Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:00 PM

10.5 mi


5:26 mi


25 F


really solid workout on the roads. 7.5 mile tempo into a 3 mile fartlek. started off with travis, root, ethan, mcmahon, carlitos, mamerow, and aj, but after about a half mile it was travis way ahead with root following, then ethan mcmahon, and carlitos a little ahead. once we got to arrowhead i passed carlitos and maintained like a 20 meter gap behind ethan and mcmahon for the next couple miles. i finally caught up to ethan and mcmahon when we were on washington and i remained with them almost the rest of the way. i was starting to really get into a rhythm and feel good and i made a move, but then i felt pretty shitty right after and the end of the tempo was farther than i thought. i ended up finishing like 30 meters behind them because of the last .75 i fell off a little bit, but we were flying on this tempo and it was a solid effort. i did feel my left quad a little though, which would explain the soreness and tightness ive felt since then(today being wednesday night). after a short break we started into the fartlek, which was 2 on 1 off for the remainder of the run back to school. i was fatigued on this but i was still going pretty quick. overall, this was a solid workout and i think it was much better than one i couldve gotten inside. the tempo was around the 39:40 range for 7.5 and the 3 mile fartlek was roughly 17:15
