:  Go Kings go!  How demoralizing for STL to win the first 2 games and lose the series in 4 straight.  


          AmiK:  I just want to encourage you to keep your head up this week.  This rest is going to be so good for you!  You will get past this and come back even stronger.

          PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

          Ball of Fury

            Good morning.  Ran 7+ miles with 6 at "sorta" MP this morning.  Temp was 62 when I started and 68 when I finished.  Perfect!  Started with a 9:28 w/u mile followed by splits of 8:32, 8:24, 8:10 (oops), 8:29, 8:36, and 8:36.  I'm wondering about my 3:50 goal since I'm having a hard time keeping these runs around 8:45.  Should I train for a more aggressive goal?  Or maybe I'm just fresh since I've had rest from being injured?  Don't want to overextend myself, but I want to train/race to my best capability.  Thoughts?


            cbus:  Go Kings go!  How demoralizing for STL to win the first 2 games and lose the series in 4 straight.  


            AmiK:  I just want to encourage you to keep your head up this week.  This rest is going to be so good for you!  You will get past this and come back even stronger.


            Thank you!  I know you are right, it's just frustrating that I have been doing various forms of PT with zero improvement for 5-6 months.  As far as your goal, I would say keep it the same for a few weeks until you see how you respond to the Hanson SOS workout, and then adjust halfway through if you need to.

            PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

              i thought Simon had a race this weekend?


              Cbus & Mdawg - the kings are the only team in the west that really concern me regarding the Blackhawks chances. They have figured out the formula that seems to be most effective against our speed which is out Toews and Kane and Hossa on a physical game early and they usually become timid shooters. The kings are a lot more physical than the Blackhawks and it seems to render them useless by the 3rd. Couple that with clogging the shooting lanes with the bigs and it is gonna be more than a challenge.


              Ami - it's a  temporary set backUndecided

              PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                dark streets - what was the weather like for your 20 miler ?


                cbus - good luck to your kings.  The wings could use some help for game 7 in Anaheim I think - it's a total coin flip !


                Had a good tempo run today, despite staying up to see the Wings almost lose it and then win in OT. ...and why do they play Sunday games at 7 pm on the west coast - gosh !!! Smile


                8 miler was good today - missed a PR by 30 seconds, so i'm pleased.  It's like 45 degrees here and I know what's going to happen next week - it's going to perk up to 75 degrees and be humid on race day a week from Sunday. I think i'm ready -  i'm be finishing my pace strategy this weekend for my HM. Leaving to pick up my packet and cool pint glass now


                Good luck to this weekends racers !

                PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

                Running Blog

                  Roll I did not get registered in time- the event closed at 27,000 entries!

                  That's a lot of people, even if a couple of thousand don't show up for one reason or another.


                  I am regretting not registering earlier, there is a guy in my age group, whom I've never met, but who often enters events I also enter, and often beats me by a small margin. I was hoping to make him work hard for it this time, though he ran 43Tight lippedx and 45Tight lippedx in two 10ks last year.


                  Do any of you have "rivalries" like that either with people you don't know, or people you do?


                  Happy Mothers Day to all the mums!

                  PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                      10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.



                    Cbus & Mdawg - the kings are the only team in the west that really concern me regarding the Blackhawks chances. They have figured out the formula that seems to be most effective against our speed which is out Toews and Kane and Hossa on a physical game early and they usually become timid shooters. The kings are a lot more physical than the Blackhawks and it seems to render them useless by the 3rd. Couple that with clogging the shooting lanes with the bigs and it is gonna be more than a challenge.



                    One more thought and I'll drop it. I hope the Ducks take the Kings to game 6 or 7 (if that's who y'all face) with the idea that it may help weatithe Kings down if the Blackhawks do meet up with them in a later round.


                    Simon - just recently, in my last 5k, I started out way to fast and ended up giving first in my age group to a guy that I think I could have seriously raced if I had managed my first mile correctly (not a 5:35 pace for the first 1/2 - 3/4 mile). So next year I will be standing next to him at the start.

                    PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                    Rusk Runner

                      6.25 recovery miles @ 9:36 avg on the dreadmill today.  There were 4 x .250 repeats in there @ 7:30 pace (tempo).  Felt good on the mill today as I was giving very much thought to form, form, form.

                      PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                      Just Run!!!


                        Hey all, just swinging by quick before my momma gets here for an afternoon of shopping.  Got in 5 easy in the rain with pup this morning.  My park is still closed, 2000 gallons of fuel got into the lake, and 12 baby birds died Sad Never knew I'd get so bummed over some birds but this is MY park!  Makes me so angry at this stupid trucker for going too fast with 50,000 gallons of diesel on board.  Vent over. I think.


                        LR day tomorrow... yay!  I finished typing up my training calendar for Wineglass, too.  I'm getting excited! Going with Pfitz 18/55 again with a few tweaks--I do more of a taper than he calls for and I'm turning at least one of the 20's into a 22.  After the half in March (times 2) and Broad Street, I feel pretty confident in my ability to get that BQ.  I'm sure by the beginning of September, that confidence will fizzle.  Smile


                        Have a great weekend guys!

                        My PR's! 5K: 21:54 | 10M: 1:16:55 | HM: 1:43:40 | Full: 3:51:56

                        2013: BQ or bust!



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Hi, guys.  My 10K was today.  Super hot and humid but I made my goal of running sub 1 hour (yeap, that's how tough this course is).  No asthma attacks and a nice HMP workout.


                          Go, Heat, Go, Cbus.  Get the correct one! Big grin



                          Three Martini Lunch

                            Hi all.  Sorry I've been MIA.  I had a very busy week, so my running got shot to hell.  For ego's sake, I'm calling it the first week of taper.  Even though I only really need two weeks, not three.  I've only gotten in about 14 miles so far this week, with today being 6.5 miserable miles @ 9:16.  First hot and humid run I've done this year, so every step was a struggle.  In about a month, these conditions will be normal and old hat, it is just that the first couple each year are miserable.  I was also stiff and achy from not having run very much.  Sorry to be a downer.  Great running all; sorry I don't have more time for shoutouts.

                            M: 3:31:56

                            HM: 1:37:33


                              Hey all,

                              8 easy today.


                              SiMon, does this rival look exactly like you except that he has a goatee?


                              Docket, what's a Heat?

                              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                              Former Bad Ass

                                THE Heat, pffftttt.


                                Hey all,

                                8 easy today.


                                SiMon, does this rival look exactly like you except that he has a goatee?


                                Docket, what's a Heat?
