Womens Running


Happy Tuesday (dailies) (Read 19 times)


    11pm: Flyers vs Penguins tonight! Exhibition game, but I am so happy regardless!!


     ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


    ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


      Kat, I am generally not a fan of flower tattoos, but yours looks good (I like the colors and story behind the choice).


      Cathy, 3:47 sounds.…. Specific. Is that based on particular calculations? Smile


      Laura, NHL won't have the fake cut out people, they look so stupid!


      Back to Excels. It's noon and I already want a nap Big grin


       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

        Weekend was good. 25 mile bike ride with A and his sons... well they were ahead of us so mainly A. Although we we got to the park something was wrong with my front brake. Like the wheel wasn't spinning like it should. Two of them did their best to adjust it for minimal rubbing. About 6 miles in I was breathing like at high elevation, sweating profusely (it was 90 but even more than that) and finally called "halt" when I heard the slight rubbing noise get really loud and well it was pretty darn hard to keep up. "It <pant> isn't <supposed <pant> to be <pant> this <pant> hard <pant> is it? <pant>" Checked the brake again and it was full on rubbing. Bear in mind that I don't ride bikes very often so I don't know what it is supposed to actually feel like and well I'm kind of used to just sucking it up and keep going. They disengaged the front brake completely. Happy happy joy joy. LOL Just had to be careful whenever stopping since I only had the back brake. Rest of the ride was fine. Still longest I've ever gone and I don't know how another 25 miles will feel when we do the 50 mile ride in mid september but 25 done.


        Monday rest day but did do 30 minutes of PiYo last night. Will run this morning in a few. We moved our 5k from Tuesday to Wednesday night since A's son is flying out Tuesday night.


        Yeah the thing with his ex is kind of odd but not letting it be a thing.


        Elina-happy for your obvious giddiness about hockey being back! and you will rock the 30k!!


        Liz-so sorry to hear about the frustrations with work. New respect for facilities folks for sure.


        Lori-nice TM miles!


        Laura-I've been doing that a lot... waking up around 3/3:30 and being awake for a good hour or so. Not fun.


        Sandy-I had heard about mileage not tracking but it did for my bike ride. I can always fire up MapMyrun again. LOL The animals are funny with their possessive little moves! We are final week of E2E testing. I just keep finding so many things that it's hard to actually get from one end to the other.. Which isn't great but is the point I guess.


        Kat-pretty flowers and the story is a good one. Hope springs eternal! The glitter store has now reached epic interest heights. LOL


        Just saw the time! Gotta run...literally. Will be back! WAVES at all!




        Former Bad Ass

          Morning! I have either 7 or 9 with 2 X 2 @ HMP. Thought of heading outside this morning but it's so foggy my lungs wouldn't have liked it.


          Elina, let's hope it does not happen the same as MLB. Although I suspect all sports will cancel so long as Americans are involved because we are fucking stupid.


          Lisa, ugh. Enjoy the run!



          Cupcake Connoisseur

            5 for me plus an ab workout!


            Sticky run out there this morning. Phew, I feel so out of shape when I am running in 72 dewpoint. Crazy how it makes you feel like you are running up a mountain. Anyway, it was rough.  I am also SUPER sore from yesterdays workout and did not sleep well last night.


            Traveling got cancelled - well, postponed until next week. The email came out at 11pm last night . Going to try for another bike ride today! It helped with my mood to just get out of the house - even if just for 10-15 minutes. My legs are not used to the bike and are jello after I ride. I have to take it slow at first Smile



            Laura – Ah, that makes sense. Well, if you are moving to a more populated area – there will be lots of new opportunities!! It would be like a complete “fresh start”. How long have you worked where you are?


            Run4kupcakes – I don’t think there is an end in sight with these super warm days!


            Kilmisters – I want a nap and its not even 8am here!! Woohoo for hockey today!!


            Lisa – Glad the weekend was good! Oh boy on the bike. I would have been in the same boat as you – thinking it was normal and just trying to push through, ha! At least you know now it is not always that hard! That’s what she said. Have a great run!


            Docket – I have a feeling all sports will cancel as well. Have a great run!



            Have a great day everyone! Trust me, I know what day it is and it is NOT Saturday. Sad



            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

              5 solo miles this morning.  Cissy is gone for the week, so I ran in the neighborhood. I actually had the best run in a while, so that was a nice treat. And--my weight is back to normal .... thank goodness!!!  All this baking is catching up with me and I was starting to put on a couple of pounds. Shorts were getting tight. Glad I got to run before it starts raining again.


              Internet is not working well again today. So frustrating. I hope I don't have to go to the office to work. Trying to make the best of it. Boss gave me assignments to write reintegration strategies for our office/organization. Like I don't already have so much to do???  I'm hoping to cut and paste CDC guidance as much as possible, and add info that is specific to us.


              Kat--I am not a tattoo person, but yours is lovely.


              Lisa--nice ride with A!  My friends have been riding twice a week in the mornings, but I have to work. Then they do 50 miles on Saturday, but I don't think I am ready for that... I need to get out there though.  I had planned to ride over to Mom's but it has been so rainy this week that I have not been able to ride.


              Cathy--glad DDs like your friend. That is a big, nerve wracking step--introducing them to your new guy friends.


              Bike helmets---if you crash and hit your head, replace the helmet, even if there are no cracks. 


              Have a great day!!


              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                Elina, wahoooooo on NHL!


                Lisa, funny but not about the brakes.  I have been wanting to visit the glitter store for a bit and decided what the heck...  It is run by a fun couple.  The wife does YouTube videos of tumbler tutorials and is a hoot.


                Damaris, enjoy your miles.  You know you will do 9!!


                Lizzie, like Sue said, your uncle should toss the helmet even though it looks good - I've seen the same warnings.  Glad your travel got cancelled, even though you will likely have to do it soon.


                Sue, hope you don't have to go into the office.  Yay on the good run!


                Thanks for the compliments on the tattoo.  Like I said, I know most of you ladies aren't fans.  Yesterday apparently was my day to rest.  I got up and felt off.  What I really felt was tired.  Took a nap late morning and woke up feeling fine, but unmotivated.  I made tumblers (beaded, not rhinestone) and colored in a funny and inappropriate coloring book!  Made me laugh.


                Today is a cleaning day.  Let's see how far I get.  Never get very much done since I hate it so much.


                Also am going to play with my camera getting water pictures for my weekly challenge.  The theme is water.   I am going to do the oil bubbles and water again.  Hopefully it wasn't beginners luck...


                Happy day all.



                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024




                  5 miles at my riverfront today. It was an out and back but despite the humidity taking a break it was still warm on the return when the breeze was no longer cooling me off.


                  I'm looking forward to watching the Toronto/Montreal NHL exhibition game tonight but I'm not sure if I can stay up that late. It starts at 9pm. Lol. Ya. That's my bedtime normally.


                  *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                   **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                  Running with the Turtles

                    6 easy miles for me this morning, 60 degrees so it felt nice!  So now TF knows a woman in his run/bike club that tested positive for COVID, last night he had a flat tire during the team ride and the woman's BF helped him change his tire... The BF just got tested so we will have to wait and see how the results come back.  I guess TF will sequester himself again!  


                    Elina, enjoy the game!  lol, TF has a chart for race times/paces, I think he extrapolated that time.    I asked him if I could just go for 9 minute miles, that would be nice and even... and give me an even 3:56.    I just had a nap...


                    Lisa, nice bike ride!  Glad you figured out the brake issue!    Once you've done 25 miles, 50 isn't bad.  


                    Damaris, enjoy the 9...  


                    Liz, nice job on the rough run!  Glad you do not have to travel... yet.  Enjoy the bike ride!  I was out on my skates last night while DD rode her new skateboard.  Yay for cross training.     TF did say something nice about me while looking at me, younger DD rolled her eyes and ended it with "...Boo".  He laughed.  Lol, Mr. Math did make a comment about "cycle data" showing up on his Garmin Connect app when it first appeared.


                    Sue, very nice 5 this morning!  Glad the weight is back down also.


                    Kat, an inappropriate coloring book, eh?  Sounds fun!  


                    Lori, 9 pm is late.  


                    Judy, nice workouts lately!


                    Carol, hope you enjoyed the adventure run!





                      Liz, on the helmet, what does the SixSixOne stand for? That's my area code.


                      If your legs are jello, not so much of a problem. If your butt is feeling the bike, that's much more of a problem!


                      And on the buject of bikes, Lisa, are you taking it in to the bike shop? You want to have both brakes working. Weird on A's ex dropping her kid off out front rather than at the door. Is it mean to hope that five minutes after she pulled away she really needed to go to the bathroom and was wishing that she'd come in and been gracious?


                      Pleased to report that all kittens have been fixed and adopted. The foster coordinator had the last two placed before they got neutered (they went together!) so none of them even went to the adoption center. Two got placed through Nextdoor, again together, one is now being spoiled rotten by my sister, and one went to DD's BFF who is over the moon at having a kitten again.


                      Work, crazy. Short break and getting back to it. I did manage 5.3 this morning. First day of that 5 state challenge.


                      Waving to everyone. Hope your day goes well!

                        Lizzie--I'm developing reintegration strategies.....do y'all track all the areas/equip used by personnel at each location???


                          Whew, what a day!  But, I guess this is the new normal, unfortunately.  FlexAppeal this morning and then a walk with the pupper.  Neighbor canceled on me.  Oh, I wanted to comment on the discussion regarding dinner time...  Besides, climate, I also think dinner time may correspond to they way you were raised and socio-economic status.  My dad was a blue collar laborer.  His work hours were typically 6-2:30 so he was home by 3/3:30.  He would sit in the kitchen and chat with my mom after work while she started supper (supper, not dinner haha) and we ate at 5pm sharp.  He was in bed by 8pm and up at 4/4:30.  Apparently that schedule has a lasting effect on my sisters and I because we all keep similar schedules to this day.  I have never been able to assimilate into the "professional"/white collar work hours - traditionally 9-5.  That seems SO LATE to start work to me and my brain starts to shut down after 4pm...  Anyway, just some boring rambling by me...


                          HCK - yes, jump on the biking bandwagon!  Like you said, there is a breeze when you bike so heat and humidity is more tolerable.


                          Laura - a move sounds fun!  Especially an area with a few more shops and bike paths.  The cities here do a REALLY good job of making a bike lane on certain streets so you just make sure you use those.  The paths tend to be too crowded with walkers.  Whoa, married 4 times??  I just cannot understand that.  I can't even find the 1st.  That is pretty weird how FAFSA works. But, I guess that's the government for you.  Sounds like a good idea to keep things financially as is until the kids are out of college.  Maybe I forgot but what is DD thinking for post HS?


                          Liz - my Garmin does seem to be mostly syncing?  But the app still gives me a maintenance error and I can't see the sleep data on the app.  Yet, it shows up on the web site.  Good call on waiting to set up auto-pay for your mortgage!  I completely forgot that the chances of it being sold were high since I had my other mortgage for a good 10ish years - your customer, actually   I am SO JEALOUS of the people getting paid to work full time with nothing to do.  And now they are going to get another stimulus check.  Frustrating.  Oh, and my mood is being boosted because my boss is gone starting Thursday until Aug 10th.  WOOT!!  Thank goodness your travel was canceled for today.  But so super frustrating the notice didn't come in until so late!!  You have had SOOOO much stress going on.  So glad you are giving the bike a spin!!  Good call getting a new helmet.  I had to do the same this year.  Worth it.


                          Elina - have fun with NHL tonight!!  Errr, tomorrow morning?  70* and rain doesn't sound too bad for your race!  It's what I ran in on Sunday and I was actually kinda chilly at the start.


                          Judy - nice job with all the running!  And XT.  Goodness, weights before bed??  Rock star!!


                          Carol - I want to hear about your adventure run!!  Hope it was EPIC.  I am VERY happy to have Miss Lily back.  


                          Cathy - look at you being all adventurous with all these fun XT activities!!  You sound so super happy.  Glad you got to spend some time with TF before this next quarantine.  Ugh.  He sure has been unlucky.  Oh, Shameless isn't for everybody.  It's super inappropriate and raunchy.  CERTAINLY not a family friendly show.  But, they get into such absurd things it makes me laugh.  And, there is a heart warming element as well - at least I think so.  How the heck did you get to take a nap today??  Are you off this week?


                          Lori - 210 days is quite a streak!  High five!  Are you on IG?  That's where I post pup pics   Oh man, yeah, 9pm is WAY too late to watch a game haha. But, then again, you are still on vacation, correct?


                          Sue - that's a lot of dog to walk!  I loved the pic.  Hopefully they don't all go chasing same squirrel at once or I can visualize you waving like a flag behind LOL WOOHOO on an awesome 5 miler this morning!!


                          Lisa - sounds like a fun weekend!  But, oh man, that is kinda funny (in hindsight!) about the brake situation.  Hope you can get it into the shop to get it fixed.  That is GREAT you are finding all sorts of issues during E2E testing!!  I used to train on a software ERP some time back and it was easier to fix during testing than it was post migration!!


                          Damaris - whew, another tough workout for you!


                          Kat - how did the cleaning go?  Good luck with the photos - post pics, please!!


                          Tessa - hooray for adopted kitties!!


                          Been on this call for almost an hour listening to the engineers from two different teams fight with each other.  The one guy is always so disagreeable.  Such a waste of time.  Blerg.  Have a good eve...


                          Cupcake Connoisseur

                            Susan – Nice run this morning! Awesome that it was so great!! Good luck with the internet issues. We do not track areas/equip used by personnel UNLESS a positive COVID case pops up at a location. Then we ask the employee to provide their path of travel. But on a day-to-day – no. Unless they do that at the bank level and we are not aware.


                            Kathryn – What is this inappropriate coloring book you speak of?! 😊 Good luck with the photos!


                            Kathryn and Susan – My Aunt wrote the company where the helmet was from and explained how their helmet saved my Uncles life. They sent him a new one for free since you can’t use them again after being compromised!


                            Lori – Nice miles this morning! I had to walk up one of my hills this morning. Humidity really got to me today! I am in the 9pm bedtime club as well!!


                            Cathy – Nice easy run for you today 😊. Ugh, super jealous of those temps! OMG poor TF!! I hope he is in the clear!


                            Tessa – I am not sure what the SixSixOne stands for. It was the same helmet that saved my Uncles life a few months ago so I was sold! Aw, so glad the kitties were adopted! Nice run this morning!!


                            Sandy – Nice on the class this morning! Did you enjoy it just as much as last week? Makes complete sense about the dinner time schedule. My dad worked 8-5 but also drove over an hour each way. He was up at 4/4:30 for work and didn’t get home until around 6:30-7. What do you know, that’s the time I eat dinner 😊. Your previous mortgage was my customer? Ha, isn’t that interesting since we don’t have branches in your area! I think we do have an insurance location in MSP now that I think of it. I do get a lot of calls from MSP because I believe Johnson Controls is headquartered there. No boss until 8/10?! SCORE. Have you ever thought about how awesome it is that you don’t have to be in the office at all with smelly and the rest of the gang? LOL.



                            Have a great afternoon!!



                            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



                              Sandy we've similar experiences apparently. I'm a child of an autoworker and am now one myself. I'm  starving by the time I get gone from  work when in day shift. Dinner is by 5


                              *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                               **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                5.8 mile run this morning with strides and lower body strength training this afternoon. I've been enjoying the work from homme this week because the past few days I've had a fresh salad for lunch. Walk out on the deck & pick some lettuce and I picked 6 lbs of cucumbers.


                                MyMomRuns, I think once you get the bike issues solved, you should be fine for the 50 mile ride. i found that running fitness carries over well for biking. Biking doesn't really translate that well for running (at least for me).


                                Docket, I can see basketball maybe finishing their seasaon. They seem to be taking the bubble seriously, with a few exceptions.


                                CrazySue, I would think the CDC guidelines would be a good starting point.


                                KatS, I'm really curious what pictures are in an inappropriate coloring book.


                                Turtles, ugh that TF has to quarantine again--but at least he is taking it seriously.


                                Arimathea, it's also a problem when the lady bits feel the bike seat.


                                Seloc, we ate dinner around 5 as a kid. My dad worked for the government and I think worked 7:30-4 or so.
