Womens Running


Mothers Day WEEKENDS (DAILIES) (Read 19 times)



    Woot woot. 14 slow miles for me today.


    Liz.... it always happens to her at about the 3 mile mark. Geez.


    *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

     **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



    WINE o'clock somewhere!

      Happy Mother's Day!!!  To all of us crazy ladies.


      Lizzie, sounds like a less than stellar party.  Bummer about the headache.  I can function with a slight one, more than that, nope.  Enjoy your day off.  I can't wait to get the watch, now expected on Wed.  Weather is supposed to be nicer out later in the week, will take it for a spin.


      Margaret, sounds like a well deserved chips/beer!  You're kicking ass racing this year!!  Congrats.


      Karen, congrats on extroverting and getting the sponsors.  And a juice place, perfect.  As far as the Milestones go, I think that idea ROCKS!  Hehehe.  No, seriously, I do.  But then I am into bling and things like that.


      Damaris, I feel you on the depression.  Don't let it go on for too long.  You obviously aren't debilitated by it, but it is such a drag. The only job you don't have a chance of getting is the one you don't apply for.


      Laura, segmented is better than nothing!  Loved the FB pic, what a pretty dress she had on!


      Lori, nice miles!!!  What a pain about your friends habits.


      HCK, that is a lot of rainy Fridays...


      Lisa, Bwahaha indeed on thinking she was serious.  It is pretty rocky though.  Quite a bit of the Hill Country is that way.  Congrats to Abhay on the Harley.


      So, not to steal Damaris' thunder, but damn, I was depressed too this weekend.  It was grey, cold, and rainy out.  I spent 2 days on the couch wrapped up in a blanket.  As most of you know, I struggle with it (3 different meds, yep, I'm med resistant - wasn't until the last one they added I stabilized.)  But I think I have been having a low level issue with it for a bit now - I think loneliness is the cause.  Nothing major, still in an OK mood, it is just is kicking my motivation.  (Dirty house, minimal exercise, no food in the fridge - don't fear, there is wine...)


      OK, coffee is done.  Off to get outside for a bit before work.  The sun is out!!



      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

      Beast of Burden - August 2024

      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


      Anonymous Guest

        8 for me this morning. It was nice. Not sure I'll be very fast for my half next weekend, but that's okay. Weather looks kinda warm anyway.


        I am glad you guys generally like the rock idea. I liked it, but I can picture some people rolling their eyes. But I think I would have loved it as a new runner especially, because I remember what a big deal it was even to run one mile straight. I will definitely plan on painting some rocks (I wish I were more artistic!). I love love love Lisa's idea about filling a jar with rocks/marbles to show progress, and in fact did some googling on prices of stuff and what's out there and what I'd need. Probably a bit much to take on (and then remember every week) especially if we have a bigger group, but I think I might do something like bring a jar and have it out on the table with the gatorade/kolaches each week. Every week I'll add a marble/rock. Probably not explain it at the start. Maybe even take pictures along the way of that week's marble/rock along the route we run, or with a runner or group of them. Then when we have our pre-race dinner put the the jar out filled with rocks/marbles to remind them of all the work they put in and how they've built a foundation of training and runs that will get them through the race.


        Laura, nice run yesterday! And I loved the prom pictures - your kids are all so good looking! And I swear you look like you could be the older sister.


        Margaret, great job on the trail race. You are a running machine lately. We were too poor for the Oakland hills to be our old territory, but we drove through them (Caldicott Tunnel) on the way to the boat!


        Lori, lots of good miles for you so soon after the 24 hour. And the marathon. And the trail half. Part of me wants to train for another 100 attempt, part of me sees all the running you and Margaret and Lisa are doing and thinks that seems exhausting.


        HCK, nice workout - pretty long with some quality thrown in. That's a lot of rainy Fridays! It seems like we get rain every weekend lately.


        Lisa, walking distance to House of Flavors.....that feels like targeted marketing. Congrats to Abhay on the Harley!


        Kat, sorry you're dealing with the funk. While I haven't been there in awhile, I do remember how hard it can be. New watch is exciting. My neighbor (and one of my baby runners) got the Fenix 5X a week ago and he is in love with that thing. It's kinda fun to watch his excitement.


        Liz, take some water with you on the drive! That party - I probably wouldn't have been able to stay long in that.

        Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


        Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

        Check out my website and youtube channel



          Karen,  marathon training is a lot harder than ultra training. For realz.


          I did a 10 minute yoga today. I'm so NOT bendy. And my toes keep cramping. Lol. But I'm gonna work on it.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



          WINE o'clock somewhere!

            Went out for 6, wasn't feeling it and was hoping for 2 or 3.  Made it 7!!  Score.


            Nooooooooo, I have to go to work.



            Kettle Moraine - June 2024

            Beast of Burden - August 2024

            Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

            Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



            Former Bad Ass

              Karen, forgot to say, the rocks would be a nice surprise.  Thoughtful and unique.


              LC Runs

                Happy Mother's Day!!


                5 morning miles for me, I took a hilly route (miles 2-4) so it was challenging.  Went out to lunch with the kiddos and my Mom and now just relaxing from carb coma LOL


                Lori - nice 6 yesterday!  I understand about the running partner thing.  I so like this girl I run with sometimes (we used to work together) but it's hard to run with her.  She always wants to run with her dog, who is a Vizsla and a great runner but it's hard because the dog is young and kind of wild at times.  She is not the best with time and I usually have to wait for her, which is a pain.  And, she is way faster than me so I feel bad because she has to slow down, but the dog is running ahead...aahhhhh!!  I enjoy talking to her and catching up so I try to limit it to just every few weeks.  My BRF and I do well because I usually run to her (she lives close) and she's an early bird so the time thing is not an issue.  I still prefer to run alone, I like to just go when I want.


                Half K - nice 10!!


                LIsa - ohh, REI has a used gear shop??  I will have to check it out!


                Margaret - that is funny about your cousin LOL. I always do a double take when I see my name commenting on something on Facebook and I'm like, "I didn't say that" and then I realize it's not me, like I'm not smart enough to realize I have my maiden  name in there so Laura Clark wouldn't be me LOL!



                LIzzie - I heard the Belle reference a few times last night and I totally agree, I didn't think about it when she got the dress but she totally did look like her!


                Kat - sorry to hear about your depression, this weather does not help, been gloomy here too.  Thank you about my DD's dress, I thought she did a great job picking it out!


                Thanks, Karen - I try to angle myself so I look younger LOL!


                Former Bad Ass




                  So, not to steal Damaris' thunder, but damn, I was depressed too this weekend.  It was grey, cold, and rainy out.  I spent 2 days on the couch wrapped up in a blanket.  As most of you know, I struggle with it (3 different meds, yep, I'm med resistant - wasn't until the last one they added I stabilized.)  But I think I have been having a low level issue with it for a bit now - I think loneliness is the cause.  Nothing major, still in an OK mood, it is just is kicking my motivation.  (Dirty house, minimal exercise, no food in the fridge - don't fear, there is wine...)




                  Hugs, girl.

