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<No name>


1. Inchworm Plank: standing w/arms up, forward fold, walk out to plank, 1 push-up, return to start.

2. Squat-Thrust Climbers: stand, squat, jump back to plank, run legs to chest 5 seconds, jump to squat, stand.

3. Curtsy Lunge Hop: step right foot diagonally behind left hip, drop & hop right knee up, 30 seconds; repeat on left.

4. Scorpion Fighter: push-up position, feet on bench, knee to opposite shoulder, twist foot over back, switch.

***5. Sidewinder Plank w/Leg Lift: push-up position to side plank, arm up, leg lifts 30 seconds, switch sides.

6. Plank Pups: push-up position, step down to forearms, step up to plank, all one direction 30 seconds, then switch.

7. Lateral Speed Runners: hop to one foot, balancing, then other side (side-to-side skating motion).

8. Windshield Wipers: lie on back w/arms wide, palms down, knees in tabletop, legs down to floor, switch.

***9. Plank Rotations: forearm plank w/stacked arms, side plank w/feet stacked, switch.

10. Single Leg Deadlift: standing, hip hinge, one leg straight back, reach hands to floor, repeat 30 seconds, switch.

11. Marching Bridge: hips in bridge, march knees toward chest.

12. Supergirl/Superman Plank: push-up position, extend opposite arm and leg 3 seconds, switch.

***Right shoulder still sprained, couldn't do the exercise on that side.
