Sub-4 Marathon Group

July 2013 (Read 44 times)


    Morning all!

    Got some easy miles on tap today. I think I'm gonna run doubles today. Two short runs to give the legs a break while getting in the miles.


    DTF, Im less afraid of crime than I am of zombies and wildlife. I'm deathly afraid of being broadsided by a deer, savaged by a wolf (and/or loose dog), ganged up on by a flock of Canadian geese, but most of all, becoming buffet material to zombies. Muggings and such, less so, mostly because I believe I can outrun most criminals (unless they also are training for a marathon).


    Indi, cycling around town and to and from school as a youth is responsible for my very beefy legs as an adult. Have fun on the trail!

    PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


      DTF - I used to feel a little creeped out running in the dark but after doing it for awhile I'm pretty comfortable with it now. Unless I see some weirdo and I'm all alone, then I get a little nervous.  But really I think the most dangerous thing I encounter from time to time are loose dogs.


      Indi - that's hilarious about your wife and the short shorts


      Cbus - you must run a 5k in the short shorts.  And then post photos.


      I ran 12 last night. Probably a little too fast.  Planning on 6 tonight. Or maybe 8 depending how I feel.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  SRD for me today.


        Cbus, pics!


        Rollcast, I want dessert and the donuts.  The donuts I already have.  I'll work on dessert.


        DTF, I always do them the night before; never have time in the morning.  Nice 4.


        indiana, my plan has enough speedwork and paced LRs to not run fast on the rest.  But these 11 were fast but easy effort.  It was just one of the good breathing days where I actually run at the pace I'm supposed to rather than at 50% slower.



        Former Bad Ass

          Cbus, enjoy your doubles.


          onemile, nice 12.  Enjoy the 6-8 tonight.



          Three Martini Lunch

            Cbus: Doubles are fun. The only drag is that they generate more laundry.


            DTF: I run in the dark, but in the summer it is often in the morning rather than at night.  I do run in a city, so there are plenty of street lights, etc., so it never is truly dark. Also, most of my routes have people on them, even at odd hours.   My wildlife is usually flocks of geese or tourists.  I see a fox occasionally, too.


            onemile: nice 12!


            I'm scheduled for 7 today.  It might turn into 3 and 6, though,  if the weather cooperates.

            M: 3:31:56

            HM: 1:37:33


              Got in 4.3, and then mowed the lawn for a little strength training. Will do something else later tonight--probably also 4.3.


              Nice running folks!

              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                Josh, thanks for all the hard work with volunteering.  I know how devastating the flood was to so many, especially in High River.  I have forgotten, are you just south of Calgary?  My home is on a ridge in the far SE, so no flooding, but we back onto Fish Creek Park, and the river pathways I used to run on daily are destroyed.  It's so sad to see the destruction.

                This is one section of our pathway:


                flood damage


                I'm headed out for 10 miles today.  My weekly mileage is going to be 50+ because I did my last Sunday long run on Monday due to conflicts.  I've been running 35 mpw for a while so I'm hoping my body will handle the extra miles ok.


                No night running for me.  There are too many wild animals in the park where I run.  I got caught out after dark on a long run last year and it was so dark I could barely make out the path.  Never again.


                I like short shorts for running.   That is all.


                5k: 25:05 (Sep 2011)     10k: 51:57 (Aug 2012)     half: 1:56:46 (May 2013)     full: 4:09:46 (Jan 2016)


                  Good morning!  Busy day at the mdawg office after being gone most of the week.  I tried to keep up on email, but the schedule was so jam packed I barely had time.  Between having meals together and meetings, we were going from 8 am to 10 pm every day.  Lots of great info and exciting news shared so it was well worth it.


                  Anyway, 10 miles w/8 at GMP.  My average pace for the entire run was 8:35 so again, the 8 GMP miles were a tad fast.  All but one were in the 8:20s.  Plus my cool down mile was 8:58 as I was hustling to get it done and get in the shower.


                  DTF:  I won't run in the total dark, but will run just before sunrise.  I need enough light to see what's in front of me without a headlamp.  I will run in the dark if DH is with me.  It's a safety/comfort thing for me.


                  Paula and Josh:  Glad you both are okay, but wow, sorry about all the damage.


                  Indy/cbus:  My DH refuses to wear shorty shorts when running.  Doesn't like them.  I don't know if it's the look or fit.  He obviously wears bike shorts without a problem.  They don't bother me at all.  Shorty shorts wouldn't bother me either, but everyone is different.

                  PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

                  Rusk Runner

                    Didnt make the trail today.  Oh well.  Got in 6.1 after I got home from PT.  Ran ant 9:04 avg pace in 92 deg heat index with the last mile at 8:51.  My average HR was only 3 bpm above max recovery rate.  Yeah!  No problem with the calf today.

                    I am going to stick with keeping my runs between 5 to 8 miles for a week or so and will keep alternating with a day of cycling.  If all goes well I will start building up the base again.


                    Who wears short shorts?!  We wear short shorts?!  If you dare, wear short shorts, run in short shorts!  (sing it to the nair commercial).

                    PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                    Just Run!!!

                    Ball of Fury

                      Hi Donuts!!  Here I am falling behind again...what a loser!  Took a rest day yesterday because DS had us up most of the night with a stomach bug and I was going into a 24-30 hour shift so I opted for an hour of sleep instead!  My shift was pretty damn crappy, ending in an emergent CS with a devastating outcome.  When I finally got home this morning after 28 hours at work, I was determined to just go run and blow off some steam!  I had a pretty good run...longest run in almost 3 months at 5 miles @ 9:41 average.  Run was bittersweet because it felt pretty good, with just some mile tightness at the end (especially in that right calf again...what's up with that??) and it just seemed really quite hard.  It bummed me out that a 9:30/mile felt so tough and also that 5 miles felt sooooo long, KWIM?  Just a couple months ago, 5 miles was my shortest run of the week!!  Anyway, I am trying to focus on the positive and be happy I was able to run that far.


                      Indy:  Nice 6....I can't believe it's that hot where you are today!  It was only 77 during my run, which did get hot at the end but certainly cooler than most mid July days.


                      Josh:  So sorry to hear about the flooding and kudos to you for your hard work!!  I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you have never run before....I feel your pain!  Nice to see you back though.


                      MDawg:  Awesome job with the GMP run..sounds like Hanson is going very well for you!


                      Paula:  Welcome back!  Good luck with the high mileage week.


                      CBus:  Nice 4....and I'm so glad that Hanson is going better for you this time as well.  And I want to see pics too....not even of the short shorts, but of a damn 5K finish time you chicken!!!


                      Flinders:  Enjoy your run or runs!


                      Docket:  Enjoy your SRD!


                      Onemile:  You are totally kicking ass girl!  Those were some kick ass intervals you ran!


                      DTF:  When I am actually running/training, I do almost all of my runs at 4 or 4:30 AM and I really enjoy it.  I have only really been creeped out once when there was a guy just out wondering our neighborhood.  I bought knuckle lights last year for winter and those work pretty well if it's really dark.


                      Roll:  Nice 8 with the intervals!  Wheel is slowly coming around....starting to ache as I am sitting here now though...super frustrating!


                      Nick:  Nice job sticking with the program and pushing through!!

                      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                        Ami, blow it off. You haven't run in a long time. Niggles and feeling out of shape is to be expected. Just keep plugging away, safely, and it will all come back to you.

                        PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)

                        White Lightning

                          Paula - I'm just a few minutes south of the city.  Our place is on the sheep river but we are 400 feet on top of the cliff so we are okay, for now.  I went down there the other day and we lost 30 feet of bank so making us a bit nervous in the next few years


                          Amik - yeah its been a tough couple days getting the legs moving again.


                          Mdawg - that's one heck of a great run


                          Me - 2.4 slow and fat feeling miles.  Yoga later this afternoon

                          Play the Game Hard!


                            cbus - since when does Hansons call for doubles?


                            mdawg - great MP run. It seems like you are having an easier time with them than I did.


                            Indi - every other day is a good plan. That's what I had to do for some time when I was coming back from an ITB injury in 2011.


                            Amik - it'll come back sooner than you think. Just take it easy.  5 miles is great.


                              Another 4.31 in the books. Wore the new shorty shorts (TNF Better Than Naked split shorts, in case youre wondering)--theyre great.


                              Onemile, they do talk about doubles in the book, but there are no doubles in either of the plans (as you know). This is supposed to be a step back week for me, but I've been feeling very good, so i didnt want to do just 4 mileslike i originally planned, but 8 didnt feel much like a step back, so i compromised and decided to do 2 x 4. I do think I'll use doubles in the future though on easy days to help balance family and running. I can get miles in the morning while the kids are at school and again at night after they go to bed.


                              Josh, slow or not, you're doing the work, and that's what matters.

                              PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                              Three Martini Lunch

                                Onemile, they do talk about doubles in the book, but there are no doubles in either of the plans (as you know). This is supposed to be a step back week for me, but I've been feeling very good, so i didnt want to do just 4 mileslike i originally planned, but 8 didnt feel much like a step back, so i compromised and decided to do 2 x 4. I do think I'll use doubles in the future though on easy days to help balance family and running. I can get miles in the morning while the kids are at school and again at night after they go to bed.


                                They do discuss doubles in their book (and the appendix with Luke's elite plan has doubles galore).   I think the Hansons' philosophy is that their plan has sufficient mileage for you to reach your goal, and with the faster paces it will wear you down such that running doubles with regularity isn't necessarily feasable (nor is it feasable for a lot of people for whom fitting in six days of running per week is a challenge in its own right).  On the other hand, doubles do promote beneficial physiologcal adaptations and teach you to run on tired legs.  I think it is from the Pfitz book, but his guidelines are: a) don't double if that will adversely impact an your next quality day and b) don't break up a longer run into two shorter runs if the goal of the longer run is a quality workout (a MLR or LR); conversely, breaking up easy or recovery days is usually fine.

                                M: 3:31:56

                                HM: 1:37:33