Womens Running


TGIF (dailies) (Read 21 times)



    Do I have an accent?

    Honestly I never noticed anyone's accent except Damaris


    *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

     **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



    Running with the Turtles

      Happy Friday!  Yawn!  Didn't get home from the Pink concert until midnight!  Way too late for Gramma.    It was a great show though, Pink is an incredible entertainer.  Kind of a cross between a concert, Cirque du Soleil show, broadway production, and motivational speaker for women empowerment.    Busy day tomorrow, DD has two soccer games (one is a make-up game) and Puma Palooza at her school.  I am volunteering to man the inflatables and the dunk tank.    Weather should be nice, in the 60's.  And the sun was out this morning!!


      I wouldn't say that anyone had an accent except for Damaris.  I would say it was more of a different cadence in the way people were speaking.  If that makes sense.  


      Elina, fueling...  grab some coffee (or beer).  I may have looked into this.    The body is best at utilizing glycogen for fuel, so it will use stored glycogen (taken in as carbs prior to running) first for fuel.  Supposedly the stored glycogen will last for about 90-120 minutes of "intense exercise".  At that point, your body will theoretically run out of it's preferred energy source.  Your body replenishes it, but not as fast as you burn it.  Thus the need to take in glucose during a longer run or a hard race.  Fat is harder for the body to convert so it will only do that if it needs to and it's a slower process. There is the belief that if you don't fuel during training or if you train in a glycogen depleted state (back to back long runs, or simply running first thing in the morning without eating something) then you will teach your body to more effectively utilize fat for fuel.  McMillan believes that doing some long runs with less or no fueling, then fueling during a race will give you a "turbo" effect.     But a lot of it is what your stomach can handle while running.  I can do GU gels fine, I just don't like that you have to wash them down with water.  I can't eat food or chews though while running.  The gel I gave Lizzie is Maurten, it can be swallowed without water and is supposed to be easier on the stomach and more quick for the body to utilize for fuel.  They also do a drink mix, which supposedly the elite marathoners use.    I have done 18 miles first thing in the morning without fueling.  I can't run with food in my stomach though.  Usually I will take a couple gels on a long run (over 16 miles) and 4 in a marathon.  The key is to take them earlier than you will need them.  


      Damaris, enjoy Kenosha!    Happy travels.


      Lisa, May the 4th be with you and Cinco de Mayo?  Awesome!    Good luck this weekend!


      Lizzie, nice run this morning!  Aww, sounds like you have a good weekend planned!  I am glad they finally got your pay correct!  Wow, you passed out again?  I am glad you were able to say good-bye to your grandfather though.  But remember the happy memories!  Write those in your journal.    It sounds like you will be pretty busy in the fall!  Just think how freed up your time will be after October.  


      Sandy, I also have about 7 hours of training to do!  I am trying to avoid it.    It's still chilly here in the morning, but you know, I actually don't mind it!    As long as it's not windy!  Minneapolis to Milwaukee is about 5 hours.  It's not a horrible drive.    But Milwaukee is an easy airport to get in and out of!  And I would say probably preferred after running a marathon!  The Pink concert was actually much better than I expected.  While I like some of her songs, I would not say that I am a huge fan.  But it was actually really entertaining.


      Karen, that is the difference between you and me.  I don't think racing is fun.    To me, it's more of a necessary evil in order to gauge progress.     Good luck in the 5K.  


      Lori, good luck tomorrow!!  Bed vs tent is definitely preferred.  


      Margaret, Turtles is fine.  




      Former Bad Ass

        Do I have an accent?

        Honestly I never noticed anyone's accent except Damaris


        I DON’T HAVE AN ACCENT! 😂😂😂


        LC Runs

          Hey Girls!!


          5.3 miles this morning, the sun is finally shining here!!  I've spent most of the day doing laundry and finding space to put DS stuff away until the fall!


          Elina - I don't fuel for the Half.  When I ran marathons, I used gels, beans, pb sandwich (cut into small pieces) and fig newtons.  RE Wednesdays off, there is a lady at our agency that works 4 tens with Wed off, I don't think I would like that schedule.


          Half K - yeah for sleeping in tomorrow!  Smart idea to wait and check the weather before committing to the race.


          Damaris - good luck this weekend!  UGH on going back to work Monday!


          Lisa - I am so amazed you guys are doing a 24 hour race, I can't even imagine....!!  Good luck!


          LIzzie - whoo hoo for a good run!  So sorry about your grandpa but glad you were able to see him.  Have a fun weekend!


          Carol - glad you found some good podcasts, they are my favorite now in the car and on the run!!


          Hi Karen - don't ya love the weather forecasters??  Hope the storms clear out quick tomorrow!


          Sandy - chilly here, too this morning.  I didn't run until almost 11 when it was around 45 degrees.  Hope the training went well, does not sound fun lol


          Lori - I would rather sleep in my bed as opposed to a tent, too!  Have fun!!


          Cathy - OMG the Pink concert must have been so much fun!!  A friend posted some video of the concert (I think last weekend) and WOW, she is flying through the air, crazy!  She has a phenomenal voice!!

            We will start on the fourth and finish on the fifth... I am going to miss the two best internet date meme days of posting. Please post corny "may the fourth be with you" memes in my honor. <wipes away tear>


            I will likely need a fifth on the fifth. Not really.


            Continuing gel conversation. I take them based on time. 5 miles at one point in an ultra or on one part of the course does not equal the same effort as 5 miles later in the race or on another part of the course. Thus, taking on the hour works better for me. The challenge of the thingie tomorrow (besides the 24 hour part) is passing an aid station every 2.75 miles. Talk about a time suck there. I'm wearing my pack (replicating 100 mile day) and aiming to stop every 2nd or 3rd pass by. Although this would seem to mean trail math needs to be done. "did I stop last time?" High level trail math. LOL Good thing is I can just go until pack is empty then refill. Grab something to eat each time. Will bring baggies to make my "ultra goodie bag" and carry it with me. There will be frivolity along the way. I should think of silly things to wear, shouldn't I? Maybe all of this should have happened earlier than the day before. I have 16 AAA's and 12 AA's so I think I'm good in that department.




            WINE o'clock somewhere!

              Spent the day driving to Austin and back - a bit under 2 hours each way.  Hit the camera store that was having a sale, got some bags for upcoming trips.  Plus a stop at the outlet mall, BBQ joint, and Whole Foods on the way home.  Now I am tuckered and sitting out back.  I have a mamma bird/nest at the roof of my porch, there is at least one baby now!!!  Unfortunately she is scared of me/the dogs.


              Enthusiasm for QOTD, nothing more...  Elina, I used to use gels, then after a while, especially when they got warm, I couldn't choke them down anymore.  Recently I have used the GU/Cliff blocks.  They definitely take longer to eat.  Though I am afraid I will pull off a crown they are so chewy. I also will carry granola bars or something similar for shorter races - road or trail.  Longer trail races I do real food - potatoes, pizza, wraps.  Something of substance.   But then I am super slow and out there forever.


              Happy Trails!



              Kettle Moraine - June 2024

              Beast of Burden - August 2024

              Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

              Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


              Anonymous Guest

                Only Huckleberry. Okay, not only Huckleberry because the vet made it sound like a not unusual injury. DH noticed he was dripping blood from his penis. It was storming really bad, tornado warnings, flash flooding, etc. I called the vet and got an appointment for later in the afternoon hoping the storm would pass and the streets would clear up. They did. The vet took a urine sample - all looked good. They examined his peepee, and found an abrasion. "We often see this from excessive mounting," the vet said. Yes, Huckles injured himself humping Riley.


                I'll just leave you all with that. I did run 3 very slow, very easy miles this morning. Things still hurt. I will take tomorrow off and run slow again on Sunday.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel

                LC Runs


                  Only Huckleberry. Okay, not only Huckleberry because the vet made it sound like a not unusual injury. DH noticed he was dripping blood from his penis. It was storming really bad, tornado warnings, flash flooding, etc. I called the vet and got an appointment for later in the afternoon hoping the storm would pass and the streets would clear up. They did. The vet took a urine sample - all looked good. They examined his peepee, and found an abrasion. "We often see this from excessive mounting," the vet said. Yes, Huckles injured himself humping Riley.


                  I'll just leave you all with that. I did run 3 very slow, very easy miles this morning. Things still hurt. I will take tomorrow off and run slow again on Sunday.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I was going to say oh no but I finished reading and LOld. Poor Hucks.


                      Go Lisa and Lori (and Abhay)!  Have a great LONG run this weekend!


                      Damaris, go get that marathon in WI!

                      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
