Womens Running


WOOHOO Weekends! (DAILIES) (Read 21 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur




    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      7.1 for me! Not sure if I will head to the gym since my brother is here.


      Good run! Legs are feeling a bit tired but that is to be expected.


      HCBF and I have lots of errands to run today. May take my brother out to breakfast first. Hopefully have time for a nap later!



      Laura - OH NO on the fall! Glad you are okay. I can say that that has happened to me before..many times! Glad you didn’t rip your new leggings. I always seem to rip mine when it happens Smile Did you continue running? Smile I want to retire too!!! I don’t believe I will ever be able too..or I will be dead by the time I’m eligible LOL. I can understand if someone abuses the privilege of working from home - then you treat them like a child and take it away. But why ruin it for the rest of us? You are going to do GREAT tomorrow! I believe it!! Smile The spring forward part sucks though..haha..GOOD LUCK and have fun! Are you running it with anyone?


      Run4kupcakes - Nice 8!!



      Happy Weekend!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

        Happy weekend!  Quick check-in, going to be a busy day. Heading out soon to a 25k trail race then have a funeral to attend right after, hoping I won’t be too late.  (It’s for a friend of my dad.)


        Kilmisters, hope the playoff game went well.


        Lizzie, breakfast is the best part of the day, yum.  Hope you go somewhere good with your bro. How far away does he live from you?


        Hi to everyone else!  Will check in later!

        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


          Hello hello!  Super fun day off work yesterday.  TRX/Bells early as usual.  Then 8mi with super speedy girls.  Whew that was hard.  Beer after was the best.  Meeting a friend at 11am for a few easy peasy miles and then we are going to check out a distillery.  Lazying around this morning.  I really really need to go to the grocery but ugh.  Story of my life.  I told my sister I would pay her to cook for me this week.  She agreed but not sure if she was serious haha


          Laura - ouch on the fall!  Sounds like the road jumped up and grabbed your foot or something.  Good luck at your 10K tomorrow!


          Lizzie - nice running, girl!  Man, you are a beast.  Fun to have your brother in town.  Hope your adulting gets done quickly so you can relax.  As for the rest of my weekend - welllllllllll, it should include laundry, grocery and cooking.  But, after distillery today I should swing by this bowling alley for a friends bday.  Will run tomorrow - hoping for 12 or so.


          Cathy - how was Italian lunch?  How fun.  Awwww super sweet to surprise the neighbors with the cookies.  Wow you sure have been doing a lot of walking!  Good idea to rest from that.  Get that foot ready for some good weather running!


          Hi Kat!  Soooooo are you trail running today?


          Diane - good luck with your 20!


          Tessa - LOL on the barmaid!  That would be a hoot.


          Karen - hey, I for one am jealous of your exciting life!  Ha ha.  Hope you had a fun run with your group this morning!


          Elina - good luck in your game!!


          NOT looking forward to the lost hour tonight.  Apparently we are beginning a thaw.  50s by the end of next week?!!  Oh boy, I sure hope so.  Enjoy your weekend, peeps!!


            Gatsby - good luck at your race!  Sorry for your dad's friend - nice of you to attend the funeral.


            WINE o'clock somewhere!

              Lizzie, good run this morning.  Hope you have/had fun with your brother.  Yum, breakfast!


              Margaret, hope your race goes fabulously.  Sorry about your friend's dad.


              Sandy, no, I didn't go to either race today.  I am just pooped out.  And I can't sleep in.  It is my day off and I was wide awake at 7am again.


              Day off, if I can muster energy, I will go for a walk or run.  Think I might do some things outside to spruce up the place - out back at least.  My ceilings are REALLY high, even on the patio and the ladder barely allows me to reach it, on my tippy toes.  There are a few things I would like to hang and re-try hanging a outdoor shade.  It is supposed to be 88 out.  I guess I should get moving before then.  Maybe even hit the nursery and get a few container plants started.  Unlikely, but ya never know.


              2 1/2 months till Pinelands, guess I should get a move on...  Next for sure race is April 7th, a 25K about TWO hours away.  My favorite running series/company, so I usually go to them.


              Figuring out my remaining PTO for the year.  Might have more than I thought, fun.  Hoping some will carry over to next year.  Woodstock in September is looking likely!


              Happy weekend all.



              Kettle Moraine - June 2024

              Beast of Burden - August 2024

              Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

              Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                Lizzie - Enjoy your visit with brother!  Nice job in run Smile


                Margaret - Enjoy your 25k!  Thoughtful of you to go to funeral.


                Sandy - Nice run with “speedy girls”!!!  Hope your sister was serious about cooking for you....that would be awesome!


                Laura - Ugh, on the fall,are you sore today?  Hoping the roads are going to be decent for Mud Dog tomorrow!  I can’t remember why you had such a bad race for Snowman,  hope tomorrow is better!  I contemplated going, but am in middle of marathon training, and couldn’t fit it in...I always say “just going to use for Long Run”....and then...off I go....not fast, but not what I should be doing for LR Sad.  I will miss seeing you tho.


                Nice 10 miler with one RB yesterday, I’m having to wait until my “marathon training”RB comes back tomorrow to do our real LR.


                Happy Saturday!



                Anonymous Guest

                  Nice run this morning. I ran 4 with the girl coming back from a hip injury and it was so nice to see her again. My plan was then to go out the other direction until I caught up with either the two running 1o or the guy running 12 and run back with them. But at the end of our 4 we decided that Starbucks looked nice, so went there instead. I texted a picture of my frappuccino in front of the store where we met and told them my plans changed. Now home and, shocking I know, just relaxing with the dog. It was really good for me to do some nice slow 11 minute miles. Even when I run easy by myself, I still run 9:30-9:45, which is my normal easy pace, but is probably a little fast for the first week post marathon. Nice slow run like that and I feel better and more energized after. Of course after a week of beautiful running weather, we got 70 and humid and chance of rain this morning - that has happened almost every single Saturday this year (except for race day last week, thank goodness).


                  Laura, ouch! I hope you're not feeling worse today after the fall.


                  Liz, nice run and enjoy the time with your brother. We had one girl that was going to come run earlier in the week, but then texted us a picture of herself at IHOP this morning instead.


                  Margaret, enjoy the trail race!! Good of you to go to your dad's friend's funeral, I'm sure the family and your dad will appreciate it.


                  Sandy, sounds like you had a fun day off. I need groceries too, but I hate going on the weekends when all the working people go and crowd everything. I should have planned better. I did download a whole bunch of Kroger coupons though, so I should go before I forget what I downloaded. I find myself not really caring much about the time change this year........my schedule won't change much. Although it may make next weekend's race hard to get up for. Geez, is it even going to be daylight at 7 am for the start? Retired girl problems.


                  Kathryn, enjoy your day off! I'm guessing it's nice to be home, even if there are a lot of things that need to be done. Glass of wine on the back patio later?


                  Carol, hi! I've done the same thing trying to use a race as a training run. I'm not very good at dialing it back in a race.


                  So, I was telling the girl I ran with this morning about you guys. I said I was considering doing a 100 miler in December and of course my friends told me I should do it. She almost stopped running and said "Karen, those people. Those people are not your friends! That is crazy." She makes me laugh. I tried to explain how this group can get you to do things you didn't think you could do because of the support and encouragement. Like when she ran her first 10K and her friend told her she could do a half, so she joined the group. And then ran a half. And now considers herself a runner. I'm not sure she was buying it though.


                  Back later. I may go to the grocery store, I may binge watch my latest show. The Arrangement. I think it's on the E! channel. I didn't even know there was an E! channel.

                  Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                  Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                  Check out my website and youtube channel


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  I have OTF and 6 miles.


                    Lizzie, nice run!


                    Margaret, enjoy the race!


                    Sandy, nice 8. I am not looking forward to springing.  But FL was voting to stop that and I hope they do ha.


                    Kat, enjoy the day off.


                    Carol, nice 10.


                    Laura, ugh. Hope your soreness is minor.


                    Karen, nice 4.  Yeah, do the 100 miler.  Smile


                    Anonymous Guest

                      A couple months ago I bought this 6-week strength training program from Hansons. Three times a week they sent me an email with my workout. Three times a week I kept putting it off, but saved the workout for "soon." I decided today that I would do the first workout, and then do one every other day, which would get me to the last workout right before I flew out to Boston. I liked it because it started and ended with specific foam rolling and stretching. So, strength training done. It was hard. It wouldn't be that hard for someone that actually does this on a regular basis, and it would be a little less hard without the help of a 75-pound labrador, but the first workout is done. Nothing magical - crunches, leg lifts, supermans, bridges, russian twists, etc. but it kicked my butt. Now I am tired and covered in dog fur (I just vacuumed two days ago!!), but feeling pretty darn pleased with myself for doing it. Less pleased by how hard it was for me to get it done, but baby steps.


                      Damaris, enjoy your workouts. I took a few weeks off from OTF, but will go back this coming week. I'm sure that will kick my butt too.

                      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                      Check out my website and youtube channel

                      LC Runs

                        Happy Saturday!


                        4.1 miles, managed to stay upright today.  Nice bruise on my hip and side of my knee.


                        Just hanging around the house today, colored my hair and painted my toenails, I consider that a successful day LOL!


                        Lizzie - nice run, hope you have a great visit with your brother.  I actually did find a small hole in my tights, dang it!  I did keep running, it happened about a mile in so I jumped up and kept going so if anyone saw the fall I wanted to get out of their view ha ha.


                        Margaret - have a great time at the trail race.  Sorry about your dad's friend.


                        Sandy - that sounds like a really fun day yesterday!  I would LOVE to have someone cook for me, I guess I don't really mind the cooking, it's just coming up with what to make every night.  My older DD is now vegan and my younger DD is super picky.  My older DS would rather eat crackers or pizza rolls for meals.  BF does cook (quite well, actually) though he is a meat person and the girls don't eat it.  At least they are at an age where they don't complain, they just make themselves something.  I'm not very traditional but I do think it's important to sit down for a meal together at least most nights.


                        Kat - enjoy your day, hope you get your outside stuff done before it gets too hot!


                        Carol - I am a bit sore but it's manageable.  I don't know what happened at the first race, I think I am mentally psyching myself out or something, just struggling a bit these past few months.  I'm not excited about racing at all but hoping that changes with the weather.  Will I see you at St Pat's next week?  I'm doing the Irish Double and am kind of excited because my friend asked me to run with one of her students for the 5k (she runs a group where the kids run over a period of time to equal marathon distance).  Anyhow, she said she has 54 kids running it and they need to be with an adult (I think they're like 5th grade).


                        Karen - OMG that is funny about your friend!  We are a peer pressure group, but in a good way!  Yes, my right side is sore, I kind of did a stop, fall and roll thing and brunt of it was on my right side - very graceful!!  Good job with the workout, I have fallen off the wagon with that, too!


                        Damaris - have a good 6 and OTF!!


                        WINE o'clock somewhere!

                          Carol, I should know, but which marathon are you training for??  Enjoy your LR tomorrow.


                          Karen, sounds like a nice running morning.  Funny about your running friend thinking we are crazy...  Us, crazy?  YEP!  Yes, I am out back with a can-o-beer.


                          Damaris, OTF AND a run?  Yikes.


                          Laura, your day sounds mighty successful to me!


                          Got my nails fixed after I smacked one off cleaning up my porch this morning.  Hot pink sparkles - yes, I look like I am a 13 yr old.  Hung my hummingbird feeders, outdoor shade (I didn't kill myself doing that one teetering on a ladder), and lights.  Swept too.  Went to Home Depot to get 3 things.  Walked out $200 later, forgetting one of the main things I went for...  Bought a ton of herbs, but didn't have enough potting soil at the house to plant them.  Oops, tomorrow.  Porch looks homier now.


                          Karen was right, I am now out back with a beverage.  And it is a good one. Lisa brought some Detroit beers to AC and there was this one Raspberry Ale.  Remarkably found it here, I am in love...


                          Be well.  Think I will watch TIU since I missed this weeks episode.



                          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                          Beast of Burden - August 2024

                          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024




                            Farrier came this morning so didn't start my 20 miles til almost noon.  5 hours later I'm done and tired and hungry.  I got some of those Trekz Air headphones and tried them out today.  They are a bit large on me but seem to work good.  Also got my replacement Garmin and am charging it now.


                            Hi everyone.


                              Karen - That is too funny that your RB said “this group is not your friends”...LOL.  Yikes on the Hansen’s strength training!


                              Kat - conferences always wear me out....too much boring sitting!  Sounds like an enjoyable time drinking a nice Detroit Beverage.  I’m doing Pittsburgh Marathon.


                              Laura - I am not sure on St Pats...trying to fit that in with LR’s is hard.  Will be fu to run with that group.  Sorry you aren’t enjoying the racing right now Sad    Hoping you have a fun time tomorrow!!!  Is your RB and DH going with you? They seemed super nice.


                              Diane - I am so envious that you have a 20 miler done today!!!  Great job!!!


                              Damarias - You are the energizer bunny!


                              Out for a hike with DH,  LR tomorrow.




                              Former Bad Ass

                                I also lifted!  2.2 at OTF and 6 tonight.  Then, I went home to lift and my husband was MIA.  He went out for a run. 


                                He sure feels much better.  He is starting work next week but I will still be WFH next week as they let me do so until the 16th and it would be a shame if I didn't.


                                Karen, nice job on the ST.  And yes, OTF has been very challenging lately; figured they need to always find ways to make us suffer.


                                Laura, ouch.  Nice run, though.  If you have Tiger Balm, Arnica, or something like that, slather it all over the bruise.  It should help.


                                Kathryn, I love hot pink nails!


                                Diane, excellent job on the 20!  Beast!

