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7:07 PM

5 km


6:55 mi


186.4 lb


48 F

Race Result

7 / 172 (4.1%)
7 / 68 (10.3%)

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Probably the most disorganized race I've run. Started late, so had to stand around in the rain and cool off. The start signal was barely audible which caused a confused, messy rush out of the gate. The volunteers were pretty enthusiastic despite the conditions, though, which was appreciated.

Once Linda and I cleared the initial crowd, I pulled it back and found a nice rhythm. Definitely the most consistently paced 5K I've ever run. I reeled in a couple people in the first mile that started out too fast, but then got passed by a girl in a cop costume. Spent most of the rest of the race chasing her. After the turn around some of the people going the other way didn't give me much room to get by. Nearly had a couple collisions, which would have been ugly at that pace.

It was a bit unfortunate that I passed the cop girl because she missed the last turn. I wanted to catch her, but after tailing her for a over mile it was anticlimatic to do it in that manner. She did stay on my heels for a while after that and forced me to keep the pace up. Had a pretty nice kick this time around, but overall it was my slowest road 5K of the year. Somewhat disappointing to be over a minute slower than two months ago. Had a good time though and the after party at Mellow Mushroom was a nice way to top it off. Definitely got my money's worth with the food and drink plus the awesome Dri Fit race shirt.
