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7:30 AM

10 km


8:03 mi


174 bpm
189 bpm


69 F

Race Result

264 / 1658 (15.9%)
24 / 88 (27.3%)
216 / 903 (23.9%)
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With my third Bluegrass 10K under my belt, it's getting easier to remember the pattern. It's always hot, the distance is always tough, and going uphill on miles 4/5 is always brutal. That said, it's always fun. Pre-race prep definitely went better than last year. Had time to use the bathroom and get a decent warm-up in.

The first two miles felt very good. Initially I thought it would be tough to get out of traffic but it only took 200-400m to find some running room. Some reckless cops decided to shoot a truck+trailer through a gap in the race right in front of me, which was pretty infuriating. I probably spent longer than I should have seething about what a stupid maneuver that was.

I had to slow down considerably in the third when my legs started feeling a little heavy. Overall my pace wasn't quite what my recent races indicated I should be capable of, but I don't have a ton of experience at this distance and conditions were somewhat challenging. I'm still pretty happy with the result even if I did miss my 50 minute goal by half a second. It's always a blast going downhill on Main St to the finish and running through the big crowd.
