Sub-4 Marathon Group

January 2013 (Read 482 times)



    Twofoot: Monosodium glutamate- lots of places don't add it in anymore, but it naturally occurs in some foods.


    Banshee: thanks, me too...having put on 13 lbs since law school is NO FUN!


    Me: 4 miles recovery- on the log. nice and slow.

    13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55

    Ball of Fury

      Thanks all!  So I bought Hanson's book and then also bought a used copy of Competitive Runner's Handbook from Amazon.  I will sit down with DH and design a program tonight.  I am thinking we will just start with week 15 of Hanson's 18 week program since the first couple weeks are pretty low mileage and all easy running!

      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


        oh my gosh - i'm so far behind on reading posts !!


        geese - last year a bunch of 6 or so geese totally blocked my run - mile 15 of 16.  I had to totally stop messing up my pace and heart rate.  A group of other runners stopped too and we debated what to do - throw a GU at them ?? we had to wait 10 minutes for them to wattle away - grrr


        akalai - hilarious picture of the dos equis guy !!!  speaking of wind..............


        I had to get a tooth crown yesterday (grrr) so instead of running then when it was 45 degrees out turned into running today in 20 degrees with a constant 25 west MPH wind !! i altered my 10 mile course to weave north and south and made it through ok. I'm glad I didnt chicken out of the wind. I need to be more like Chuck Norris. When Chuck runs in Michigan the wind changes course and goes back westward to Chicago....

        PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

        Running Blog

        White Lightning

          Jedi – Great PR


          mdawg – nice to see some miles again, stay at it


          onemile – Nice getting out there anyways.  I opted out of my cold and wind today for warm and boring on the TM.  I'm so over the cold.  50 degrees the other day, 7 degrees today


          sprinkles – funny you say that. I started fish again this week and did turkey for lunch today. Trying to change it up to lean out


          TFS – nice MP miles even though you cut it short


          banshee – nice week


          indi – nice run. I'd feel incomplete with improper data in my log.


          Me – 8 TM miles at 10:07 and 1% incline. Took a while to warm up but felt good by the end of it. HR was going down at the end, seems to be happening a lot lately. Been messing with my diet a lot this week, see how I hold up energy wise next week. 36 miles for the week. Week 1 next week, here we go

          Play the Game Hard!


            Afternoon all, hope everyone is having a good weekend. Busy one for me. yesterday I went for one hour spin class plus personal training and then an easy 6 in the evening. First  Hansons long run today, 11 miles @ 8:55 pace. Now to watch some football.


            Can't remember who asked, but the bridge in my avatar is the Burrard Bridge in Vancouver - you cross it at mile 18 of the marathon.


            mdawg - glad to hear you're on the mend.

            PRs: 47:54 (10K); 1:46:36 (HM); 3:50:52 (FM)

            Recovering from injured knee (PCL/Lateral Meniscus)



              cbus - Musha for the 5k. i don't have any Ronins right now, but hope to get a pair of 4s soon. Only wear Rider/Precision/Musha currently.


              Jedi, donuts on your 5k PR! Did you wear Ronin or Musha? I forget, do you wear the Elixir? I've decided the Elixir's Mizuno's best shoe.



              Late check-in for me. I got in a tough 12.5 today. i wanted to do more like 10m, but ran new route and put me farther out than planned. last 6m all into a headwind and was just brutal. Got it done. Much needed recovery run tomorrow.

              PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


              Up Next:


              Ball of Fury

                While I am asking questions, I am trying to come up with a goal pace for the May HM.  It is super flat, but 35,000 runners so sometimes crowded.  Didn't have too much trouble after the first mile last year though.  I would really like to go for a 1:45, but I don't know if that is too lofty a goal.  In my pr HM (November 2012), I was on pace for a 1:47 at mile 11 and then had a spectacular mental and physical breakdown on mile 12.  The conditions for that HM were pretty good, except for the 15-20 mph winds, which just seemed to do me in at the end.  So, my question for you guys I train for the 1:47 or go for the 1:45?

                PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15



                  Go for the 1:45. What was your time for that race?


                  While I am asking questions, I am trying to come up with a goal pace for the May HM.  It is super flat, but 35,000 runners so sometimes crowded.  Didn't have too much trouble after the first mile last year though.  I would really like to go for a 1:45, but I don't know if that is too lofty a goal.  In my pr HM (November 2012), I was on pace for a 1:47 at mile 11 and then had a spectacular mental and physical breakdown on mile 12.  The conditions for that HM were pretty good, except for the 15-20 mph winds, which just seemed to do me in at the end.  So, my question for you guys I train for the 1:47 or go for the 1:45?

                  PR's - 5K - 20:15 (2013) | 10K - 45:14 (2011)  | 13.1 - 1:34:40 (2013)  | 26.2 - 3:40:40 (2014)


                  Up Next:



                    While I am asking questions, I am trying to come up with a goal pace for the May HM.  It is super flat, but 35,000 runners so sometimes crowded.  Didn't have too much trouble after the first mile last year though.  I would really like to go for a 1:45, but I don't know if that is too lofty a goal.  In my pr HM (November 2012), I was on pace for a 1:47 at mile 11 and then had a spectacular mental and physical breakdown on mile 12.  The conditions for that HM were pretty good, except for the 15-20 mph winds, which just seemed to do me in at the end.  So, my question for you guys I train for the 1:47 or go for the 1:45?


                    I second going for 1:45, especially since the course is flat.  With a PR of 1:51, it should be doable.  That was my HM PR prior to my 1:45 HM.

                    PRs:  1:38:10 (HM)  3:32:46 (FM)

                    Ball of Fury

                      Thanks Jedi and MDawg, that was my thought as well.  Jedi, that was my 1:51

                      PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                      Former Bad Ass

                        5 recovery miles done.


                        When you do your next 5K in the Ronins, you'll feel the difference.  Trust me.


                        cbus - Musha for the 5k. i don't have any Ronins right now, but hope to get a pair of 4s soon. Only wear Rider/Precision/Musha currently.



                        Late check-in for me. I got in a tough 12.5 today. i wanted to do more like 10m, but ran new route and put me farther out than planned. last 6m all into a headwind and was just brutal. Got it done. Much needed recovery run tomorrow.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          If it was that windy, 1:45 should be a piece of cake.  Go for it.


                          Thanks Jedi and MDawg, that was my thought as well.  Jedi, that was my 1:51



                            cbus - nice job on the 8! hope your mucous situation clears up Smile


                            sprinkles - one week down, 17 to go! Nice job!


                            twofoot - nice job getting the MP run done despite not feeling it.  If you can tough it out like that in training, you'll be ready to rock it on race day!


                            Banshee - nice job on hitting 50 for the week!


                            indiana - nice pace for the 18 and change.  Enjoy tomorrow's rest.


                            DTF - way to tough it out in the wind!  nice job on the 10!


                            josh - nice job on getting your 8 in and sounds like you're in a good place to start your plan next week.


                            Zoe - nice job on your first LR!  Are you hating the LR paces?  I prefer to just coast along on a LR but Hansons makes you push it a bit.  Nice pace on yours today!


                            jedi - nice job getting the 12 done in the wind.  Enjoy your rest tomorrow


                            Amik- I agree, go for 1:45!


                            Damaris - nice recovery run.



                            I was dreading my 12 LR paced miles all day.  It's freezing out here and I didn't know if I could hit my LR pace (9:06) because yesterday I just felt tired and beat up during my run.  But it ended up being awesome.  Averaged 9:01 and it didn't feel hard. Legs felt good and I wore enough layers that it wasn't bad out.  Maybe Hansons has a method to their madness...just enough recovery to hit the paces.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Nice run, onemile.



                                One-mile, it wasn't so much the physical strain, I felt fine, but it is more mentally draining since I have to focus on my pace as that is not a pace that comes naturally - I'm used to just cruising along on my long runs and not looking at the watch. Hopefully I'll get used to it and it will feel more natural. Good thing is that it is only every other week I guess.

                                PRs: 47:54 (10K); 1:46:36 (HM); 3:50:52 (FM)

                                Recovering from injured knee (PCL/Lateral Meniscus)