Run: Medium Long Previous Next


6:41 AM

13.5 mi


6:33 mi


167 bpm
192 bpm


24 F
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Mcdiz grass path medium LR

Very late night out after the alumni meet, so this was off ~3hours of sleep at most. Pretty cold out and very windy. Started with the whole team and several recruits. By the time we hit the grass path there was only a few of us up front. Legs actually felt good for the most part. My right hip flexor was a bit tight (ironically my left side was tight before the race yesterday but was fine today 🤷). Got moving with shem on the way back, and we rolled 6flats. Aerobically felt good for that but fought off hip tightness on both sides the last few miles. 4xstrides inside res afterward before I destroyed ishaan in soccer while wearing oofos slides
