Run: Hill Previous Next


5:50 PM

4 mi


6:01 mi


136 lb


26 F
  • Map

Lincoln Park


did 6 loops (each loop being .66 miles) of road around lincoln park going up the longer back hill and attacking the hills hard, but not all out.

1st loop- 4:17- was just easing into the workout because i wasnt sure what it would feel like

2nd- 4:02 (8:19)

3rd- 4:03(12:21)

4th- 4:02 (16:23)

5th- 3:59 (20:22)

6th 3:41(24:03)- went hard all the way to the intersection instead of easing off at the top of the hill

felt pretty good on these. i wasnt going overly hard, but i was definitely pushing it and the hill is fairly long. need to work on form and breathing as i reached the upper parts of the hill each lap. my arms were faliing apart and my breathing was bad in recovery, but its also one of the few workouts, let alone hill workouts, that ive done in awhile so that will all come. i really didnt feel that tired afterward physically. good workout and i took a couple minute breather afterward before my cooldown
