Sub-4 Marathon Group

May 2013 (Read 58 times)

Ball of Fury

    Indy:  I hope for your sake you are able to race it, but would love to run with  you if you find you can't.  And yes, July 1st is the start date.


    Onemile:  Yes, come one down and run IMM!!  I say go for it with the 5K.


    Roll:  I have had pretty good luck with Map My Run to find routes in cities I am not familiar with.

    PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

      Ran my weekly HMP tempo run yesterday in my futile attempt to get through 8 hilly miles at a 1:40 HM pace. Got to 6 at 7:45 pace (first few miles being closer to 7:30) before I gave up, finishing the next uphill mile in 12 minutes (was able to do the subsequent all downhill mile at 7:30 Smile ). Better than last week where I gave up after 4 tempo miles, but not where I want to be. At this point I think I would be close to making it if the course was flat, as I was able to 7:31 pace for the 8 mile tempo with no hills, but throwing the hills in there my HR is just getting too high to sustain it for 13.1 miles. Think I am going to slow down my target by about 10 seconds per mile.


      Have to get caught up...


      Strider - Poland, have a good time. A friend of mine went last year for work and said it was great


      mdawg - Just curious, I see Lehigh is the second week of September. I seen it mentioned somewhere that it is best to have your BQ time by Sept 1st to be confident in getting in. Any truth to that? Any concern that Lehigh could be too late? And good luck on the 3:45, I think that is going to be my goal, but not willing to admit that by updating the Big Board Smile


      Josh - When you get done with your yard work, I have some mulch to spread. Could use some help!


      Indi - have you looked into ultra training? Would you expect it to take much more time/mileage over what you would do for a marathon?


      Sprinkles - Good Luck!


      DTF - Maybe I am just cheap, but 6 pairs of shorts and you are looking for more? I only have 2. Keep thinking it would be nice to have more, but can't convince myself it is worth spending money on. And yes, not following the same plan, but am constantly (more than is healthy probably) comparing my latest run to last year.


      Jedi/Onemile - Good job reaching 1000 miles. I am slacking, should just get to 500 miles tomorrow for the year.


      Onemile - meaning that you are going to run all of your runs at a 8:00 pace? Nice 12


      Roll - Is the 'Roll' in your name for Cinnamon Roll? Normally in other cities I take a quick look at a map to see if there are any obvious good running spots. Other than that I just go out the door with my GPS and see where the roads take me - I ran 8 miles in a local community college parking lot not too long ago. The Red Wings fell apart in the 3rd period on Wed - can't lose tonight and expect the series to be competitive.

      PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)



        Morning Donuts! Another fly-by for me. Work is busy. Ran a easy 6.5m this morning. i wanted to get in 8m, but overslept. trying to keep my easy runs within my Hanson easy 1 & 2 pace. 8:41 today so right in the middle of 8:20-8:55 (Easy 1/2). 13-15m tomorrow for my my LR a day early sicne I am traveling for work on Sunday to Greensboro.


        Sprinkles - Do Work on Sunday!

        PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


        Up Next:




          AmiK- Thanks!

          Roll - Breathing!

          Onemile- The 5K i did was hard but fun.  Go for it.


          Me - Obsessively stalking the weather forecast.  75 degrees is the current anticipated high- that is pretty warm. Ack.  I am hydrating and carbing a bit today already.  My secretary asked me if I was running a 10k marathon this weekend.  I felt really deflated after that one. Yes, I am running a 10k marathon...I tried to explain that the marathon defines a specific distance, and that there is no such thing as a marathon that is not 26.2 miles long, but she insisted that people gather on saturday mornings in Central Park to run marathons, not 10ks...I almost had a case of yet-too-be-stored glycogen-induced rage.


          I did my 2 mile shakeout garmin less this morning and felt pretty good today.

          13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  you guys have been chatty!  I ended up with 14 miles total yesterday (2 with hubby).  6 and weights today.  Hoping for not passing out this time around.


            Good luck to our racers this weekend!  Tear the asphalt!  I have a 10K but it's just for fun (as a speed work session except with the passing out yesterday I am going to be more careful).



              Nick - nice job on the tempo.  I couldn't do 8 miles at HMP I don't think.  And no, not 8:00. I can't run that fast. More like 8:5x Smile


              Jedi - nice 6


              Sprinkles - that high probably won't be reached until the late afternoon. Morning should be cooler. Can't wait to see how you do!


                roll - wow 105 degrees ! hope your didn't buy those cinnamon buns - that would be an experience to eat those outside - lol


                sprinkles - LOL on the 10K marathon comment. I get sassy about that too.  I have family that sometimes try to relate as well but just don't know the terminology - every once in a while they'll say "hows running going?" then follow on by saying "I should tell you about my friend who's a big runner too - he runs in a July 4th 5K each year and every year he does it - a big runner I tell you" somehow 50 mile per week marathon training is equivalent to running an annual 5K with a stroller and we must all be related or something - lol.  Then the topic immediately changes to something else they really want to discuss.  Anyway, good luck with your full 26.2 marathon !!! You trained hard and are ready. I hope you smash your goal.  I know what you mean about stalking the weather !


                nick - yeah, most of my shorts are several years old and the waist band is starting to  wear so I have to use the strings a lot.  For Detroit last year, I broke in a newer pair so the waistband was more sturdy.   I just need like 1 pair.  Ended up going to dicks sporting goods on Haggerty.  Ends up the they had more sizes (ones that dont touch the knee cap-lol) and I picked up one pair and also a shorter nike version i'm going to try on hotter days this summer. PS - congrats on the tempo run - that's a pretty fast 6 miles ! You're going to do great in ann arbor coming up

                PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

                Running Blog

                  Nick - nice job on the tempo.  I couldn't do 8 miles at HMP I don't think.  And no, not 8:00. I can't run that fast. More like 8:5x Smile


                  ???  If you can't do 8 miles at HMP, one has to ask whether HMP is HMP.


                    Nick:  No, not concerned about that.  Based on past history, the BAA usually opens registration in mid-September.  Add in the fact that they're having the special registration for the 2013 non-finishers in August and I don't think there's any way they open it up earlier than usual.  Plus, if they did open it earlier, I still think I'd have time to register before it fills.  I had several friends qualify in Chicago last year who registered right after they finished the race.  Definitely don't think it'll be open that long though.  September 1st is a definite lock.  I can see where some would use that as a drop dead date to be absolutely sure.  I'm just more worried about qualifying right now!


                    Sprinkles:  Best comment I've ever heard around my office is "I don't even like to drive 26.2 miles".

                    PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


                    Former Bad Ass

                      I have heard that before.  LOL.


                      Nick:  No, not concerned about that.  Based on past history, the BAA usually opens registration in mid-September.  Add in the fact that they're having the special registration for the 2013 non-finishers in August and I don't think there's any way they open it up earlier than usual.  Plus, if they did open it earlier, I still think I'd have time to register before it fills.  I had several friends qualify in Chicago last year who registered right after they finished the race.  Definitely don't think it'll be open that long though.  September 1st is a definite lock.  I can see where some would use that as a drop dead date to be absolutely sure.  I'm just more worried about qualifying right now!


                      Sprinkles:  Best comment I've ever heard around my office is "I don't even like to drive 26.2 miles".



                        I meant I can't do it outside of a race. Race day magic is powerful.



                        ???  If you can't do 8 miles at HMP, one has to ask whether HMP is HMP.


                          ???  If you can't do 8 miles at HMP, one has to ask whether HMP is HMP.


                          Exactly... I am trying to gauge what my HMP would be on the course I will run June 9th, given imperfect estimation based on the data that I have available. I know that a month ago 8 miles at 7:31 wasn't too bad on flat ground, but yesterday I couldn't do that over 6 hilly miles. Now, I know that my course yesterday was a little hillier than the actual race, but not that much more. If I look back to the half marathon I ran April 7th, at this same point before the race on the same hilly tempo run, I could only do 6 miles at an 8:26 pace before I had to stop. My target pace for that race was 8:15, but come race day on similar terrain, that seemed easy and ended up averaging about 8:00 pace - and felt like I left some time out there. But, I am not sure how much worth that comparison is, since I had only run about 120 miles total over the 10 weeks before that first tempo run, so I would assume I would be getting faster more quickly as I ramped up mileage at that point.


                          So now I know my HMP should be faster than 8:00/mile (given the same conditions), but by how much? For the previous race I averaged less than 35 miles for the 4 weeks leading up to the race, for this one I will have built on that with 10 more weeks of almost a 50 miles per week average. So, then I need take all of that, with the fact that a taper, plus hopefully morning temps in the 50's instead of afternoon temps in the 80's, should make any pace easier, and try to spit out a number. Of course, I guess the unknown is the fun part of trying to reach a goal.


                          I think I wrote too much

                          PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)



                            Onemile - that's what I'm hoping - I have a brooks mesh top that is super light that I will likely wear just because it is so light- I haven't run more than a 4 miler in it though, so I'm bringing a regular tank just in case I chicken out.


                            jedi - I'm doing work eating bagels today


                            Mdawg - that is a good one!


                            Nick - thanks!  also, my half marathon pace before my march 17 half was 8:10 - i trained at it, and I couldn't go faster...on race day I ran 8:00 flat


                            DTF- I know!  THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. Pretty soon a 5k will be called a what? 1/8-sh marathon?  There's a 10k near me that calls itself a quarter marathon - i'm like REALLY?

                            13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                              Hey all,

                              I'm in LA right now. Ran 10 miles this morning @ 10:01. Second half was faster than the first half. I'm still a way from the height of my fitness, but I think things are starting to come around.


                              Mdawg, Go Kings Go! They didn't televise the game on free tv last night! But from what I could tell, we go to play better, especially on the road. Until we win a road game, it's still anyone's series.

                              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Sounds like it!


                                Hey all,

                                I'm in LA right now. Ran 10 miles this morning @ 10:01. Second half was faster than the first half. I'm still a way from the height of my fitness, but I think things are starting to come around.


                                Mdawg, Go Kings Go! They didn't televise the game on free tv last night! But from what I could tell, we go to play better, especially on the road. Until we win a road game, it's still anyone's series.


                                URD.  Just got home and I'm tired from the whole week of too much work!
