Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


7:36 AM

10.4 mi


10:25 mi


128 lb



8 / 10
5 / 10
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For first 3 miles it felt -3 C in the morning wind up on the hills (500 ft elevation). From the start to the end of my run I only met 3 cyclists coming down fast from those hills and another runner. No cars or other but only God's creatures (the red squirrel at the usual spot, tons of sheep and lots of running bunnies having fun in the sun).

Today, once again, I realised how much running means to me. Today I loved running even more. It is hard to put words into feelings. I was just grateful more than ever that I could get out there in the beautiful country and sun and 'Be Myself' in harmony with no worries about anything but living every sec in a zone of eternity. It All felt 'perfect'.

The physical body was slightly fragile to start with. The right leg/lower part was slightly bothering me with numbness. It all eventually eased down and gave way so I was then able to enjoy my run without negative thoughts and distractions. My neck had been bad during the night and that worried me. Dr says it is wear and tear of the disc at the base of the neck (young age!). The amazing thing is that it does not bother me when I run albeit I cannot even stretch for almost 4 weeks now. Knowing and feeling my own body I do not think is a disc problem but other muscular and upper back issues. Jan De Vries had already made a re-alignment and I felt so much better.

Apart from that I felt really strong up those hills and I was surprised and delighted by this. Cardio was strong and so were the legs. It is so weird but it almost feels as if running is the healer. It is then, when I cannot run, that I suffer the most with aches and pains. Running seems to be my free 'medication' after all.

When I left home I did say to my Frankie where I was heading and if I was not back within two hours to look out for me as nowadays I have no idea what my body is going to do during a long run. On my return I did see him coming on the route just 1/4 mile up the road from our home. Despite that it was not exactly 2 hours that had gone he was there taking care of things. At that point I was running pretty strong and reached home safely. I could have gone further but it would be greedy and inconsiderate at this point to go on. I have learnt by now to listen and respect the body as Coach would say.

Today's route is one of my favourite. It will not be long now before we leave this place so I am making the most of what I have. These hills have become part of my life over the last 4 to 5 years. Running is so unpredictable nowadays but today all I can say is.......'I have done the 10 miler and I feel great about it'. I could have not asked more.
