Womens Running


Busy Thursday (dailies) (Read 16 times)

    How can I be so busy yet feel so unproductive.  Sigh, one of those days when I spin my wheels here and there but never get a lot a traction on anything.


    Kilmisters, glad Estonia did not screw up your plan for escape!


    HCK, hope your doctor has answers for how your blood work relates to your feeling crappy.


    Kat, nice to have another big, fun trip to look forward to!  Yay for successful yard work.  Performed by someone else.


    CrazySue, the California IM in Sacramento was canceled.  That was a super stormy Sunday.  The day before and after were totally fine.


    Damaris, my favorite Halloween song is Spooky Scary Skeletons, Tombstone remix.  A new house sounds fun!  How far is it from your current place?


    LC, nice brisk temps for a run!


    Turtles, I've done seven continents marathons but no one invited me to do the London Marathon!  I clearly did not pay enough.  The only continent that requires $$$ is Antarctica.  Lots of marathons on the other continents that are not so spendy.


    CC, I've been feeling a little more out of breath than usual on my runs too.  I figure it's because I've been kind of lazy the past month and I'm too stubborn to slow down.


    Okay, back to work!

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

    Anonymous Guest

      I mathed wrong - it was 25 loops. Not the route I would have liked, but the route available to me. It was windy this morning and super windy this afternoon (30 gusting to 50), so we both wanted to get our workouts done before it got super windy. By staying here and going by the van every few minutes, DH could go ride his bike instead of waiting around for me to finish.


      Now he is driving me absolutely insane. Won’t bother with details but I am ready to just walk away from here.

      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

      Check out my website and youtube channel


      Former Bad Ass

        Margaret, like 3 miles. Same supermarket and vet, same places I go weekly to buy our stuff.


        Karen, ouch. Round and round.


        Half Crazy K 2.0

          7 on the treadmill. For whatever reason, that feels a little easier right now. I'm sure flat has something to do with it. No call from the doctor, if I don't hear anything tomorrow, I'll call Monday. .I assume take vitamin with iron is the solution--I figure this is the result of taking no iron vitamins for most of the summer..


          Kilmisters, I really wish we had to show proof of vaccine here.


          KatS, souncs challenging trying to get all that stuff scheduled.


          CrazySue, the workload when coming back from time off is always crazy. Makes me wonder sometimes why I took off.


          Docket, like the pics of the new pilates room. Now the important question, do the cats get a room? Wasn't there some sort of castle in your current house?


          LCRuns, sorry work is also a cluster for you.


          Turtles, do you have to commit to the 7 continents?


          ccoakley, the low energy is most noticeable when running. I really noticecd it when we finally got some cool weather and I did not get the usual boost from the change.


          GatsbyBird, ugh on feeling like you are super busy and unproductive.


          AnonymousGuest, I've gotten used to the .12 mile parking lot loop for speedwork, but not sure I could do all my runs like that. I'm sure the dogs would like a walk if you need a break.
