Womens Running


Wet and weary Wednesdaily (Read 21 times)

LC Runs

    Good Morning!  Raining like crazy here!


    What's everyone up to today?

    LC Runs

      Glad I kind of slept past my alarm today since it is cold and wet outside.  Looks like an ugly day but I'll bring my stuff to work and see about a few miles after if the rain clears out.


      I don't have any race course photos, only finish line, weird.


      My DS comes home from college tonight and my DD on Friday.  Can't believe another school year has finished.


      Lisa - I can't believe GC never did get your time recorded, I wonder what happened??


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        Took another rest day. My hamstrings needed it and definitely my foot. Its very hard for me to take 3 rest days in a row!!! Hoping that means I am going to have an extra awesome run tomorrow Smile


        Posting and running..traveling today and renting a car. Lots of driving. I am meeting our Janitorial District Manager for some issues at a site about 2 hours from here. HCF is nervous because HCF was the Janitorial District Manager at my last site.. Wink



        Carol – Nice 7!! I ran in the Brooks Launches. I have ran in them MANY times..just not long. I have ran a marathon in Launches before..so not sure what happened!


        Laura – YES, I am now reading everyones post with their voice. Its so awesome! I don’t have that many course photos either and I swear I saw a ton of photographers. Maybe they all aren’t uploaded yet? Hope you are able to get in a run today!


        Docket -Did not realize you were going to WI this weekend! Is DH going too?



        Have a great day!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



          It's been raining here too. Kinda over it. I could use some warm days.

          I was going to run today but said meh. Later I go for my very first mammogram and I'm uncertain how much discomfort to expect. I'm sure it will be fine.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have to two take two kitties to the vet for their checkups, then a massage (which I need even if I never ran the marathon) and 7 with 2 X1 @ MP.


            Laura, sleeping in was a good decision.


            Liz, enjoy the rest!  Well deserved!


            Lori, good luck with the mammo.


            Anonymous Guest

              I have my annual doctor appointment this afternoon so have been googling how marathoning and strenuous exercise affects blood test results. The internet thinks I should be pretty much back to normal after 48-72 hours, and my appointment is 74 hours after my finish, so hopefully nothing weird will show up. I also need to get a referral for my next boob ultrasound, six months goes by fast. Weird that it's all through Houston Methodist, and the ultrasound doc is the one that said six months, but the letter from them says get a referral from your primary care doc. Last time I just messaged her office and they generated the referral, but since I haven't been in a year and a half, I figured I should go in.


              I got quite a few race photos, but none of them are very good. I got a lot better ones from the half two weeks before and those were free. So I will not be buying any, especially since they seem extremely proud of their downloads.


              Laura, wow, I can't believe your kids are already coming home from school for the summer. I guess it is May. Can I just say, and I'm sure everyone here would agree, you look way too young and cute to have college-age kids.


              Liz, girl, today is going to be a long day. I bet after all that driving you are tired. Smart to take another day off from running.


              Lori, it will be fine. So I started thinking last night that it might be fun to do either the 50K or 50 miler at Woodstock and see how I did after being awake most of the night helping Kathryn crew the 100 milers. MAYBE. I need to decide what I want to train for in the fall, see how it fits into that training schedule, and make sure I have coverage from another coach for my running group, but it is now on the radar. I blame you!


              I'll be back later to check in on what everyone else is up to. I have a lot more time on my hands since I'm not running at all!

              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

              Check out my website and youtube channel


                No run today.  Wasn’t up for dealing with the 39*, rainy and windy weather.  Will be rough getting through this day without it, though.  Will try not to speak to anyone.  Reading Deena Kastor’s book.  I’m loving it.  Wish I could just curl up on my couch and read it all day.  Avoid this thing called work.


                Tessa – I’m sorry I missed you yesterday!  Oooh, I’d be up for Coeur d’Alene or Spokane.  Beautiful area!  Though not the easiest to get to.  How are the kit kats doing?  How many and did you give them names?  Sorry if I missed that part!


                Laura – wet and weary here, too, though it’s moving out.  Heading your way, I imagine!  Wow, hard to believe another school year is coming to an end.  What do the kids have planned for the summer?  Nope, I, too, read posts in the writer’s voice now that I know what it sounds like LOL.  Funny BF can do nothing for himself.  Men LOL  And, YES to what Karen said.  My goodness you do NOT look like you have 4 kids with two in college!!  If I met you on the street I would put you at LEAST 15 years younger.  Kudos!


                Carol – impressive 7 yesterday!!  What training plan are you using?  I bet the time flew by with everything you had to share with RB.


                Lizzie – SMART move on taking a rest day.  Sounds like you will be on the move quite a bit today anyway.  LOL on HCF being nervous you may like the Janitorial District Manager hee hee.  Me thinks he has nothing NOTHING to worry about.  Happy hour went REALLY well, thanks.  I think 20 people showed up?  Her running friends and her spin friends (she teaches spin at the Y).  Turns out her surgery is tomorrow – she got confused or something.


                Karen – OMG I am still laughing at you slinking away and Liz calling you out on it.  That just cracked me up so bad!  Hey, thanks for the info on your plan.  Of course I wanted all that detail, silly!  I didn’t realize they gave you paces and all.  It suuuuure worked!  Hope you are still riding the high.  I watched Green Book on the way home from Fiji.  I thought the first 2/3 were kinda boring – more because the story has been done so many times – but, I REALLY liked the ending.  Especially when he showed up for dinner.  I liked Bohemian Rhapsody more and maybe even A Star Is Born – but that, too, had been done before.  I found it ironic that all the movies last year had a music theme.  I think your photos are great!  You look like a very serious racer which you are!


                Lori – have fun getting the boobs squished hee hee.  It’s not that bad.  Are you back to work?


                Damaris – is it easy to wrangle two cats to the vet?  I guess I could say I did some XT this morning chasing the kit kat around the house to remove the dingleberry.  Ewwwwwwwwwwww.  He was freaking out about it, it was stuck in his fur, so I wanted to get it off of there.  Plus it STUNK.  More than you wanted to know, I’m sure LOL.  When do you leave for WI?




                Former Bad Ass

                  Karen, I once did mine after the NYCM and al the numbers were screwed. So don’t worry if they are a bit off.


                  Taking two cats to the vet is nothing. Taking 4 was a PITA. Taking 5 is impossible. So now I take two at a time. The 4 was hard as I have three fatsos



                  WINE o'clock somewhere!

                    My week is all wonky with 2 days off.  But sooo nice for a short work week.


                    Laura, what year in school will DS/DD be this fall?  It is indeed nice to have real in-life faces to go with the avatars.


                    Lizzie, HCF has nothing to worry about!!!  He is funny.  Good luck with your travels today.  I believe I read you got access yesterday, nice.  I think a rest day is totally in order.


                    Lori, mammograms aren't too bad.  More awkward positioning.  The squishing part doesn't last long.


                    Damaris, hope the kit kats are good for their visit.  Enjoy the massage.


                    Karen, why not the 100K???  Good practice for Tunnel Hill.  Just sayin',,,  Though crewing together would be fun.


                    Sandy, I always find dingleberries funny.  As long as they are firm that is.  Gooey ones, not so much.  Sorry, the vet side of me is weird.


                    Tired here folks.  That was one busy weekend...


                    LOST MY SHIT yesterday at work.  No overnight doctor, in fact no doctor from 10pm till I was supposed to come on at 2pm today.  4 sick pets hospitalized - not OK to leave them with no medical care for 16 hours.  The office manager did SHIT about it until I addressed it at 2pm.  Then shit fell on me and I was NOT ok with it.  Just not OK with how things are going...  I am not planning on leaving, but damn, they really need to figure stuff out.  And the medical director is out of town for a surgery on his son - so not reachable.


                    Going in 2 hours early today to help out.  (Leaving 2 hours early too...  I am not THAT nice!)


                    Ta Ta ladies.  (Lori, good luck with the tatas!!!!!  Hehehe.)



                    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                    Beast of Burden - August 2024

                    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                      So, so great seeing everyone last weekend!  Who was it that said we should do it again, and not wait until someone else gets married?    But ooof, I had a big time fun-hangover yesterday, and the pile of work on my desk didn't help.  


                      I'll keep Myrtle Beach in mind when I start thinking about next year.


                      Sorry for everyone dealing with cold and/or wet weather.  I kind of miss rain.  I don't think we'll see any more until October.


                      Tessa, I support a west coast FE!


                      Karen, I support you coming to Woodstock!


                      Ran 3 yesterday, planning on joining the Meet-Up group for around 10 after work.


                      Back to my usual M.O. of posting and running...  have a crap ton of stuff due in the next couple of weeks.

                      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Margaret, that was me Smile


                        Kat, Rubio gained some weight so doing better. Ugh at the clinic. What if a pet there had an emergency?  My Lily died while Hospitalized and I have never forgotten about that. They checked her every 30 mins to an hour and still she died, imagining if they did not have anyone looking for them for 16. Hope they improve.


                          Core fail this morning. Again


                          Busy last night, more unpacking and cut the grass. Our riding mower died and had to borrow the old push mower from DS2 and cut what was left.  No big deal.


                          Lori--mammo = no big deal.  Do it and it is done. Quick.


                          Kat--I would be LIVID if my pup was hospitalized and there was no DVM in the building!!!  What are they thinking???


                          Wish the work day was over. I just want to go home and curl up on the sofa.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            haha, Sandy.  I can see you running around the house trying to remove the dingleberry, lol.


                            Susan, unpacking is as much hard work as packing, good luck!



                            Running with the Turtles

                              2 very easy miles this morning!  The weather forecast was drizzle and a feels like 28, but it actually wasn't too bad out.  And I just had to run 2 miles.    Just had to avoid the puddles!     I am looking forward to seeing some sunshine though...  Nice that photos of our behinds were posted here.  If I knew that would happen I would have worn better fitting jeans.  


                              Laura, I hope the rain clears out for you!  I only saw a photographer at one place on the course.  Maybe that was it for the half?  The year is going fast, I can't believe it's almost Memorial Day!  I was thinking that with the robe, you could also have worn a shower cap before the race, since it was raining.  


                              Liz, I am sure your run tomorrow will be extra awesome.  You can't get too much rest.    I am glad that you are not rushing the foot!  Haha, I am sure that HCF is one of a kind.    Damaris chose to run in beautiful Kenosha, WI.    Actually, I have heard that the Wisconsin Marathon is a nice race.  Weather can be iffy, but it looks to be nice for running this weekend!  Haha, I guess my last girl's weekend was my bachelorette party!  We did a weekend in Chicago and saw Mama Mia.  I haven't had a weekend away by myself for a long time, and definitely not since we had kids.  Generally I am the one stuck at home with the kids!  If you can't do gels, that brand also does a mix that you put into water and drink while running.


                              Lori, your mammogram will be fine.  The techs are always super nice.  I have nothing to smoosh, I feel bad for the techs.  


                              Damaris, enjoy the workout and the massage!  Sorry for giving you a hug when I met you.  


                              Karen, hope the blood test goes OK!  I am going to try the Pfitz plan for the marathon.  The 55 mile plan, not the 70.    I am also considering doing McMillan's marathon strength program along with it.  I'm bad with cross training!


                              Sandy, I liked Deena Kastor's book.  I always try to run with gratitude.     You do ask a lot of questions.  Have you ever considered being a therapist?    Haha, I guess that was a 10 AM beer.  And I normally never drink beer after a race!  It would be cool if you ran MKE.  I would invite you to stay with us, but we don't have much room.  You could bunk with the kids.    But I bet I could convince the in-laws to let you stay over!  They are only about 5 minutes away from me.  I looked at the Gopher to Badger race, it looks like fun!


                              Kat, your work sounds incredibly frustrating.  I could not deal with that!  Ta ta, lol.


                              Margaret, I wish I could send some rain your way.    I like how you are "casually" doing 10 after work.    Not like you ran a million miles over the weekend...


                              Carol, wow, you did 7?  You are incredible!


                              Elina, sounds like you made the right choice!




                              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                                Sue, I was livid with the situation too.  There was no way those pets should have been there - and luckily they weren't.  All discharged home (against my feeling, but they weren't my cases) or sent to another clinic  That was part of my shit fit.  Not only was there not a doctor in the building, there would not even have been one on call.  NOT OK...  Kicker is, they knew this for a MONTH ahead of time and did nothing...


                                Damaris, there would have been a tech in the hospital, but nothing they could have done legally.


                                Can you say C.LU.S.T.E.R.F...

                                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024

