Run: Easy Previous Next


6:25 AM

11.2 mi


6:18 mi


52 F


beautiful morning out. biked to campus to meet the guys at the corner. i started out by adding a science center loop and then we set out to do extended cress creek but went up to prairie first and then cut down to columbia. kept the pace chill throughout the run until the last mile or so as i finally was able to open up a bit. hammy still tight this morning but not terrible. its just one of those things that is nagging for a while and requires constant attention and work to get rid of so my increased stretching/rolling/strengthening should do the trick by the end of the week. overall, run was solid. watch had me 10.95 so splits were roughly 702, 655, 637, 635, 631, 623, 619, 619, 615, 612, and last mile+ was like 540 pace
