Womens Running


Friendly Friday (dailies) (Read 16 times)

    Friendly before the frantic and sometimes freaky weekend that come after Thanksgiving.


    PiYo was awesome last night. Really like that class. Really they should call it CarPiYo since there definitely a cardio element to it. Set to rock music it certainly isn't relaxing yoga. Will head out for a run in a few this morning. Department pizza party today.


    Update on A's doc appt. Cardiologist was like "well you're not the usual patient I get"... since he does already have a fitness routine and has races on the calendar. Plus eats pretty healthy if not always the best portion control and does splurge but is wide open to eating vegan the next day. Upped the statin by 4x. Wasn't really recommending a stress test but we kept asking about HR to work within, what to do if out on a trail and having chest pains so he got it that there is concern about what could happen since A does push himself at times. So he will have the nuclear stress test on a treadmill. Told him no deadlift type of working out, if he is grunting to lift a weight or do some move then it's too much. Trying to avoid those heart rate spikes. Said it doesn't hurt to get a watch with HR monitor type feature to track it and be warned if hitting type end. Told him to use 220-age then take 85% of that for number to stay below. We asked about seeing a nutritionist and he wrote an order for that. Also advised CoQ10 plus the baby aspirin. Told A that next year the Calcium screening test will be higher since it measures what is the result of the body repairing the valves so that would be expected to be higher. Reducing the sticky stuff in blood will slow down damage though so that not as much repairing has to go on down the road. Mentioned how A's working out has likely helped because the heart has built new pathways around the main ones itself. Sharing in case anyone else is going through similar stuff. All genetic but we can do some things to help. :-)


    Liz-my daughter has been twice and loved it. she has a friend that teaches over there.


    HCK2-nice "hilly" workout!


    Elina-funny how the kiddos are different but they often are. Eventually he will learn that the struggle isn't really worth the repercussions or he will turn 18. Will work out eventually. LOL You've seen my backpack with all the pockets. Or there are clothing options that can be added. Double bra makes one big pocket across your chest. Just saying. Hold many gels.


    Judy-my DC makes me yummy lentil soup also!


    Cathy-you can find free online youtube videos of different dance type workouts that could be fun cardio for at home. I do prefer to leave my home for said class but there are lots of them online for free.https://www.youtube.com/user/valeoclub/videos When I was looking for the Pound videos I found this collection. Pretty varied mix of cardio / dance type of workouts that include the drumsticks in some. Fun music. I bet your kids would enjoy doing with you too.


    Lori-maybe you could slip in some of the videos above but at the low impact level. Nice walking though anyway!


    Sandy-I don't have tv really and don't want to sit at home eating so the classes work well for me. Not really extroverty since I don't necessarily have to actually talk to the other people there. LOL Funny about donuts in celebration of smelly guy leaving.


    Karen-PF will go away. it is weird how the things pop up during taper. Sounds like just looking at this job helps you to identify what you like and don't like so that in and of itself is helpful.


    Carol-nice workout for you as well! What is the big adventure/travel plans for next year?


    Damaris-yeah on the piano!




    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  I have 6 with strides and weights.  So, remind me, lol!


      Lisa, PiYo has different workouts and one is more cardio than others.  I have the original DVDs that Chalean Extreme did when she created PiYo and tempted to start them since I'm not doing Pilates.



      Cupcake Connoisseur

        4 for me!


        I felt GREAT out there today - besides being overdressed (didn't realize it was going to be 50 this morning). Felt like I could do more but trying to keep it nice and easy until new training plan starts. Have to remind myself that I ran a marathon last weekend!! Going to start transitioning into the new plan this weekend. It has different "off" days - Monday and Friday - which I believe may have been Sandy's off days?! May double up on days with strength or try and go on Monday and Friday. Anyway, changing it up! Hoping to get a chance to start working on the plan today.


        Busy weekend for us. Heading out early tomorrow - I have a hair apt in the morning then heading up to my brothers for Emerson's birthday. We are staying the night and coming back Sunday. Probably early..because....CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!!!! Smile Smile



        Run4kupcakes – I am jealous of your time off!!! Nice run yesterday. Totally agree about this week!


        Lisa – What was A’s original heart problem? I have heard that the doctors can give some sort of pill (not sure what kind or name) that can assist greatly in the event that you are somewhere where you can’t get to a hospital quickly and will aid with a heart attack. HCDH’s dad carries one around. HCDH wanted one but they weren’t overly concerned with him for some reason. Glad to hear he is doing well! I am sure you have had a positive influence on the fitness part 😊


        Cathy- OH, Lisa’s comment reminds me – my SIL does Les Mills classes at home. She pays a monthly subscription (much cheaper than a gym) and she watches the workouts I believe through their website. You can buy weights to go along, too. She actually asked for more weights for Christmas 😊. Les mills - https://www.lesmills.com/us/ondemand/


        Karen – I thought of something to tell you on my run this morning…but I forgot. Sigh. I will remember..


        Docket – Good luck on that run tonight and WEIGHTS! 😊. No Pilates near you?



        I am sure today will be crazy like yesterday. Sigh. I hope next week is slow??? I am attempting to bake my first ever cheesecake for Thanksgiving - Pumpkin Ginger Snap.


        Happy FRIYAY!!!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

        Anonymous Guest

          A couple things I can remember from yesterday -


          Cathy - I have been lax on my rolling, thanks for the reminder! My Roll R8 is sitting right there and it does do a great job on my calves IF I USE IT!


          Sandy, laughing that the fish made the move. Also laughing about not wearing pants for my interview. I actually gave that some thought and put on a pair of yoga pants that would come across like black pants if for some reason I had to stand up and move during the interview. Turns out they were unnecessary though.


          Conversation this morning when DH was walking around getting ready for work. He walks out wearing jeans (it's Friday!) that I washed yesterday, so they were apparently feeling a little tight.

          DH: your ass is getting smaller, mine is getting bigger

          Me: there is not a finite amount of ass in this house that just moves around, you could fix that

          DH: This is a zero sum ass house! I'm going to need you to either eat more and run less, or buy me bigger pants!


          Good that he can still make me laugh. He is such a goofball.


          Speaking of eating, I'm trying not to until after 8:00 when the doctor's office opens so I can get my bloodwork done. That's hard to do when you're up at 5:30. Thanks, dogs.


          I may run 4-5 today, I may take anther rest day. My foot feels better, PF is still in the background but doesn't hurt like it has the last couple days.


          Lisa, I keep forgetting to comment on your fb post about watch/HR monitor for A in the fb group. He might be better off with a chest strap than wrist-based for the HR. The wrist ones have gotten better, but from personal experience they still are not that great. Good that he's getting the stress test.


          Damaris, I guess it's too early to remind you to do weights, but here I am, so don't blow off the weights tonight!

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel


            Lisa - Did “A” have something happen or just history of something...sounds like a good cardiology appointment and a doc that is open to working with him, rather than telling him what to do.  I used to go to a great PiYo class at a gym that has now closed Sad  No big adventure on the calendar..YET...LOL


            Damarias - You need to do a video of you playing that awesome piano!!!  Enjoy your strides and weights!


            Karen - About the whole lipids and menopause, it isn’t fair is it!!!!  Hope your PF disappears!


            SRD here Smile





              Conversation this morning when DH was walking around getting ready for work. He walks out wearing jeans (it's Friday!) that I washed yesterday, so they were apparently feeling a little tight.

              DH: your ass is getting smaller, mine is getting bigger

              Me: there is not a finite amount of ass in this house that just moves around, you could fix that

              DH: This is a zero sum ass house! I'm going to need you to either eat more and run less, or buy me bigger pants!




              Just posting to say this made me giggle and now colleagues are staring at me 


               ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


              ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris


                Just posting to say this made me giggle and now colleagues are staring at me 


                Zero sum ass made me lol too.


                I’m heading out for a short run. Be back later!

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                Former Bad Ass



                  Docket – Good luck on that run tonight and WEIGHTS! 😊. No Pilates near you?




                  Oh, yeah.  We have a studio all picked out and everything. We just have not started.



                    Morning!  TRX/Bells class for me.  I paid for this session so will continue to drive back to old 'hood through the end of the year.  It's actually only 3 more Fridays since we are off next week for Thanksgiving and the following I will be at BB!  Then I will have to find some new thing for strength.  LOVED taking the bus yesterday.  Still ridiculously in love with my new place.  Still have to hang things on walls but no rush.  Will save organizing the garage for spring.  PLENTY of room in there anyway.  Been invited to a wine party tonight but not sure I feel like going.  Walking with former RB who is now my new neighbor in the morning and then plan to run something.  I do have to go back to old place and pack up rest of garage including that darn door.  New garbage will pick up for free - yay!  That's about it over here.


                    HCK - dang, color me jealous you have next week off!  Enjoy it to the FULLEST!  How is FIL doing?  Will you see him over Thanksgiving?


                    Liz - proud of you for taking it easy today.  That's awesome your training team starts next week already.  I'm excited for you to meet new runners!!  Yep, dirty bed sheet guy is (now was) my cube neighbor.  Good luck with the cooking and have fun with Baby E tomorrow.


                    Cathy - enjoy your day off work today!!  I'm on-call THIS weekend.  Blerg.  Happy that big issue yesterday was during work hours.  But, then nothing else got done.  So, I am procrastinating (actually waiting for snmp to run) and posting here ha.  That would have been pretty funny if I left the fish at my old place.  I actually have now wrapped it in a Target bag in the freezer so it isn't so obvious.  Maybe one day I'll give it a toss.


                    Elina - awwww I love the Mini updates!! So funny to see their little personalities emerge..  Do you miss floorball??


                    Lisa - sounds like a great Doc for A!  Have a Friendly Friday and great weekend!


                    Karen - DH is hilarious!  And HA on you putting on yoga pants for your interview!!  Hope you were able to abstain and get that bloodwork checked off your list.


                    Waves to everyone else.  I like this one kid I work with but he CONSTANTLY is IMing.  I can't get anything done!  Have a great weekend, peeps!!



                       Elina - awwww I love the Mini updates!! So funny to see their little personalities emerge..  Do you miss floorball??


                      Didn't quit it... I both regret it and not. Not a simple story, I could write pages and pages about how things have unfolded. So far I just view the whole thing as 1) good cross-training 2) doing (at least to some extent) the thing I love. Oh, and testing ankles, unfortunately... I turned the injured one badly in yesterday's practice... Sad Frustration was bigger than physical pain.


                       ''What will happen if I run up the hills? Ah, volcano muscle soreness!!'' (c) Margaret


                      ''Who needs quads anyway!?'' (c) Damaris



                        Had quite a fast walk today. It was solo and in my hood. I definitely went out with the intention of pushing it and walking fast. The weather was breezy on first half and at my back on second half. But I surprised myself and finished 5 miles in around 1:08:00. That's like a 13:35mm and was really surprising to me given that's my normal running pace. I wonder if my running pace would have been faster too? I just wish the strava walking app showed pace per mile. Only the  overall average. Maybe next time I will Garmin it.


                        Lisa, I am not sure what A's heart issue is but when I was given the nuclear tests they refused to let me on the treadmill. I did start on the tm but they pulled me off within a minute and made me have the exercise simulating one. Said they didn't want to risk it. That was the mibi. The muga test was also nuclear but didn't involve a tm. Anyway,  long story short is that I have a deteriorating heart valve but still allowed to run (when not injured) as long as I'm presenting no symptoms. And I've yet to have any symptoms. So hopefully A will have similar prognosis.


                        Damaris,  I forgot to tell you that your piano is beautiful


                        Karen,  unfortunately my household is needing bigger pants lately. I sympathize with your DH. And as I'm suffering PF too,  it sucks. Heal quicker than me,  k?


                        Lizzie,  I've not subscribed to any online workouts but I have been eying mrandmrsmuscle. Their workouts look fun,  challenging and do include beginner modifications.


                        Carol,  enjoy your rest day


                        Elina,  I love the age your minis are and how a child's personality starts to come out. But that age bracket certainly is challenging.


                        Margaret,  enjoy your run.


                        Sandy,  I'm still trying to enjoy the weights. I think of you hollering away at me to just do it,  baby weights or not,  and that sort of motivates me. Lol Enjoy your class and your run.


                        I hope I didn't miss anyone while typing this.


                        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                        Cupcake Connoisseur

                          Ah, another day filled with problems. Today? Asbestos!! Yay!! I really haven't ever had to deal with asbestos in my years in facilities. But this week 2 locations reported it. It is out my hands now - it gets sent to Project Management. I feel dumb sometimes trying to explain situations to people - does that ever happen to anyone? Maybe I feel that way because I am trying to explain a situation but am not 100% knowledgeable on what I am talking about. If that makes sense. Anyway, point is, I feel dumb today. LOL.


                          I did have some FREE TIME earlier and got my training plan done! WOOT WOOT. Might make a few changes depending on Karen's thoughts-  but kept it the same for the most part. I added in a few miles here and there and took some speedwork workouts from the second plan he sent me. My mileage won't go over 50!! Also a lot of back to back longer runs. Should be interesting...excited for something new!



                          Karen – LOL at your DH! I am guessing you have been losing weight from all this training?! Hope you had a nice big breakfast after the doctors appointment. Hope you had a great run!


                          Carol – Enjoy that rest day! Anything fun this weekend?


                          Margaret – Enjoy your day off!


                          Sandy – Nice job on the class this morning! Didn’t you mention there was a gym closer to your new place now? Maybe they have some classes? So happy you love your place!!! I bet it feels a lot more private? Though I don’t think you had noisy neighbors..just ones that would show up on the back patio and a very loud landscaping team. LOL. Well, the plan starts 12/2, so the first group run is 12/7. I am excited about it, too! I think it will help keep me honest on some of these paces. My watch isn’t always accurate! Enjoy the wine party if you go! And enjoy settling into your new home 😊.


                          Lori – So glad you had a great walk today! I will check out mrandmrsmuscle!  I hope you have something fun planned for the weekend?



                          Let me also just vent real quick about my MIL. OMG. We haven't seen her in 4 weeks and you'd think we haven't seen her in 4 years!!! She is like, begging to see us and to see pictures. We just have a lot going on right now! COOL YOUR JETS WOMAN! Its a busy time of year - have to get on the schedule! Where is my Xanax?


                          Signing off soon..have a good afternoon/evening everyone!



                          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                          Anonymous Guest

                            Got my bloodwork done and super cleaned my kitchen today. Not sure what else I accomplished. It feels like a lot, but that's really all I've got to point to. I still need to do a kettlebell workout. I am realizing that my PF flared up after doing one of the strength workouts and I think that happened once before, so I think I will stick with the kettlebell ones and just add my own stuff (squats, planks, bridges, etc.) at least until after BB. Which is in two weeks and one day. Holy crap.


                            Liz, haha. I responded to your email with the plans and basically said a) you have a stronger base than probably most people in the group so could add a little mileage - I'd go nuts running only 3 twice a week at the beginning, and b) if you're doing less mileage, you could add in a third "tough" day some weeks. Then I come here and see that's basically what you're thinking of doing.

                            Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                            Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                            Check out my website and youtube channel

                              Karen, holy cow, 2 weeks to BB!  Fun!  I cut out all strength work at least a week before Woodstock at the suggestion of my kettlebell instructor. If it potentially bugs your PF, maybe eliminate it?  Seems the upside is less than the potential downside.  (My uninvited two cents and YMMV, of course.)


                              Lisa, glad that A is getting checked out and keeping on top of stuff. The old ticker is important stuff.


                              Damaris, weights!


                              Lizzie, be interested to see how the new plan works out!  Feeling like you could do more is a good sign.


                              Carol, sounds like you need an adventure on your calendar. You interested in Woodstock at all?  I’m thinking about going back. It was a fun weekend.


                              Sandy, have you scoped out any good workout places in your new ‘hood?   Nice that you have a RB neighbor.  (Well, hopefully it’s nice, unless it’s one of those RB that you don’t always want to be THAT close to.)


                              Lori, that’s some speedy walking!


                              Kilmisters, aww on the minis and their personalities.


                              I’ve got a 50k tomorrow so I’m at my dad’s house tonight. Will go out to dinner and hit the hay early.  TGIF!

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                                Reason for doc visit is family history that prompted a calcium scan. No problems or symptoms. Cholesterol under 200 but mom had triple bypass 30 years ago (we are driving to see her and she is well at 94) so family history is there.


                                Good run for me this morning! Yeah!


                                Liz-they did also write an order for nitroglycerin tablets. That's the just in case. I told him not to get mixed up with salt tabs during a race or he might explode.


                                Karen-funny butt conversation. Yes he would like a watch that has both options: chest and wrist.


                                Lori-his has to do with plaque build up. At first the woman scheduling had it as nuclear test and I mentioned the tm. She said no tm just the chemicals. A and I then kept talking about how odd that was since the doc had specifically said that in his case he would want him on the TM to see how he did. She sort of hemmed and hawed then turned and looked at the paperwork. "hmm we never get them for on the tm but he did write it that way." so she revised the appointment. His is run of the mill (pun intended) high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries.


                                Margaret-good luck tomorrow.


