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7:07 PM

13.5 mi


6:01 mi


70 F
  • Map



night run with nick. went from diz's to pick nick up. then took the most direct route to springbrook from his house going by gartner park and running on the side of 75th st. when we got into springbrook we went clockwise. when we hit the small decline before the underpass nick said he wanted to do a little bit of uptempo work so the pace dropped. i felt pretty fluid throughout the whole loop. with a little over a mile to go i decided to pick it up further than what nick and i had been running and finished hard down by the underpass again. after a quick pit stop, we started back up again and went out to modaff. we parted ways at gartner and i finished at diz's. overall, this was good tempo work for me while also getting a longer effort in to start the week. and cool at the same time to be able to run faster with one of my brothers
