Womens Running


Top Dog THURSDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 17 times)



    FYI McMillian now has a 50 mile to 100k training plan.


      Elina – uber runner guy was doing his weekly trail run with his buddies when he slipped on wet grass.  He runs these trails all the time so still just a freak accident.  I feel so bad for him.  He has to keep his leg completely straight and non weight bearing for 6 weeks!!  His wife (my friend) is already exhausted from waiting on him.  Ooops tomorrow is run to beers with friend.  That’ll be fun!  Just slow it down if it’s hot and tricky.  Nice miles today!!


      Lizzie – awww sorry for your crummy day!  Did you get to meet the big cheese?  Or was the Mammal too busy smooching his bum.  Um, nahhhh, don’t really want to go to a wedding show but thanks for the offer LOL.  If I ever get married (feels like that is pretty unlikely at this stage of the game) I’m just going to have my sisters plan everything.  They LOVE doing that stuff and are good at it.  Me, not so much.  But, you’ll have fun with your mama!  OMGOMGOMG on the Mammals diaper!!  Well, I mean changing pants.  Maybe he sharted.  Maybe he sharts often??  BTW I am DYING laughing typing this LOL


      Karen – me thinks you only disguise yourself as an introvert hee hee.  Nice going last night!  I can feel your excitement and I would be the same.  That is so awesome you had such a great turnout!  SCORE on the shoes!  OMG I’m cracking up at the neighborhood drama.  Entertaining, for sure.  I LOVE the Headsweats visors!  Just bought another, in fact.  Didn’t know they were so tasty LOL.  Sending good vibes to DH.  Yeah, Dr. Google is scary sometimes….


      Cathy – now that visor/headband looks ummm interesting?  LOL  Let me know if you give it a whirl.  The Headsweats has like a terrycloth liner (for lack of better description) around the inside so it does a decent job of catching sweat.  Of course I still drip out of all my facial pores as well.  You cheater on your run hee hee.  Nice 3 miles.  I actually was thinking of you this morning as I kept stalking my heart rate.  Was surprised it was staying lowish and I was running faster than normal.  Well, faster is all relative.  Has the heater thief been located?  I was thinking same as Lizzie on management taking it – I got in trouble for mine.


      Kat – UGH on the Dr. expense!  That’s just crazy.  I hope you saved yourself enough funds for vino!  OMG when do you leave to see the bears?  I keep forgetting about that!  Wanna go to Fiji in Feb?  I’m almost all booked!


      Diane – sounds like you need to keep those yoga stretches in your routine!


      Pretty quiet around the office today – got a LOT checked off my list!  Started watching Suits last night on Prime.  It’s pretty good!  I’m currently reading The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah but can’t really get into it.  Maybe this weekend on the patio.  Hmmmm, could I be any more boring?  Have a great night!!


      Cupcake Connoisseur

        Kilmisters – Nice run today! Do you wear a hat to help with the sweat? You won’t die! Be careful!!! Totally agree about dumb injuries!!! Sometimes I worry about that! Like, I will fall down the stairs and break my ankle. Or trip over a pair of shoes..something dumb like that.


        Sandy – You are not boring! A lot of us envy that “boredom” you know. I miss those days of laying on the couch and binging on Netflix all weekend haha. Not saying things aren’t good now – but you know what I mean. Its kind of a nice feeling to get back from a longer run and knowing you don’t have to be ANYWHERE! You know what I mean? I did not get to meet the big cheese. I did see him walk by from my window – and you know who he reminds me of? Conan O’Brian. LOL. Hahah. Oh, and trust me Mammel and his SHART pants went right out there to meet him. He probably shoved people to the ground to get to him. He really ticked me off today…and made me see, yet again, how much I want a new job. He left me out of most of the managerial things today. He just completely walks past me. Sometimes I think it is because I am a girl. But, it kinda hurts my feelings. I am trying to grow, how can I do that if you don’t include me in anything? Plus, I think I am just ready to get out of the facilities world. Wouldn’t mind managing vendors but in a different environment. Does that make sense? I could probably stay within the same company..just a different position. Okay, that was more than I meant to say but now I am venting. SORRY. I am not good at wedding planning either!! I just don’t know where to start. Haha. I looked up the headsweats visors and those look nice. I may have to try one!



        I am on a call right now..they skipped my name on roll-call..so that means I don't have to stay on the entire time, right?! Smile



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

        Anonymous Guest

          As convinced as DH was that he was dying of a pulmonary embolism or lung cancer, that appears to be not the case. He got a steroid for whatever was causing the pain and he's also going back on blood pressure meds. And she told him he should lose weight. Then I picked Riley up from daycare and they asked what I fed him, because he was starting to get a little chunky. Apparently I feed my boys too well. Oops!


          Related: keep Dr. Google away from a hypochondriac.

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel


          Former Bad Ass

            As convinced as DH was that he was dying of a pulmonary embolism or lung cancer, that appears to be not the case. He got a steroid for whatever was causing the pain and he's also going back on blood pressure meds. And she told him he should lose weight. Then I picked Riley up from daycare and they asked what I fed him, because he was starting to get a little chunky. Apparently I feed my boys too well. Oops!


            Related: keep Dr. Google away from a hypochondriac.


            Hoping he feels better soon.


            Half Crazy K 2.0

              Today is my Friday. I have to take my car in for service and since hardly anyone is at work on Fridays, I took the day off. I plan on doing a cupcake tour of Cockeysville while waiting. Strength training today.


              AnonymousGuest, I swear the Dr Google default is cancer for everything.


              KatS, the cost of human health care is crazy, especially when compared to pets. I swear our vet's office went electronic way before the doctor's offices......
