Run: Long Previous Next


11:30 AM

20.2 mi


7:12 mi

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Very good, BIG long run. The way out was in to the wind (1:14:18) and the way back was with the wind (1:10:44). I felt very good the whole time and only started to feel tired in the legs around the 1:45 mark (~14 miles). I ate around 41:00 and 1:20 and drank some water around 1:45. I decided to forgo eating again near the 2-hour mark because my stomach felt like it was still working through what I had previously eaten and I was still feeling pretty good energy-wise.

I am bursting with confidence. This ranks up there in the top long runs I have done and is certainly the best long run I've done this year. This far out from the 50-miler, I can only get faster and stronger and I can't wait to get to the starting line and put the hurt on some fools who don't know what's coming.

I'm young, I'm handsome, I'm fast, I'm pretty, and I can't possibly be beat.

Muhammad Ali
