Womens Running


Tuesdailies (Read 12 times)

    Good spin class this morning


    DH still feels rough--he thinks it's a cold or sinus infection. I think he needs to go in as he's been feeling bad 4 days now.


    Went to the vet yesterday--got antibiotics for Skye. Her toe is still swollen, but not as bad and she's walking on it now.


    Gotta go


    Mighty Mouse

      Sue, Best Wishes for Skye. It sounds encouraging. 


      50 minutes running on TM, 5 minutes walking: shoulder exercises I do every day and it has kept them very mobile. I suspect if I did not do them the left shoulder would stiffen up. 


      It's warmer !!! 

      Where is the "any" key?   



      Half Crazy K 2.0

        20 minute spin workout plus upper body strength.  Followed by a positive covid test.


        CrazySue,  hope your household is on the mend.


        Judy runs, it's warmer hete too. It's going to be over 60 on Friday,  which worries me for snow. Our biggest snows always seem to come after warm winter days.


        WINE o'clock somewhere!

          Sue, sorry about DH.  Glad Skye is improving.  We had a dog 3 legged lame just because it was licking it's foot so bad.  Once the infection in the foot cleared, the dog was fine.


          Judy, nice on the running, even more it being on the TM.  Yay for warmer.


          Kathi, funny way of putting it, but definitely not funny.  Exercise followed by... positive Covid.  I sincerely hope it is very mild and short lived.


          Ankle here still sucks.  Swollen, bruised, and a touch of big foot.  But with Advil it improves a great deal.  When it wears off it shockingly hurts more.  I am hoping for a walk on Sunday.  Somehow doubt it.  I should get some rads done, but I don't feel like being put into a boot or something smart.  Stubborn (STUPID) that way.


          Not alot else.  Coaching call tonight, not much to say though.  Working tomorrow, then vaccine clinic on Friday.



          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

          Beast of Burden - August 2024

          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


            Good morning/afternoon/evening, as the case may be.  Yesterday was meh but uneventful.  Likely more of the same today.  I stupidly agreed to serve on a team training new attorneys in my office, and need to work on that project today.  I have no idea who most of the people in my office are any more since we have no physical office and people are scattered across the country.  The folks in my prior SF office are sort of drifting away to do other things, since the new set up isn't to their liking.  I can't say I like it much either, but I'm sticking it out for now since I know things could be worse elsewhere.  Anyway, that more about my work than anyone wants to know.  Moving on...


            HCK, ugh, sorry you got the bug.  Hopefully it's a mild case.


            Kat, it's been what, two days, since you twisted the ankle?  You know this but I'm going to say it anyway: Advil isn't the answer, go get it looked at properly.  The sooner you know what's going on with it, the sooner you'll have a plan for recovery.


            Judy, CrazySue - nice workouts!


            I'll get in a run during lunch.

            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


            WINE o'clock somewhere!

              OK Margaret, you're the 3rd or 4th person to say X-rays, so I scheduled for tonight at Urgent Care.  UGH.



              Kettle Moraine - June 2024

              Beast of Burden - August 2024

              Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

              Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024




                It's warmer here too but icy (I nearly fell twice walking to my car after work last night. I guess Stellantis forgot to pay their salt bill.) I ran on the treadmill and will continue. I feel better but not 100 percent


                HCK and Judy I hope those bugs go away quickly

                Kat...wth did you do to your ankle?


                *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                 **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                  Good!  Hopefully it’s just a low-grade yada yada whatever. And they recommend Advil. 


                  OK Margaret, you're the 3rd or 4th person to say X-rays, so I scheduled for tonight at Urgent Care.  UGH.



                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                  Mighty Mouse

                    HCK 2.0, sorry about the Covid. I really hope it is minimal in strength.  <3


                    Kats, please keep us informed about the ankle. <3 It's best to be going to the Urgent Care.

                    Where is the "any" key?   




                    Former Bad Ass

                      I am exhausted today. Slept very little then had to hop on the car and drive to work at noon for a hearing. Instead of staying there like our boss would like even on WFH days, I just fucking turned back home.


                      Ran 5.



                      Former Bad Ass

                        20 minute spin workout plus upper body strength.  Followed by a positive covid test.


                        CrazySue,  hope your household is on the mend.


                        Judy runs, it's warmer hete too. It's going to be over 60 on Friday,  which worries me for snow. Our biggest snows always seem to come after warm winter days.


                        Ugh, hoping it's not too bad.
