Womens Running




    Well it was nice to be off yesterday but now I feel stressed about how much I have to do!


      Morning everyone! Congrats again weekend racers!


      RR- well, we got snow,not a ton but enough that the sidewalks and some roads are still covered... I'm going to do Ripped in 30 this morning then a short run on the TM at the gym over lunch. probably 3. I have a half this weekend. 5 miles of that is on trails so I wonder if they'll be snowy or muddy.


      Lucy- I did get a fit bit! I got fit bit one. I really like it so far. It's interesting since I walk a lot to see how many steps it records, and it syncs to MFP. I like also seeing my elevation I've climbed converted into stairs, lol.


      NRR- just going to catch up at work, then going to PA Wednesday and Thursday. DBF is off this week so he's home. We'll probably just make dinner tonight and watch a movie. My eating has been a little crazy so getting back on track with healthy food today!


      have a great day!


        Hey Ladies!


        RR: I just did 2 TM miles... it was a rough start but I finished feeling much more loose and less sore. Hopefully I can stay loose today.


        NRR: Just grant writing and getting the house ready for G's party!




        Jewel - I'm so intrigued by Fit Bit! I'm such a numbers person, I'd probably become obsessed with making sure I hit a certain goal of steps/elevation each day. Enjoy the evening with DBF!


        I'll be running my first full, the Richmond Marathon on November 16, 2013!



          Tobacco Road Half Marathon Race Report
          I had three goals for this race: PR (which was 2:07:30), OR get a 2:00 time, and not stop to pee! I had to get up at 430 to get to the parking lot and catch the shuttle bus to the race start on time. The race started at 7:00. I got to the race start at about 630 and waited for my friend S to arrive. We had talked about running together at a 9:05 pace, but I know she's a lot faster than me so I said we should feel free to drop one another if it doesn't work out. We started out way too fast, and my first three miles were around 8:45. I knew that wasn't sustainable so I waved her on and tried to dial it back. She ended up finishing about 4 minutes ahead of me. The race was an out-and-back course, and it started out on a suburban road for the first 2.5 miles, then ended up on the Tobacco Trail, which is a rail-to-trail. It was packed gravel and so flat and nice to run on! I took a Gu at mile 5.5 and drank some water, and I made it to the half at 59:20 and I thought I could maintain that pace the rest of the way. I was well ahead of the 2:00 pace group, so I thought I was doing well. Then I hit mile 8. I was totally not into it at this point. Miles 8 - 10 were rough. My pace dropped from 9:00 to 9:40 for those two miles. The 2:00 pace group passed me and I tried to keep up, but I started to think I was not going to make the 2:00 cutoff so I decided I'd just aim for 2:02. Once I finished mile 10 I started to feel better and we were back on the road that led to the finish line. I took another Gu. Mile 11 was rough. A lot of other runners were stopping to walk, so I took one 30 second walk break. I started to get my pace back and did mile 11 at 9:20, and mile 12 at 9:10, but it took literally all I had to maintain that. I got into the park at 12.9 miles and someone said "It's all down hill from here!" so I tried as hard as I could to gun it, and but was only able to muster an 8:25 pace for the last little bit. I crossed the finish line at 2:00:52 on my garmin and 2:01:39 on the clock. My official chip time was 2:00:50. I'm really happy - that's the first time I really pushed myself into discomfort to finish with a goal time in mind. And now I know I totally have a sub 2:00 half in me, if I decide to do another one this spring or summer. I'm signed up to do the Richmond Full marathon in November, but if the training doesn't work out with my schedule I can drop down to the half and see how much faster I can get this fall.


          The funny thing is that the thing I thought about the most when I was running was whether I should stop to pee. It was consuming my thoughts! I kept noting where the portajohns were on the course, and I was like, OK I'll be back here in 3 miles and I can stop then. Once I slowed down in mile 8-10 I decided I was not letting my bladder hold me back from my goal.


          I'll be running my first full, the Richmond Marathon on November 16, 2013!



            Happy Tuesday!


            RR: Nada... Hoping tomorrow since I don't have a long day on Wednesdays.


            NRR: The ILs weren't supposed to come into town until Thursday night, but called yesterday afternoon and said they were coming yesterday instead. Shocked We had that huge party on Saturday, and I didn't do much cleaning/prepping for them Sunday, but whatever. They drive me absolutely insane with their lack of sticking to any sort of plan and just popping in for surprises. They'll be out today and tomorrow, and come back Thursday through the weekend, and then out next week and back for the following weekend. Lord help me!


            OJ: Hopefully the trails won't be muddy this weekend for you.


            Sassy: Way to go on hanging through the tough miles in the race and hitting a huge PR! Next race you'll definitely beat 2:00! (Just make sure to go out a bit easier and pick it up, so much more comfortable!) Smile


            Have a great day ladies.

            MA runner girl



              ER: Nada. I had a horrendous day of work yesterday and last night we got snow. Maybe a walk later if the roads look ok.


              NER: Was seriously so exhausted after work yesterday. I was on the phone with my replacement for FOUR HOURS going over a huge list of changes so he could see how to do them. I never talk that much in a day. Phew! Hoping today is a much easier day. My last day of work is supposed to be Friday. I really don't want to work Monday if I haven't had this baby (I'm due Sunday) but I'm torn whether I should hang in there just so I don't use my time before he's here...


              Jewel - Yikes, 5 miles on trails should be intersting this weekend! Either way, I'd plan to be messy! lol Good luck getting back on track to healthy eating.


              Sassy - I think those late middle miles are always tough in a half. It's like you are so far from the finish, but once you get to 10 there is just a 5k left and mentally it's easier to pick it up. Way to hang in there and reach your goal! So proud.


              PO - UGH! Omg I would not be ok with the changing of plans like that! It's one thing if they are popping in for a few hours, but not when they are staying over! Yikes. Good luck getting everything all set for them.


              Have a great day!

              PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


                Morning Ladies! It has been a long time since I have had any time to post, but I have been lurking!


                Sassy- way to go on your race! Such an impressive PR and I loved reading your race report. In my training lately I feel like I have been pushing myself a little into that discomfort zone and it is nice to feel so challenged, right? Although doing it in a race is another story..super impressed! and I'm impressed with you not stopping to pee when you were thinking about it... once I start thinking about it, i have to go!


                Jewel- This weather is crazy, right? I didn't really think we would get snow so I was shocked to see itt really coming down last night! What half are you doing this weekend? How is training going for you?


                PO- how are you feeling? I can't believe that your inlaws just show up like that! crazy... and they are staying for quite some time!


                MA- wow, it seems crazy that you are so close! I can't believe that Friday is your last day of work! Are you ready to meet the little guy?


                RR- my training has been going pretty well- I am actually suprised at how well my long runs are going. I ran 17 two weekends ago and felt great. This past weekend was 13 and it was hilly so my calves were killing me on Sunday. Yesterday I ran 4 to shake them out and they are feeling better today. tonight will be some weights and a swim!


                NRR- I dont know where the time is going! I cannot believe that next week is the end of March. We have been pretty busy at work so the time is flying. This weekend I went away with two of my best friends and had so much fun... we pretty much just laughed the whole time. it is so nice to have friends like that!


                I hope to get back for more regular posting!


                  hi ladies!


                  RR: 3.8 this morning at 38 min. guess I took it easy.  legs felt pretty good


                  NRR: stressful days ahead at work. boo that. but what else is new? premarital counseling last night. went well. and it gave me an excuse to get out of work. we're beginning to get responses back to our invitations for the wedding! Shocked it's getting more and more real. we're about 2.5 months to go. eek! busy day at work, then home. I'm thinking I might work a little late to get as much as I can done. so maybe home by 6 or 6.30?


                  some responses to yesterdays post...


                  outwest: no idea about fixing the leak but we'll try! we have a bucket under the drip now...


                  mel: what's the pre cana like? M and I had another premarital counseling session last night. it was about active listening and a little bit about conflict resolution.


                  taylor: sending you great vibes about the interview! glad it went well.


                  pumpkin: dang girl with those miles! take it easy!


                  norcal: you rocked those 17! that's a lot of miles!


                  then today...


                  OJ: boo about the snow! I'm sooooo sick of winter!


                  sassy: glad you're loosening up after your race! way to take control of your bladder! love it!!


                  po: good luck with the inlaws!! that would drive me nuts if I couldn't at least prep a little.


                  MA: hope today is easier for you!


                  gotta go! meetings start at 10 and I have tons to do before then.




                    dona: cross post! glad you had fun with your friends this weekend! I agree, time is totally flying!


                      But I don't WANT time to fly!  I only have five more months in Indy!  Aaaaand I can build a bridge and get the heck over it.


                      Hi, friends.  Hi, brides-to-be.  Especially enjoying your updates as of late!


                      MA and Lizo, sorry you've been stressed.  Been there, totally . . . Serenity to all of us!


                      Eek, not much time.  I am a sucktastic poster.


                      RR:  Operation Get Even Faster is going OK.  On Sunday I was able to crank out 8 miles at a 7:16 min/mi pace.  Today I did 12 miles at 7:51 min/mi.  Might bike easily and read on my break.


                      NRR:  Book club tonight.  We read The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan, which I would rate as "potential that resulted in mehhh."  I don't know that I'd recommend buying it.  But a book read is an investment in the noggin.


                      Happy Tuesday and happy running.  Smile  PEACE OUT!


                        Good morning, ladies!


                        RR: SRD. ST tonight.


                        NRR: I woke up on the cranky side of the bed today. Living with two cats who choose to clean themselves when I'm trying to sleep leads to a lot of waking up in the middle of the night. Argh. Not looking to going into work today, either, but oh well, it must be done.


                        Jewel - Do you feel the fitbit is accurate about walking? I've seen pedometers that count a step when you take your pants off.


                        Sassy - Again, congrats!! I'm with KLM - once I think I have to pee, it's all I can think about.


                        PO - Wow, I would be SO ticked! Has DH said anything to them about this behavior?


                        MA - Hmm. Part of me would want to work on that Monday, BUT there's also that chance of going into labor far away from your house.


                        KLM - Hey stranger! Nice work on your running lately.  and yes, I agree - I thought February was fast enough, March is speeding by.


                        Lizo - Only 2.5 months? Wow, the time is going by really fast!


                        PFace - Dang, girl, you are getting faster and faster!


                          Hey ladies quick one from me today, but I have to say, Sassy, awesome job on your race. I have run on the Tobacco Trail before, and it’s so lovely there. Lol at the thoughts on having to pee. Every single mile from mile 5 til the end of the Chicago marathon I felt like I really had to pee. Many times there were port o potties around, so I told myself I could stop if I really needed to. But I didn’t want to do that and lost time, such I just put it out of my mind and moved on. And then somehow I didn’t even go until about 3 hours after the race ended


                          RR: nice ST session yesterday. My arms are feeling it today, Probably going to do some speedwork on the indoor track today since it’s really windy and cold out


                          NRR: as I wrote yesterday, my interview went really well. I answered all their questions thoughtfully and fully and had some good questions to ask them about the program – I even asked about what they thought the strengths and weaknesses of the program were since I was asked that same question about myself. They said I will hear back by the end of the month, so I will cross my fingers til then


                            Hey DIVAs!


                            Great job racers! You're all rockstars!


                            RR - I raced on Sunday too, finishing half #29 in 2:12:37 using a 4:1 run/walk. I was excited that I finally stuck to it and that it worked!


                            DR - Figure skating class tonight followed by practice. 12 sleeps until Bout Day!


                            NRR - I don't really understand my co-workers! I come in early every morning, yet people still feel they have to comment on it like it's something new!


                            This has taken me almost an hour to write, so I'll post - try to be back later for personals.


                            Have a great day!

                            San Francisco Marathon (Worth the Hurt™), June 16

                            Napa Valley Inline Marathon, July 14


                              Morning ladies!!!


                              Ojewel- Hope the trails aren't too bad for your race this weekend. How was your LR this past weekend? I can't believe our Marathons are in less then 6 weeks. EEEEEEKKSS! Shocked


                              Sassy- Great RR! You should be super proud!


                              klmc- Hey lady! Nice job on the hilly 13! When is your marathon?


                              Athena- Sweet job on the half this weekend!


                              Taylor- I'm so glad your interview went well yesterday. Fingers crossed for you!


                              OWR- OMG, my cats are driving me NUTS too! In the middle of the night and super early in the morning, T gets up on the bed and DEMANDS attention. Last night, at 3am, he actually licked my face! WTF? We leave the door open for them to go in and out, but no, he just has to torment me!


                              MA- I think you should totally make your last day on Friday, even if you don't have the baby over the weekend! Just my opinion! You need some rest, lady!


                              PO- Ok that is totally something my In-laws would do and it is SO NOT OK! Ugh! Good luck with them this weekend...


                              Lizo- Sorry work is stressful! Hope the marriage counseling is going well! It's so close, very exciting!


                              PFace- Did you know that now you're officially FAST?! Like your pace is about where my DH runs, and he is fast! And wow 5 months! So excited for your new adventure!

                              Humboldt Redwoods Half Marathon 10.20.2013 

                              Tiburon by the Bay Half Marathon 11.3.2013 (My Birthday!) 

                              Napa Valley Full Marathon 3.2.2013



                              Half: 1:48

                              Full: 4:34



                                RR. Doing a 5 mile recovery run after work tonight. My legs are actually feeling pretty good! I wore my compression socks to work yesterday and that helped. I'll be doing some stretching, rolling etc this morning.


                                SRR. The friend I'm running Big Sur with is coming down this weekend to do our LR together! Fun! I


                                NRR. I was actually pretty busy at work yesterday, which was nice. Monday's at my new job have been so slow that I've considered dropping the shift. I might be starting a job in SF soon for a friend's company, just waiting on getting that all worked out! Working at home this morning, then heading to work, then meeting a friend for a run.

                                Humboldt Redwoods Half Marathon 10.20.2013 

                                Tiburon by the Bay Half Marathon 11.3.2013 (My Birthday!) 

                                Napa Valley Full Marathon 3.2.2013



                                Half: 1:48

                                Full: 4:34

