Womens Running


Strawberry Ice Cream TUESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 17 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Susan, if your mouth is numb and you drool all over the keyboard, there will be a worse problem. Recommend you stick to paperwork such as reading work-related journals this afternoon. Just saying.


    Unpaid leave until shutdown ends if you take any paid leave? Um...aren't you all not getting paid anyway? I know they are saying you should get paid eventually, as has happened in the past, but I would be sorely tempted to retort "I'm on unpaid status right now, what's the difference?" And what happens to people who HAVE to take time off, like those who go into labor during the shutdown or have other medical emergencies?


    Liz, strawberry ice cream? Ugh. I love ice cream but for some reason strawberry sets my teeth on edge. Now if it was Chocolate Ice Cream Day or even Vanilla (with toppings...) I would be on board. Good luck with mammel.


    Elina, sounds like a fun project.


    Judy, hope it's teeth cleaning and you are out of the office with a new toothbrush. Last time they told me it was time for a full set of X rays. Those do look weird when you have crowns because they look so different from regular teeth in the photos.


    Damaris, that treadmill situation sounds frustrating. So does the work situation.


    Sandy, you are in MN. I commented years ago when I did TCM that I had never seen so many tall blonde people in my life. No wonder the volleyball players are tall!


    Weather: pouring. Supposed to rain all day. I took a look at the hourly forecast, remembered that I have a vestry meeting this evening, and advised my boss that I would be working from home. I will go in tomorrow when I don't have to be home at a specific time -- it took me nearly 2 1/2 hours to get home last night. Doesn't help that it's snowing in the Sierra Pelona range so I-5 was closed between Santa Clarita and the San Joaquin Valley. When that happens the trucks go up my freeway (14) to go around the mountains, then cut west at Mojave to get to Bakersfield via 58. Long detour and most of the truckers are annoyed by that, so traffic gets even worse.


    Ran 3.2 with RN this morning, came home and did some work, then went out when it got light for another 2.3 around the neighborhood. Now waiting for DS to get out of the shower so I can clean up. Big project waiting for me, too, which is a good one for a day of teleworking.


    It's not that we have to take unpaid leave, is that we cannot take any leave during the shutdown.  Neither sick nor vacation.  TSA is calling sick but not sure if it's because they have a union or they just say fuck it and don't get paid for that day ever.



    Former Bad Ass

      Susan, if your mouth is numb and you drool all over the keyboard, there will be a worse problem. Recommend you stick to paperwork such as reading work-related journals this afternoon. Just saying.


      Unpaid leave until shutdown ends if you take any paid leave? Um...aren't you all not getting paid anyway? I know they are saying you should get paid eventually, as has happened in the past, but I would be sorely tempted to retort "I'm on unpaid status right now, what's the difference?" And what happens to people who HAVE to take time off, like those who go into labor during the shutdown or have other medical emergencies?


      Liz, strawberry ice cream? Ugh. I love ice cream but for some reason strawberry sets my teeth on edge. Now if it was Chocolate Ice Cream Day or even Vanilla (with toppings...) I would be on board. Good luck with mammel.


      Elina, sounds like a fun project.


      Judy, hope it's teeth cleaning and you are out of the office with a new toothbrush. Last time they told me it was time for a full set of X rays. Those do look weird when you have crowns because they look so different from regular teeth in the photos.


      Damaris, that treadmill situation sounds frustrating. So does the work situation.


      Sandy, you are in MN. I commented years ago when I did TCM that I had never seen so many tall blonde people in my life. No wonder the volleyball players are tall!


      Weather: pouring. Supposed to rain all day. I took a look at the hourly forecast, remembered that I have a vestry meeting this evening, and advised my boss that I would be working from home. I will go in tomorrow when I don't have to be home at a specific time -- it took me nearly 2 1/2 hours to get home last night. Doesn't help that it's snowing in the Sierra Pelona range so I-5 was closed between Santa Clarita and the San Joaquin Valley. When that happens the trucks go up my freeway (14) to go around the mountains, then cut west at Mojave to get to Bakersfield via 58. Long detour and most of the truckers are annoyed by that, so traffic gets even worse.


      Ran 3.2 with RN this morning, came home and did some work, then went out when it got light for another 2.3 around the neighborhood. Now waiting for DS to get out of the shower so I can clean up. Big project waiting for me, too, which is a good one for a day of teleworking.


      It's not that we have to take unpaid leave, is that we cannot take any leave during the shutdown.  Neither sick nor vacation.  TSA is calling sick but not sure if it's because they have a union or they just say fuck it and don't get paid for that day ever. But calling in sick can get you fired during this shitshow.


        Damaris--Yep, we cannot take any type of leave either.  Looks like I will suck it up and attempt to TW, or I may just return to the office.  Depends.


        Cupcake Connoisseur

          Docket – OMG this shutdown is crazy!!! WTH!!!!


          Susan – Nice miles this morning! I think about you and Damaris everyday of this dumb shutdown. I am sorry Sad


          Run4kupcakes – I have to look which treadmill I got. LOL. Its not the best of the best. I want to say a ProForm? Maybe.


          Kilmisters – Oh boy. Sorry about the work woes. Yay on the request! That will keep you busy Smile Nice run yesterday!


          Sandy – Nice miles this morning! I am sorry about running feeling so painful Sad You are about to have a nice long break from it. Maybe that will help? I am happy you had a blast this weekend! Loved the pictures you were tagged in. Or maybe you posted? Looks like fun. Freakin sleepy!!!!!


          Lori – Nice miles today! Yay for cutback weeks!


          Cathy – You had an awesome run this morning! I guess that’s what happens when us runners have some frustration Smile LOVE vanilla with hot fudge. YUM. I don’t know about this rain…heavy rain in downtown Richmond where we are already overloaded with moisture..not so sure. We will see! Yay for younger DD and volleyball! Smile I sent HCF a text about Kopps, his response was “AWESOME” and put a picture of ice cream and a burger Smile


          Tessa – Whew, glad you got to work from home today. 2 ½ hours to get home? YIKES. Nice miles this morning! Agree on the ice cream!!



          Review went okay. Mammel and I actually had a very good talk. We will see if he sticks to his end of the bargin. Granted, I need to make some changes too.


          Gotta run. Gotta escort someone around the building! Will probably head to the gym later for an "Active" class. Light cardio and strength. Just want to move!



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



            Ran easy 3k before practice, then coach decided to torture us w 1hr of cardio/strength circuit training, which involved burpees, pushups, all-out sprints, jumping over the boards back and forth etc etc. Oh, and 40min of floorball after that (no one seemed to be able to run faster than turtle or get a pass within 5 feet of target).

            I don't know what to do w earphones and upcoming evening trail race. My brain says - run w/o music - it will be dark, slippery = tricky as it is. But I am so, so used to music, especially on LRs and when it gets tough...

            Till morning, ladies. Extremely tired after today's workout / workday.


             ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


            ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              Strength training.


              Lizzie, I stood on a few treadmills in Sears, even though they weren't fancy, they still felt way more stable than what I have.


              Docket & Crazy Sue, this has stretched out far too long. That's crazy that you can't use leave while this is going on.
