Run: EASY Previous Next


8 mi


10:42 mi


128 lb


10 C


5 / 10
10 / 10


Today I had the BEST EASY RUN EVER!

So Quality marks 10/10 whilst Effort marks 5/10 !!!!! It has been a long time since I felt this way.

My Body and Soul needed this run more than anything. I run light like a feather in the wind but having full control of my destination. Today I felt that 'I was the Master of my body & the Captain of my Soul'. Master because I was able mentally to harness my desire to run faster and captain because my soul visited all places, thoughts, people with a smile and lightness. Nothing was a problem today in my run or in my life. It all felt just perfectly balanced and in harmony. Whether it was the slight breeze on a sunny day, the tranquillity of the surroundings or the engaging smile of the people whatever it was, I felt that my body was the 'servant' for my soul. It is so weird that even when the toe joint gave me some aggressive shooting pains for seconds I was still able to smile and say to myself ' it's O.K it will go away'. Pain almost became my friend today, this is how easy my run felt. I was not feeling the ground and my soul was flying but at the same time I was in tact with all that was happening around me and well aware of every sound, people and happenings.

I set out for a short run pretty apprehensive as I had cramping on both calves last night and to my surprise it came to be the opposite of what had expected it to be. BUT, I 'stuck to my guns' and made sure I was not going to jeopardise my flawless run. I maintained this pace to the end. I had my Frankie's Garmin today as mine died from the start. So, in due course I shall input all details for this session. I bet I will be finding an even rhythmical pace in this run. As I am typing this I have no clue of what my splits were.

At some point I run backwards for 200 yards to do some easy work on the hamstrings. I, then thought of the Coach and his troubles. Then I thought I must remind Reno this, the running backwards at all different levels of ground and smiled on the inside. Of course the coach will know this!!!! However, I have found this to have strengthen my hamstrings so much over the last year. It is fun doing this and I do so before I have to think about. The road I was running on today was very safe to do so / safe tarred pavement and no destructions whatsoever.

So, this was my story for today. Last but not least as I was running I was thinking about the Toe Joint and all the troubles I had and still have to endure questioning how my running is going to be in the coming months and especially after the operation. The time is getting closer and I become apprehensive with it All. I want to keep on running not racing but running, this is all I want. One thing I do know is that should Franc was not giving me the 15 min daily toe manipulation of the joint I would have not been running to this day. Even when he is not available or away, I still grab the toe and rotate / manipulate and mobilise the joint religiously. It is part of my daily routine. It amazes me that I can still run. God is greater than great. I am forever grateful.

And here is the splits from Franc's Garmin:-

1 Interval 1 mi 11:04.59 11:04.59 11:05

2 Interval 1 mi 10:15.10 21:19.69 10:16

3 Interval 1 mi 10:26.94 31:46.63 10:27

4 Interval 1 mi 10:56.42 42:43.05 10:57

5 Interval 1 mi 10:30.24 53:13.29 10:31

6 Interval 1 mi 10:42.66 1:03:55.95 10:43

7 Interval 1 mi 11:02.47 1:14:58.42 11:03

8 Interval 1 mi 10:32.53 1:25:30.95 10:33

9 Interval 0.04 mi 0:28.97 1:25:59.92 12:05
