The League of Extraordinary Runners

Training (Read 5242 times)


    Some might puzzle at the sensibility of going straight from a 15-mile long run to a 32.8-mile long run.


      Some might puzzle at the sensibility of going straight from a 15-mile long run to a 32.8-mile long run.


      Good point and I slightly modified the plan in response to your point, though the issue still remains that it will be tough to go from a 17 mile long run to a 32.8 mile long run.   The 32.8 mile long run is the Annapolis Endless Summer Run.  That is a race that I really wanted to do so I had to make it fit into my training plan even if its not a perfect fit.  I think really long runs are good though because they get you really good distance adaptions that 15 tor 16 milers don't really give me in my opinion.


      For my other long run of the training program (after the base phase, I am thinking the same St. Mary's College to Point Lookout and back (except this time no shortcuts for me) with maybe an attempt at a 7 minute mile on the track to end it if I feel okay after the long run.


      Options,Account, Forums

        Crystal is ahead of me in mileage right now.


        Phil, I'll definitely be interested in the point run again!

        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


          Anybody interested in a 13 mile run next Saturday morning?


            I do have the intention of doing a long run this Saturday (though more like 15-16 miles), but due to other things going on or potentially going on this coming weekend I can't be certain at what time I'll have to/be able to run it (plus my preference would be to average <7:30/mi for the pace).


            It was back to the treadmill grindstone this morning after 8 days off from running. Over that break, however, I fulfilled my design to engage 5 varieties of cross training.


            6/16/2013 / Cross Train / Capital Clubhouse / Ice Skate  / 1:10:00   
            6/15/2013 / Cross Train / SMLA Pool / Swim /  40:00    
            6/14/2013 / Cross Train / Fitness Center / Elliptical  / 40:00  
            6/13/2013 / Cross Train / Fitness Center / Bicycle  / 1:00:00  
            6/9/2013 / Cross Train / Bushwood / Kayak  /  1:30:00


            Now, I'm not suggesting that any time spent in the pool is cross training, but I strived to make it very athletic (I had the pool all to myself until the last few minutes). Between a few respites and water treading interludes, I kept doing laps back and forth across the pool: frog paddle, breast stroke, back stroke, repeat (those are the only three I really know, aside from the doggy paddle). It was exhausting ... and hazardous! For one thing my left ankle did not take kindly at all to the kicking motions, and twice whilst doing the breast stroke I had to abruptly cease because of severe charlie horse calf twists --- once for each calf. The second time, when it happened to my left calf, I got quite a fright because when I looked down it appeared that the entire calf muscle had been shifted out of place. Perhaps Perry, the most accomplished swimmer among us, has tips for how to avoid this. I am hoping to get in a pool workout most every weekend so that I'll be a strong swimmer by summer's end.


            Joe and I convened some 7 Wednesday mornings in a row, yet now we've missed 3 Wednesdays in a row! I'm hohping that we can get back on track this Wednesday morning.


            Options,Account, Forums

              Anybody interested in a 13 mile run next Saturday morning?



              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                Anybody interested in a 13 mile run next Saturday morning?


                So, Phil, am I reading this correctly - that you will be in town this coming Saturday, June 22?  Where and when are you planning on running?  I want to do another 20 miler this week, but not on Saturday (I am getting up early on Sunday and singing so I would like to not feel too beat up Sunday).  I was going to see if Perry and others would be up for doing 20 miles on Friday evening.  The River concert starts this Friday.  I'm guessing you won't be in town that early??

                  I'm iffy on whether I will run with DR Wednesday morning. DR are you running on the treadmill if not?


                  I'd like to run on Friday and Saturday with you all. Friday starting at 4:30 works best for me if it's in the area of the college, but it's up to you whether you want to do 20 miles there or not. Be warned that the roads at the college won't be good for running the closer you get to the concert start, so unless you like the grass there you may want to go elsewhere or just run toward Point Lookout. If you don't do it anywhere near Webster Field I'll still try to join you, but it's less of a guarantee.


                  Saturday I'm free all of the first half of the day. I'll drive wherever for that.


                  I may not be able to do the whole runs with you all, but it will be good for me to at least do some of each.


                    Tomorrow morning begins your summer shape up! Well, at least it could. Was our previous Wednesday morning Abberly Crest run (May 22) your last run that was both at least 7 miles in length and sub-8:00/mi for the average pace? Anyway, I will indeed be running in the morning; at the Crest if you're game, or otherwise on the treadmill. I've been walking around stiff and gingerly today after my steady state this morning.



                      So, Phil, am I reading this correctly - that you will be in town this coming Saturday, June 22?  Where and when are you planning on running?  I want to do another 20 miler this week, but not on Saturday (I am getting up early on Sunday and singing so I would like to not feel too beat up Sunday).  I was going to see if Perry and others would be up for doing 20 miles on Friday evening.  The River concert starts this Friday.  I'm guessing you won't be in town that early??


                      I am indeed coming to town this weekend.  Friday doesn't work for me because I work Friday and by the time I get off work then drive to Southern Maryland it will be 8:30


                      I was planning on running Saturday morning and did not have a firm destination in mind.

                        I'm iffy on whether I will run with DR Wednesday morning. DR are you running on the treadmill if not?


                        I'd like to run on Friday and Saturday with you all. Friday starting at 4:30 works best for me if it's in the area of the college, but it's up to you whether you want to do 20 miles there or not. Be warned that the roads at the college won't be good for running the closer you get to the concert start, so unless you like the grass there you may want to go elsewhere or just run toward Point Lookout. If you don't do it anywhere near Webster Field I'll still try to join you, but it's less of a guarantee.


                        Saturday I'm free all of the first half of the day. I'll drive wherever for that.


                        I may not be able to do the whole runs with you all, but it will be good for me to at least do some of each.


                        I am happy to do 20 miles at the college.  It seemed to work out for the last 20 miler.  I know the roads will be full of cars after 5.30pm, but I'm happy to run through St. Mary's City, the Rosecroft area, and towards Point Lookout for some of it.  I don't imagine Joe will be doing the whole 20 miles and I don't yet know Perry's schedule, but I might plan to start running sometime around 3:45pm and can meet up at the track with anyone who wants to join in at 4.30pm or after.  I'm mostly happy that there should be plenty of food available at the end of this run. :-)

                        I'm not sure if I'll be able to run 13 on Saturday though.  I might go a portion of it.

                          The current plan is that I'll actually start at 3:30pm at the college track and loop back at 4:30pm.  Hopefully, we'll meet Joe (and any other runners) then and I'll probably down a gel and water.  We'll loop back later if other runners want to join (and, possibly at the next hour mark for more gel and water).  I imagine I'll be out there for over 3 hours, then head to the food vendors.


                            The current plan is that I'll actually start at 3:30pm at the college track and loop back at 4:30pm.  Hopefully, we'll meet Joe (and any other runners) then and I'll probably down a gel and water.  We'll loop back later if other runners want to join (and, possibly at the next hour mark for more gel and water).  I imagine I'll be out there for over 3 hours, then head to the food vendors.


                            3 hours would be exactly a 9 minute pace (20 miles X 9 = 180 minutes), though water stops could add in some time.


                              I have reduced my run on Saturday from 13 to 12 miles.  The plan this week was to have 40 miles with a 13 mile long run.  Since I am already at 30 I am going to hold it to 12 so that I only hit 42 and stay near the mileage goal.  My goal is to do a gradual buildup.


                              I am thinking I may want to do the run at Three Notch South at 8:30 Saturday morning.  The reason is I grab a little bit of water ever 5 miles and its relatively flat, no camber (which is key because I am nursing a couple minor injuries).


                                I think I can swing TNT South at 8:30 a.m. I'm aiming for 15 miles, though, so my design would be to run 2.5 miles out and back X 3. How well do you think you'd handle a sub-8:00/mi pace?