Sub-4 Marathon Group

March 2013 (Read 56 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Good luck on the half, Jenny!  Goal?



      Thanks. My plan is to aim for 7:50 pace and see what happens.  I'd be happy with a 1:43Tight lippedx


      Good luck on the half, Jenny!  Goal?



        Onemile- Good luck on the half! 7:50 pace is doable.  You're faster than I am and 8:00 felt hard but good.


        Docket- Hope the kitty is ok.


        4 recovery this morning, beat some of the soreness out of my legs, and still got to work early- allergy season is upon us, and it is still cold outside - awesome.  I did that in the dark ont he treadmill, which is just sad because today is actually gorgeous weather out- I just don't typically get to see daylight ...hmpf.


        Part of me is tempted to drop to the half for Wineglass and then try to race Steamtown the week afterwards.  Wineglass isn't a hard course, and I recover fast.  Decisions, decisions.

        13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


        Former Bad Ass

          Wear lots of pink!


          Thanks. My plan is to aim for 7:50 pace and see what happens.  I'd be happy with a 1:43Tight lippedx




            Good morning!  SRD for me.  Wow...based on some of those temps y'all are dealing with, I'll take my high of 60 today.  I don't know how y'all do it.  Guess you're used to it maybe?  Just out of curiousity, do any of you have plans to move to a warmer climate someday?  Yesterday my trainer did what I asked and poked around on my calf to see what she could find.  It's still doesn't feel "right" even though I can run with no pain, etc.  Well...she found it...yeeooww!!  There's a small spot right under the gastroc that's still a little knotted and stiff.  Gonna take a little work with the stick, roller, etc. to get that taken care of.


            Docket:  Hope the furbaby is better.


            onemile:  If it's a good day, you could do better than a 1:43.  However, I think your approach to go out at 7:50 pace is the right one.


            cbus:  +1 on quality work doing more harm than good at this point.


            zoe:  Good to see you again.  Just jump in.  Don't worry about past pages or waiting until April.

            PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)


              Wear lots of pink!



              I'm planning to wear either my Roga shorts or my Sparkle Skirt. Not sure which.




              Mdawg - I sometimes think about moving to a warmer climate. I would like to live somewhere moderate, like Seattle.  But I couldn't deal with the heat of the south.  Hope that spot in your calf does the trick.

              Ball of Fury

                Morning Donuts!  Thank goodness it is a SRD for me today, because I am dizzy, nauseated, and just feel like crap in general, which definitely sucks because I working another 24-30ish hour shift...bummer.  Hopefully, I will feel good enough to get my tempo in tomorrow.


                Onemile:  Nice run yesterday!  I think 7:50/mile is a great plan!


                Sprinkles:  Nice 4 mile recovery run.  If you think you can just run Wineglass easy, then I don't see a problem with it.  I do not possess the ability to stop myself from racing a racing, so I couldn't do it.  If you have more discipline than me, go for it!


                Docket:  Hope you kitty is better!


                MDawg:  Glad your trainer found the spot though.  As far as climate, even though I am tried of winter/cold, I would so much rather run in cold than heat any day....humidity kills me.  So, no I do not plan to move anywhere warmer.  I think if I did move somewhere for climate, it would be CA, since at least it's not humid.

                PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                  Just remember: the Hansons warn you about doing the Strength too fast.


                  Morning guys!


                  Zoe - glad your injury is better and you have a plan to get back to training.


                  josh - nice recovery miles. Don't judge your progress based on one or two workouts.


                  Cbus - sorry the workout didn't go well.


                  Sprinkles - ha, good idea. I will have to use that feature too!


                  D - hope Trixie is doing better!


                  Got in my 11 w/ 2x3 miles at the indoor track last night.  It was feeling way too easy so I just ran it by effort instead. I think my footpod is messed up.  Today is a SRD but I think I might do an easy 3 miles to pad my week a little. I have my tune up half on Sunday and am trying to strike a balance between being rested enough to run well but still have a decent training week.

                  PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                    Amik- Thanks!  Hope you feel better!


                    Cbus - I don't think I really ran it too fast. I really do think my footpod is messed up.  It wasn't feeling like a workout when I was doing 8:20.  I ran it at a pace that felt slightly faster than MP but definitely slower than HMP.


                      Your log says you hit 8:00. That's :30 faster than GMP (unless you've changed your goal). Read the section on Strength workouts again. They explicitly say you will be tempted to run them faster, but to resist the temptation. It's not feeling like a workout because you are getting stronger, but you should stay on course.


                      Amik- Thanks!  Hope you feel better!


                      Cbus - I don't think I really ran it too fast. I really do think my footpod is messed up.  It wasn't feeling like a workout when I was doing 8:20.  I ran it at a pace that felt slightly faster than MP but definitely slower than HMP.

                      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                        My log only says that because my footpod is off! I swear!!!!


                        Your log says you hit 8:00. That's :30 faster than GMP (unless you've changed your goal). Read the section on Strength workouts again. They explicitly say you will be tempted to run them faster, but to resist the temptation. It's not feeling like a workout because you are getting stronger, but you should stay on course.



                          When I posted, nothing new was up. Then I check back, and it looks like I've missed a bunch of posts! There must be some kind of delay? Does that happen to anyone else? In any case,


                          Sprink, why not just race Wineglass? Is the timing better for Steamtown? Or do you just want to do Steamtown? If your heart is set on Steamtown, then go ahead and do it. I probably wouldn't race the half at Wineglass though--just treat it like an expensive long run. By the way, are you a fan of Yun Na Kim? I've never seen a more dominant skater.


                          Mdawg, I'm glad to see you are making tons of progress on your calf. Keep it up! I also take your 60 degree temps!!! My hope is to one day move back to Cali--but we'll see. And I think I'm gonna take your advice and just do easy miles from here to the race.


                          Ami, take it easy!

                          PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                            Did your dog eat your homework too? If your footpod was legitimately off, then okay. But if not...

                            Also, tell me when you want me to stop nagging you, and I'll magically turn into a cheerleader. Joking

                            My log only says that because my footpod is off! I swear!!!!


                            PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)


                              I don't know if it was legitimately off.  If I had been outside, I would have listened to my garmin for sure though.  And I can hopefully do the next one outside. And nagging is fine. I wouldn't have ran as fast as I did if I was confident that the time on the garmin was accurate.


                              Did your dog eat your homework too? If your footpod was legitimately off, then okay. But if not...

                              Also, tell me when you want me to stop nagging you, and I'll magically turn into a cheerleader. Joking

                              White Lightning

                                Well I have 14 on tap today but i'm definitely not up for it.  Spot on my quad that's been nagging me hurts instead of aches so have an appointment with PT this afternoon to see what she can do with it.  Considering not running until my race on Saturday to get as healed as possible.  Week's just been an absolute disaster with the storm on the weekend and another storm perhaps coming tonight or tomorrow.  Race day start temp is foretasted at 12F.


                                Mdawg - its not that we are used to it, we put up with it by bitching and complaining.  Its funny because my parents are in town visiting this week and after being in Vegas for the last 5 years or so they wonder how they spent 40 years living in this crap.  As soon as the kids were out of the nest they bolted


                                onemile - 7:50 would be bad ass

                                Play the Game Hard!