Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)

    RVD:  Congrats!  Looking forward to your training program beginning.  I'll be interested to hear your take on it.  The 1/2 marathon is the Bootlegger HM in Dawsonville.  Heard of it?  I think it was called something else last year.


    No, I'm not familiar with it.  I could use a half marathon to check my pace though, but there just aren't any flat ones around.  I can't make up my mind whether to do the Silver Comet half or full later this year on Oct 26th.  I could probably PR the half, but might win my AG in the full.  Plus, if I could find a half it would probably screw up this 60 - 80 week Hansons plan that I'm supposed to start two weeks from today.  I'm going to try to follow the plan religiously.  The 20 week 40 - 60 mpw plan did me real well this last training cycle.


    On the outbound flight to MSP this past Friday morning I was seated next to Andi Hardy, a competitive obstacle course runner, sponsored by Spartan.  (You can Google her name.) She lives in Marietta and usually trains on Kennesaw Mountain or Stone Mountain.  She said that people look at her weird when they see her running up the mountain carrying sandbags.  She said she always looks for the hilly stuff because she has more strength than speed.


      Mdawg - what cbus said about racing the half.  And also about limiting racing with Hansons.  The week you race, they advise skipping the tempo run and you don't want to skip many!


      Sorry to all you tempo shorts wearers!  I just think there are so many more flattering shorts out there.


      akalei - those UA shorts look less bunchy than tempos and it looks like they come in a lot of colors. Hmm...


      Nick - nice job on the LR


      Josh - hope this week is better.


      Amik- hang in there!


      I'm planning on an easy 6-7 for tonight.  I ended up with 55 for last week so getting back up there.

      Ball of Fury


        No, I'm not familiar with it.  I could use a half marathon to check my pace though, but there just aren't any flat ones around.  I can't make up my mind whether to do the Silver Comet half or full later this year on Oct 26th.  I could probably PR the half, but might win my AG in the full.  Plus, if I could find a half it would probably screw up this 60 - 80 week Hansons plan that I'm supposed to start two weeks from today.  I'm going to try to follow the plan religiously.  The 20 week 40 - 60 mpw plan did me real well this last training cycle.


        On the outbound flight to MSP this past Friday morning I was seated to Andi Hardy, a competitive obstacle course runner, sponsored by Spartan.  (You can Google her name.) She lives in Marietta and usually trains on Kennesaw Mountain or Stone Mountain.  She said that people look at her weird when they see her running up the mountain carrying sandbags.  She said she always looks for the hilly stuff because she has more strength than speed.


        I love Andi Hardy!!  You should see her when she has her elevation mask on....creepy!

        PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

          Nick - BLACKHAWKS BABYYYY!!!!!!!


          Ami - your work is like a marathon, Keep your chin up


          RVD - congrats


          Onemile - stop picking on the tempo supportersCool


          Josh - every once in a while its healthy to step back, helps you remember why you left that food.


          Cbus & Mdawg - really glad to see the two of you back track!!!!!


          7 on tap this evening. I need to move up there with you all or find some runners down here to recruit over to the donut shop. I want to help crew a 50 miler for someone or meet at the finish of a few HMs or FMs. Oh well. Solo racer for now.

          PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27





            Someone here, I think, mentioned a book explaining a diet for runners that is strictly plant powered. My wife is starting to eat less and less chicken, beef, ham, etc. sh asked what the name of the book was. Anyone?


            Thrive by Brendan Brazier Smile

            13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55



              Cbus - Believe it or not, I've done a 360 on oiselle and now own 4 pairs of their shorts.  Lulu got me angry with some of their comments about women in the press, and i met some of the oiselle ladies at a recent running event in NYC.  I SHOULD NOT have listened to my teammate and her nasty comments about them - they are actually really really nice. I thought they'd be super stuck up, but I learned my lesson.  I still own lulu shorts too though - no chafage from either brand.


              Ami - Tempos are super comfy, not gonna lie- they're just so roomy!  For all that room, Nike needs to get with the times and shove a pocket in there. Nike Pro capris are great capris though- def my fave.


              Onemile- Thanks for the compliments on the photo.  I refuse to link to the actual race photos because I did not know that my legs were composed entirely of cellulite bahahahaha.


              Rollcast - Thrive is my favorite book.  I read it before my last marathon and go strict vegan before races now.


              Me :  8 mi easy this morning...didn't look at watch until the end.  The end read 8:25. WTF????? I thought I was running 9:30s tbh.  WOOHOOOOOOO.  Last pre-marathon spin tonight.

              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                I'm actually happy to hear this. You're a stand up person, for being able to admit when you've made a mistake, Sprink--even more respect for you.


                Cbus - Believe it or not, I've done a 360 on oiselle and now own 4 pairs of their shorts.  Lulu got me angry with some of their comments about women in the press, and i met some of the oiselle ladies at a recent running event in NYC.  I SHOULD NOT have listened to my teammate and her nasty comments about them - they are actually really really nice. I thought they'd be super stuck up, but I learned my lesson.  I still own lulu shorts too though - no chafage from either brand.



                PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                  Cbus - Believe it or not, I've done a 360 on oiselle and now own 4 pairs of their shorts.  Lulu got me angry with some of their comments about women in the press, and i met some of the oiselle ladies at a recent running event in NYC.  I SHOULD NOT have listened to my teammate and her nasty comments about them - they are actually really really nice. I thought they'd be super stuck up, but I learned my lesson.  I still own lulu shorts too though - no chafage from either brand.



                  You guys are gonna have CBus running a 5K wearing Lulu shorts pretty soon. Which would be fine as long as he is still cheering for the Kings......wait, what......Cool Just kidding of course.\


                  Thanks Sprinkles and D for the book recommendation

                  PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27




                    I want to get DW some Lululemon gear. But I still haven't found a lender who will give me the 30 year fixed loan that I need to do so.

                    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                    Ball of Fury

                      I want to get DW some Lululemon gear. But I still haven't found a lender who will give me the 30 year fixed loan that I need to do so.


                      Yeah...I asked for a Lulu gift card from MIL for my bday, but I got socks instead!

                      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

                        I went through and paired all of my wife's socks last night watching the hockey game. I would have rather given her a Lulu gift card. That was not fun Sad

                        PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Thanks!  I forgot the name!


                          Thrive by Brendan Brazier Smile

                          Aftrnoon.  Super busy as I have a trial tomorrow and I leave at 2pm today, so I am behind on the thread.  9 miles tonight before working some more tonight.  Can it be friday?




                            Cbus- Thanks!  I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong.  I think it comes from being a junior associate at a big law firm - if anything beats the "oh I know what's going on" attitude its that.


                            Roll- I'm with Onemile here- no pockets and they tend to be diaperish.  I wore knockoff target tempo shorts at the DC half and my friend goes "nice pampers." Never again.  They look fine on my super skinny friends, just not on my muscly legs.


                            Ami/NND - I've gotten Lulu shorts on sale before - in the we made too much section.  I refuse to pay full price for their stuff.  I have two now and love them both.  Oiselle does have comparable shorts tho- the Rogas- they are on Runningwarehouse on sale frequently Smile

                            13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55



                              I can add that the pink shorts in my profile pic are the long rogas lol

                              13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

                              Rusk Runner

                                Thanks for the support and well wishes everybody.  I am dealing with things and in the end I will be a better runner for it.  PT tomorrow.  I can actually jog on the leg right now, but I still think it needs rest.


                                Ordered strength kits from Eric Ortons site today.  Gotta continue efforts to get form right.  This is paramount in my mind and I am going to make sure I take the time to do this.


                                DTF - Again, I would highly rec you try Pearl Izumi Fly shorts (if you can handle the length).  That is what I am wearing in my profile pic or avatar, or whatever you call that.

                                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                                Just Run!!!