Womens Running


Wet and weary Wednesdaily (Read 21 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Haha, Cathy. I have gotten better as the years pass and now I hug people. But those that knew me when can attest.



      Laura - Ugh, this rain!!! Only finish line photos for me too.  I’m still sad I didn’t grab a robe picture of you..that was really the best!


      Liz - So are the Brooks Launches a no-go for you now???  I think 3 days rest after your hard marathon effort is a good thing!!!


      Lori - Hope your mammogram goes fine!


      Damarias - Enjoy the message!  Hope all checks out fine with the kitties!


      Karen - Thinking your labs should be pretty much back to normal.  Hmmm, Woodstock could be “fun”!


      Sandy - Hear ya on the 39 and rain...  I am using a combination of plans.  I use Higdon as the minimum and one Karen put together for me as the maximum.   Depending on how Grandma’s go, I might look at a Fall full, and try to “race” it...I use the term “race” very loosely.  Hope your day ends quickly!


      Kat - can’t believe they left hospitalized pets for 16 hours!!!  No, no, and no!!!  Not safe!   Hope you can iron things out there.


      Margaret - You are like the energizer bunny!!!  You are amazing!  I wish we could send you some rain...we have plenty!


      Susan - Anymore Tris planned for you???  I have lost my Tri mojo Sad.  I’m sure all this unpacking has kept you busy!  Are you loving your house?


      Cathy - I think we are sharing this cold, rainey weather!!! Which Fall full are you doing...I seem to have had race overload and can’t remember all the names of those mentioned?


      Tessa - An out west FE would be great!


      Had to go to track to do my “tempo” 6 today, pouring rain here.  I obviously didn’t push myself as hard as I could have  other then my legs being just a little sore I’m good...listened to a podcast about the “mental” aspect of running.




      Mighty Mouse

        Slowly but surely my endurance is coming along. I was able to do 50 minutes running without effort on the TM, then 10 min. of a fast walk.

        I'm still slow, but really nice and steady with little effort. 
        Happy runs, All ! 

        Where is the "any" key?   




        Running with the Turtles

          Carol, I am running the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon in the fall.  It's on October 6.  

            Carol--since I didn't drown last weekend, my tri mojo is starting to wake back up! Maybe i will get back out there after all. Nothing major, as I know the time commitment and I just don't want it that bad, but I can still participate in short distance races if I can squeeze a little training in.


            Oh good grief. I found a conference next year that would really be good for my group to attend, so now I have to write a 1-page doc on the conference and how our attendance would benefit the agency. Sheesh. Makes me want to keep my big mouth shut and just sit at my desk.

            Writing now. Abstract due in two weeks. I got this.


            Kat--charlie foxtrot indeed!!!


            Cupcake Connoisseur

              Busy busy day. Exhausted. Awful headache.


              I got a call this morning from my mom that my grandpa was the ER. This is HER dad - he is 94. She was supposed to meet him for a concert tonight - called him Monday, Tuesday and this morning and didn't get an answer. She called his neighbor to check on him - he was apparently stuck between the wall and the bed. Alive - but barely. They took him to the hospital and it looks like a stroke about 12-24 hours ago. He is paralyzed on the left side and his brain is just full of blood. This is probably it...he had strict orders to not be left a vegetable and NO breathing machines. You know, its expected -94 years old..but last week he drove from his home (MARYLAND) to my parents (VIRGINIA) - a 2 hour drive! He was very mobile. Its sudden. You always think they are going to be around, you know? Kinda like your parents. Feel awful for my mom. And for how he probably was laying there and couldn't move for a day?! I can't imagine.


              Not sure if I will go up and see him in the hospital. The drive wouldn't bother me, its just seeing him like that. I don't think I want to remember him that way. Is that wrong??


              Sorry for the depressing post! Its been a day.



              Lori – Hope all went well with the mammogram!


              Docket – Good luck on the run! I have a massage on Friday. SO EXCITED. HCF had a dog that died while being hospitalized. He said he will never do it again unless he has to.


              Karen – Get those boobs checked! LOL at the pictures! I AGREE! I like a few, but not enough to pay $20!


              Sandy – Sounds like your fun hangover is really setting in today 😊 AWWW made me smile that so many people showed up to her HH. I will be thinking of her TOMORROW 😊 LMAO on removing a dingleberry! HCF did that with Ruger yesterday! LOL


              Kathryn – You know what I was randomally thinking about on my drive today? Your tattoos and how I didn’t see them. NEXT TIME!! OMG..sorry about the shit show at work yesterday! Good luck getting out of there early!


              Margaret – YOU. ARE. A . MACHINE. I don’t know how your body can run so much! Amazing! Sorry for the work overload. Maybe it ate a ghost pepper?


              Cathy – See, you need more girls weekends 😊 They help with sanity! Hehe 😊 Nice run today! I am surprised you just didn’t do them on the treadmill. Have you finalized your marathon plan? Spring marathons are scary as far as weather goes! I hope you are strongly considering the Gopher to Badger race 😊


              Carol – Brooks Launches are a “go” but not for long runs! Nice job on the run!


              Judy – Nice run today!


              Susan – You got this! 😊



              I am out of here..



              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


              Former Bad Ass

                I am sorry to hear about your grandfather, Liz.  Hugs.  Thinking of him.


                  3 creaky miles for me this morning. Although they were at MP (cracking myself up since I don't really know if that is good or bad... I guess easy pace)


                  Lots of flooding by us and I ended up working from home. Did Yin yoga last night and will do it again tonight. Gym in the morning for strength.


                  I have race results. The chip stopped working so I just have the 5k, 10k split then finish time. That's all I need for it to "count" on Maniacs.


                  Laura-my dd doesn't come home until end of May and then heads down to Indy again for the summer. She has an internship there so that works out.


                  Liz-Recovery is part of the training. Remember that. LOL


                  Lori-I'm sure your mammogram went fine. They aren't that bad in the realm of things.


                  Damaris-Hope kitties are all good.


                  Karen-Sure would be fun to have you holding some pringles in a baggie out in front of me. You would HAVE to go slow to pace me a loop. But crewing is much more relaxing. Ha!


                  Kat-pretty sure a lawsuit would cure their lack of worrying about staffing issues. As long as it's not directed at you. Why did you leave me with cake of cheese?


                  Margaret-nice miles for you!


                  Sue-sorry the core failed you... or is that the other way around?


                  Cathy-so fun to meet you this weekend!


                  Carol-come and do woodstock for that fall full.


                  Judy-nice run followed by walk!



                    Oh Lizzie, so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Sounds like he wouldn’t know whether you visited or not, so I dunno whether it would be worth going.  Although, maybe it would help your mom if you were there?  Do you think you’d regret it later if you didn’t go?


                    Lisa, can’t believe all the flooding in your area now!  Kat and I got out of there just in time.


                    Sandy (see, you have a name now!), I’m with ya on the WOMP WOMP, sad trombone, back to work, no-fun hangover.  At least you have a good book to read.


                    I’m just slogging along at work. Maybe things would move faster if ghost peppers were involved.   

                    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                    LC Runs

                      Lizzie - so sorry about your Grandpa ((hugs)).  I am okay with the lack of race pics LOL, I look so terrible in them!  Dang on the Launches!


                      Lori - Hope the mammo went okay, I need to schedule one as it's been a couple of years.  I didn't find them painful, just weird to be 'squished' ha ha!


                      Damaris - omg, taking two cats to the vet does not sound fun at all!!


                      Karen - hope the appointment went well!  Thanks for the kind words!! 


                      Sandy - you had me at "look at least 15 years younger"    My oldest DD is going to Denmark for a few weeks and taking a class, then she will go back to school in June, move into her apartment and work.  DS just walked in the door and we've already talked about applying for jobs.  My youngest DS starts drivers training next week, Lawd Help Me!!


                      Kat - My DD's will be Seniors in College and HS and my DS' will be Sophomores in College and HS - I swear I didn't plan it that way!!  That sounds like a nightmare at your job, ugh!!


                      Hi Margaret!!  Glad you made it home safe and sound but bleh on the pile of work!


                      HI Susan! I kind of enjoyed mowing the lawn by hand, great exercise!  My BF has decided he does it better with the rider 


                      Cathy and Carol - sounds like we have to meet up again so that we can get a robe picture LOL!!  And yes, a shower cap would have been epic!!

                      LC Runs

                        Judy - nice run this morning!!



                          Mammogram went fine. They said no news is good news so I only need to worry if they call me. Apparently today my mom's eldest brother passed away. (She passed away decades ago) He was in his nineties.  I only met him a couple times as he was 20 years older than she. Sad for my remaining aunts and uncle.


                          Lizzie... I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. He sounds like he is very special. Hugs


                          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            So sleepy. I keep thinking today is Thursday. Ugh. Ran 7 last night, strength training today.


                            Lizzie, so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Maybe go to support your mom? Like bring her some food or coffee?


                            BerthaSlayer, sorry to hear about your uncle, I'm sure that is tough for the remaining siblings.


                            KatS, OMG, that is not ok with your job.
