
Date Activity ▼ Course Type Distance Duration Pace  
3/12/2024 Run
Cornwall to Glen Rock and back
Easy 3.1 mi 34:13 10:54
6/1/2023 Run
Cornwall to Glen Rock and back
Easy 3.1 mi 34:24 10:58
10/16/2022 Run
Cornwall to Glen Rock and back
Recovery 3.2 mi 33:56 10:47
7/29/2022 Run
Cornwall to Glen Rock and back
Aerobic 3.1 mi 30:25 9:46
7/4/2022 Run
Cornwall to Glen Rock and back
Easy 3.0 mi 31:01 10:19
6/19/2022 Run
Cornwall to Glen Rock and back
Recovery 3.0 mi 32:57 10:59